annedauphine 36,561 Posted March 12, 2020 the very best thing you can do is get tested if you're able, love. don't feel bad about self-isolating, there's no use in taking the risk with things like this. is there a helpline you can call to talk through your symptoms? I really don't wanna go to the pharmacy but I think I'll go I just don't know if I should tell my friends I'm so scared 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 12, 2020 @[ђђing 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sugar Venom 9,659 Posted March 12, 2020 I really don't wanna go to the pharmacy but I think I'll go I just don't know if I should tell my friends I'm so scared My doctor allows online consultations via Skype because my school is far away, maybe there’s something like that? You should still call and ask though, and go in if they recommend it. You’ll feel better once it’s over with instead of putting it off and making your emotions even more intense. During your appointment you can ask if you should tell your friends/classmates etc, so you don’t have to decide for yourself. In the meantime, of course drink lots of liquids, get some vitamin C in you (get those fizzy things you dissolve in your water like Emergen-C or Airborne or whatever they’re called), disinfect your phone, doorknobs, computer keyboard/mouse, keys, toothbrush (you can put it in the dishwasher) and whatever else you might touch daily. I wish you health and strength 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aquemini 297 Posted March 12, 2020 The sooner you get advice, the best chance you have of recovering and preventing the spread. That being said, chest infections are still relatively common this time of year. I had one myself in October, long before we became aware of any of this. Although the Coronavirus is certainly concerning, it’s important to remember that 80% suffer mild symptoms and it only becomes deadly if it progresses to your lower respiratory tract. Honestly, beyond inquiring about getting tested and trying to limit outside exposure, the only thing we can all try to do is keep morale and envision a time when all of this is over. Many people talk of past epidemics such as the Spanish Flu (which was indelibly devastating), but let us remember that many still lived to tell the tale. The same goes with the fear of nuclear war in the 80s. The threat is very real, but so is the power of fear which often makes things worse (e.g. stockpiling soap so that not everybody can access it and therefore keep good hygiene practices). Believe it or not, there is an emerging field of research called Pyschoimmunology which is all testament to the influence of our psychological state on our immune systems’ function. Sorry to rant, I just wanted to provide a hopeful perspective on this. Trust me, I am worried too- I have my own health issues and am afraid to lose my only parent. However, all that we can do is be proactive and practical, take each day at a time and try our hardest not to delve down the rabbit hole of “what if?” Sending healing wishes <3 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barry 6,084 Posted March 12, 2020 Free Pornhub Premium for people in Italy lol 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,561 Posted March 12, 2020 I already told a bunch of my friends and I'm trying desperately to call the Samu but it's occupied. I'm getting increasingly stressed bc I came home from NYC w a friend that got a "flu" 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daphnedinkley 14,171 Posted March 12, 2020 Free Pornhub Premium for people in Italy lol 11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 12, 2020 Free Pornhub Premium for people in Italy lol Will change my location rnow! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Velvet Elvis 234 Posted March 12, 2020 How worse do you people thing it will get? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aquemini 297 Posted March 12, 2020 It will get worse before it gets better- but things have been getting better following the trajectory of cases in China. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jvcx 3,644 Posted March 12, 2020 I didnt actually think it would be that bad since only like 50 people have had it in Scotland but everyone has still bought all the soap and pasta and toilet paper and everything lol It's the same thing here rn... I told my bf to go buy some stuff for stock (for example we only have 2 rolls of toilet paper at home) but for some reason he didn't and now that the news are full of empty supermarkets he's like "oh shit" which is pissing me off because I told you so. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,561 Posted March 12, 2020 So! I went to the pharmacy and they told me they couldn't do anything, and they told me to call Samu, but Samu only accepts people that have fever or need oxygen so I have no luck. So I have to stay confined at home and I can't go to uni tomorrow and my font got rejected on future fonts what a great fucking day 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted March 12, 2020 YAAAAAAAAAY universities are closed in France!!!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChicaCherryCola 1,394 Posted March 12, 2020 Ok I have to say it I think I have a respiratory infection and I'm secretely shitting myself and it's the reason I'm angry and got super mad at my classmates and I can't tell them I hope you feel better soon and that it's nothing serious... Keep trying calling those helplines, one hour or another they will have to answer and even if they can't do anything because you don't have enough symptoms, at least maybe they'll be able to keep you on close call (not sure if it's how it's working there, but it's worth the try). May you get tested and see a GP soon! I live in the same county as the outbreak that started here in Washington in the life care center. The grocery stores are out of pretty much everything, and my grandpa died last week (not from corona) and barely anyone is coming to his funeral because they’re all afraid of the virus I feel so bad all our classes have been moved online, and gatherings of 250+ are cancelled for like concerts, sports games, community events etc. I hope we’re still allowed to travel I’ve been looking forward to spring break for so long I'm really sorry about your grandpa. Sending you love! Schools in my country will be closed until the end of the month, this seems so... surreal. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArtDecoDelRey 15,284 Posted March 12, 2020 school closed for up to 8 weeks omg 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 12, 2020 ... 0 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terrence Loves Me 73,142 Posted March 12, 2020 its fear manipulation and pure media brainwashing, fear is the best manipulation and control strategy (see.. religion), they want whoever gets a minor headache or chest infection to panic and go get this new "vaccine" that they've produced.. god knows what kind of poison they're trying to inject into the population but it seems to be working and its a smart idea if u ask me... ask yourself this, how does it really effect ur life rn? (even if u had it)- like if u got really sick right now and had never heard of this stupid virus u wouldn't give a damn, the illness would pass and you'd go along with your days... old people, and babies have alwaays been dying from the common cold, of course its going to look bad if only the deaths of the people that have symptons are to be broadcasted, they're not broadcasting the amount of people who are okay and who are recovering from it are they.. and ask yourself why? even if this virus was as deadly as they say it is... why on earth would they want to broadcast how deadly it is, that would be stupid, that would be the LAST thing they'd be trying to do if it were true... anyway im just gonna ignore this and go on with my life, its hard not to hear about this shit everywhere i go cus dumbasses are always calling up at the call centre asking for face masks... but yeah, these sly little bastards have got the world terrified so props to them 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 12, 2020 .... 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Angel 206,277 Posted March 12, 2020 it's really tiring to see misinformation and mass hysteria being spread around so much. majority of cases are mild, resembling a cold or mild fever/flu. it's usually not dangerous unless you are 60-70+ or already have a depleted immune system. you can stock up on lysol and hand sanitizers all you want but the reality is that coronavirus is a virus and those products only really kill bacteria so it probably won't do much. and also, just because somebody has a cough does not mean they have the coronavirus, it's sad that even has to be said. however it's still good to take precautions and follow reputable news and medical sources to keep yourself updated on what's going on. this is still a major issue but spreading mistruths and hysteria does more harm than good. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 12, 2020 I kindђшж 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites