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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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I never understood the hype for Yosemite so I went with little to no expectations listening to it but damn that's !!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes 


Also the alt cover makes way more sense 


First we feel; then we fall.

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2 minutes ago, recklessdaughter said:

Overall would y’all say Chemtrails has more of this sort of vibe...

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...or this sort of vibe?

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please nothing too specific

Hejira imo, but as a longtime Joni fan, this album actually immediately felt to me like Lana Del Rey's For the Roses. 

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I can't explain it but listening to White Dress gives me a similar feeling to listening to LA Who Am I To Love You. They both feel so personal, referencing her current life but also her past, telling a larger narrative through smaller details, revealing a lot but never telling the full story. I feel so lucky to have heard each of them.


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25 minutes ago, Yosemite said:


The album leaked in 320kbps (and I think it also leaked in FLAC) 

??? lol


my copy still sounds shitty. also i can hear people like walking and moving things in the background in a couple spots lol


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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38 minutes ago, Poor Stacy said:
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I'm really scared for the reviews. :poordat: Like genuinely. :poordat: The anxiety is hitting me today.


I kind of hate that I love the album so much because I'm going to get so mad if critics trash it.


32 minutes ago, DCooper said:


Same I'll be livid :burn:


All I have to say is hope for the best and prepare for the worst!


I love the album and really hope it gets the respect it deserves but I’m low key expecting a lot of biased reviews that are weighted more by her “damaged” image than her talent and music. 

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4 minutes ago, recklessdaughter said:

I actually meant the different vibes of just these specific songs not the albums :bebe:

I was still referring to the actual songs as far as your Hejira vs DJRD question goes! :flop: Sorry I go a little overboard whenever Joni's involved

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Just now, ShadesOfFool said:

??? lol


my copy still sounds shitty. also i can hear people like walking and moving things in the background in a couple spots lol

Then I don’t know what the hell you’ve been listening to. And also, gotta put this next thing in spoilers but 


There’s a couple of songs where Jack is talking in some parts/you can hear other stuff so that might be what you’re referring to 



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Confession: I probs would have never noticed the htd instrumental in wild at heart if it hadn’t been pointed out.. 


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I adore NFR, she really won with this album, but I'm anxious that its acclaim will outshine cocc, or that it'll draw excessive comparisons.


It would suck so much if her new work started being viewed through the lens of one album being a critical darling.


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15 minutes ago, Araby said:

I was still referring to the actual songs as far as your Hejira vs DJRD question goes! :flop: Sorry I go a little overboard whenever Joni's involved

Sorry, I misinterpreted you at first, but thanks for your answer! :kiss: Lots of people were saying the album was very country, so I was just left really confused by people’s recurring Hejira comparisons, so I wanted to use examples to figure out which it was... :um: Maybe I should just wait til it’s out to make my own conclusions. :smile3: So far I’m starting to think the album isn’t actually all that country though lol. :whatever2:


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