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Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Blue Banisters  

899 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Blue Banisters?

    • Text Book
    • Blue Banisters
    • Arcadia
    • Interlude - The Trio
    • Black Bathing Suit
    • If You Lie Down With Me
    • Beautiful
    • Violets for Roses
    • Dealer
    • Thunder
    • Wildflower Wildfire
    • Nectar of the Gods
    • Living Legend
    • Cherry Blossom
    • Sweet Carolina

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10 minutes ago, Jessica Apple Bottom Jean said:

Tidal has BB in masters (highest) quality. The sound is amazing, even on those 5 older songs!

Unfortunately, there’s clipping on Tidal as well. I listened last night with my headphone amp/dac setup and Beautiful and Sweet Carolina were noticeably bad. 

Further disappointing is that Apple Music doesn’t have it in master quality, just regular lossless. I didn’t hear clipping on theirs at all but the quality was generally less crisp than Tidal. 

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If You Lie Down With Me is stunning!! But I wanna appreciate the intro real quick, the piano & her vocals giving me goosebumps everytime:wowcry:

Also I get somehow Honeymoon vibes from this song because it sounds kinda romantic & dreamy :flutter::wub:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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Just now, Urbanney said:


I don’t like the album, and I don’t want Lana to get her long-sought “approval” from the critics for songs that, imo, give up a lot of the qualities that made her music unique.


A reason I’ve always loved Lana and her music is that she experimented and made something completely unique. There are some aspects/moments that are unique on this album, but overall, this feels like an album that could be sang by anyone who’s known as a singer. It’s just an album of classic/standard ballads.


Compare this to AKA, BTD, UV, HM, NFR, her unreleased music, or, hell, even Sirens, which sound like nothing else around, still, to this day. Both Blue Banisters and Chemtrails are just so dull for me for this reason. There are a few songs I really connect to off of each,, and that’s it. 


okay you don't like it and that's on you but she definitely  doesn't deserve a 60 for this project

it ain't any honeymoon or ultraviolence but wishing her to fail like this... idk seems really unfair just because you're not connecting :noparty:


1.jpg  3.jpg  2.jpg 

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2 minutes ago, Dealer Boulevard said:

If You Lie Down With Me is stunning!! But I wanna appreciate the intro real quick, the piano & her vocals giving me goosebumps everytime:wowcry:

Also I get somehow Honeymoon vibes from this song because it sounds kinda romantic & dreamy :flutter::wub:


absolutely correct. i love honeymoon and this song is a present for every honeymoon lover. I could just listen to this song for hours. barrie has to come back

its not simple its trigonometry on We Heart It

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It was so cool to hear the song title in the context of the lyric. The lyrics to the verses are so clever and fun. And it goes without saying her vocal is such a fun switch up from the usual stuff. Perfect track 

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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honestly, take COCC and BB and condense them into this

Wild At Heart

1. White Dress

2. Blue Banisters

3. Chemtrails Over The Country Club

4. White Hot Forever (Tulsa Jesus Freak)

5. Black Bathing Suit

6. Wild at Heart

7. Arcadia

8. Dark But Just A Game

9. Yosemite

10. Breaking Up Slowly

11. Violets for Roses

12. Dealer

13. Beautiful

14. Sweet Carolina

15. For Free


is she long? yes. but is she good? also yes.



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will she make it to next week's number 1 spot on billboard 200 girlies? :trisha: I'm really scared of Elton John & she hasnt even set her socials public again :krylie:



Damn he is literally blocking Blue Banisters on iTunes :trisha:

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1 hour ago, Fart Deco said:

I love Halsey’s vocals in the BBS intro.

Sorry ...those are crows..not rats..:awk:

Beautiful album from start to finish 😭😭😭😭

I'm so happy I didnt listen to the leaks!!!


Wowwww..BBS MADE ME GO ??!?!?!?!?!?#?$[+(÷*$>@[(×2[[××[#[$>÷[



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Thank you @lanadelrey for your very sweet message and many others that wrote messages like ' say what you want about @arcadialovesong02018 BUT ...'. Know that I love you all. 


Anyway, who is excited for the Colbert performance? (is it even happening? I see no promotion :o 


also anyone who lives in America, she said there would be something special today? Did you go? What was it!! So lucky! I wish I was American :(:derpna3:


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NFR and BB are on their thrones as my favourite LDR records, and HM and COTCC are fighting for the third spot… I think it’s impossible for me to like an album more than NFR, because it’s literally my favourite album of all time, but BB is insanely good, I knew from the title track that the album was going to wreak me emotionally and I was right

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Finally heard the album, and I'm not 100% into it. Here's some of my raw feelings :

the - s :

- One thing I like very much about Lana's music is that she had very distinctive artistic directions for every album she made, but with Blue Banisters it's not that clear, it's the first time I'll agree with people saying she repeats herself (Beautiful and Violets for Roses are the main exemples). I'm sure most of the songs are more-or-less old unreleased tracks so there's a strong feeling of déjà-vu for me.

Plus, this album misses a strong lead track (like OTTR, WC, HBTB, SB, VB, DBJAG) imo.

- Beautiful is pretty boring (strings or not), but I love the lyrics.

- I heard If you lie down with me 2 times and it doesn't really works on me for now. The song reminds me California btw.

the + s :

- That being said, the album is pretty cohesive. It's a ballad album, and some of them are incredible like the 3 lead singles (BB, TB, WFWF) that are among the strongest tracks she ever made imo.

- One funny thing is that I had more fun discovering the already-knew-tracks as being part of an official record than the new ones. The super new version of Thunder, Nectar, Living legend and Cherry Blossom, here mastered together, is perfect and Living Legend is def one of my fave songs from her, it's infinitely deep. 

+ I hear two completely different songs with the two Thunder versions we have now. I love them both, but differently.

- I'm mixed about Black Bathing Suit, I don't like the line "They're fucking broke and we're laughin' about them", but I like the rest of the lyrics, and I like the Beatlesesque production.

- Dealer is an incredible song, I'm really happy I never listened to the leak so I had a virgin point of view (the fake (?) synth on the leaked version is an artistic sabotage, glad I haven't discovered the track this way).

- Even if it feels like an already-heard track I really like Violet for Roses.

- Sweet Caroline is such a sweet and beautiful track - and a strong feminist song.


I don't know where to rank Blue Banisters with the others. After my first listen of COCC, I instantly knew it was my fave LDR record, but I'm not that impressed with this one. There's no surprise into it. I like it, it's a cute album, a vast record but I have no idea of its replay value for me now.

+ Excuse my english, I'm french


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