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Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Chemtrails Over the Country Club  

890 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Chemtrails Over the Country Club?

    • White Dress
    • Chemtrails Over the Country Club
    • Tulsa Jesus Freak
    • Let Me Love You Like a Woman
    • Wild at Heart
    • Dark But Just a Game
    • Not All Who Wander Are Lost
    • Yosemite
    • Breaking Up Slowly
    • Dance Till We Die
    • For Free

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i went on a drive through the country side today while listening to the album, and it was such a magical experience. yosemite and NAWWAL especially were heavenly. i felt like i was in a movie of some sort. i was already in love with the album, but this really solidified it for me 


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Here are my thoughts after a few days:

- White Dress is excellent still

- Tulsa is one of my least favorites surprisingly

- Her vocals are too soft on some songs

- It’s very cohesive production wise which makes it very easy to listen to

- Lyrically a lot weaker than NFR. Especially not all those who wander

- Yosemite is top 3

- Weyes and Zella outshined her on her own cover and she should’ve sang it herself

- she was right in saying the album needed one more defining song because it loses steam about half way through

- objectively a good album but it’s understandable why people aren’t vibing with it. It’s very folky and stripped back. More like sirens than her Lizzy Grant days.

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18ataWy.jpg2E3KtKZ.jpgLast year I was planning on getting a cabin for NFR release weekend so I could just experience it in a hot tub for the first time watching the sunset or something. I had my air bnb booked but had to cancel it because of course. This year I finally got to book my cabin, and I got back from hiking just in time to pour a bottle of wine and pack my bong to watch the sunset. I made a fire in the fire pit and then eventually the stars came out and Not All Who Wander was playing and I ugly cried. This is the view from my hot tub and the stars are stunning, I wish I had a fancy camera to capture them for you guys because this is too beautiful for words and this album is too tbh. That’s all 

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On 3/19/2021 at 4:36 PM, Chorli Xbox said:

I'm so sad that this album doesn't click for me... It's just boring and plain to me. I loved all of Lana's albums, NFR was great but felt simplistic to me (but still her best, don’t get me wrong), and I was already afraid she would make the production etc more simplistic.


Idk, maybe I'm just more a production whore than I thought I was. I really loved the cinematic theme of Honeymoon, trap inspired L4L, psychedelic rock Ultraviolence, dark and modern BTD+Paradise and raw yet simplistic NFR. This album feels like a more empty version of NFR to me :(

I’m a production whore too which is the reason why I hated NFR. How to Disappear is her shittiest produced song. I’m sorry. But I’m surprised that I liked this album. It’s simplistic but it has soul. NFR felt forced to me. But COCC gives me that old Lizzy Grant era with some UV elements. 

However, I wouldn’t consider this to be her best work rather more middle of the road. 

                                                                                          Lana Del Rey Ultraviolence GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

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Did anyone else think BUS was Stevie Nicks at first? :flop:

16 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

- objectively a good album but it’s understandable why people aren’t vibing with it. It’s very folky and stripped back. More like sirens than her Lizzy Grant days.

It’s weird - I love Sirens but I’m not feeling this album. I also loved NFR (her best album imo). 

  It’s not about having someone to love me anymore

This is the experience of being an American whore

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I have the same good taste of somebody’s grandma. Cool. :delish:

8 hours ago, CyberCherry said:

And here it is besties



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the tears came at Wild At Heart (despite the obvious reusing of HTD LOL), For Free made my bestie cry, White Dress was crazy, my dad and I both loved DBJAG..... I have many thoughts but its almost 2am and I have work tomorrow and hfnishdfusindfinij


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3 hours ago, CyberCherry said:

I know we all want to talk about RCS right now but my Grandma texted me her top 3 from COTCC and wanted me to post on her behalf because she can't figure out how to sign up lmao

1. White Dress
2. Tulsa Jesus Freak
3. Dance Till We Die 


I like a Grandma stan! ? And it reminded me that I still haven't asked my father what he thought of the album and what his favorite songs are. ?

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The only way to lowkey intrigue any of my contacts into listening to this beauty: changing my profile picture on messengers to 

This is free promo from the foot soldiers alright :ma:

 DYJRPfi.gif c5dd836305cb85b3253fce96ae00741c547fd6fd.gif SH8DzJM.gif
???????, ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?????

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Man this album gets better and better after every listen. Tulsa Jesus Freak is that bihh, like it's so delicate yet it hits so hard idk how to explain it but I love it so much. Yosemite is growing on me a lot especially the bridge. It's truly beautiful. 


I do think that this album is best when you listen to it from start to end. Every song connects to another etc. Like I always think ok let me listen to just one song. And I end up listening to the whole thing lol. The only song I haven't vibed yet with is For Free. Breaking up Slowly is amazing. I thought i was going to dislike it, but nope. Plus she says my name! Lol. I know that's lame, but hearing lana say it lol, makes me hate my name a little less lol. There is some songs that take a couple of listens for them to fully click with. But once they do, they click lol. I really wish she would have added "I talk To Jesus" I feel like that song would have fit perfectly somewhere on this album.


Also I know everyone pointed out that Wild At Heart is pretty much HTD, lol, but i still love it. One of my favorite songs on this album.

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