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AKA Rerelease Prayer/Manifestation/Worship thread

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1 minute ago, Greenwich Acid Cherry Pie said:









1 minute ago, the ocean said:


same photoshoot just no impact font the graphic designer in me literally has the album cover changed because it's just repulsing (the picture itself is pretty though and a textless cover would be stunning)


only thing that should be changed about the cover is the spelling

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the font for Kill Kill EP is haettenschweiler, the one for AKA is Impact


if it gets rereleased i want no changes to the production and no change to the album cover. the album cover is simple and fine, the jacket is iconic and the colour scheme is cohesive. i really wanna hear the dolby stems things of pawn shop blues, yayo and oh say can you see :trisha:

also if it gets rereleased i want a 2 disc cd with all the homemade music videos thank you very much Lana i know you have them on a hard drive somewhere :true:

tumblr_inline_nojcj6qe1j1s5i2my_400.gif gmgif.gif morrissey-flowers.gif

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1 minute ago, Greenwich Acid Cherry Pie said:

makes you wonder if the public would be more receptive to AKA's themes, now that albums like BTD and UV have been "redeemed" in the public's eyes ever since she won everyone over with NFR and COCC


do you really think her earlier albums have been "redeemed" by the public? especially after qftc? 


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considering every person who has tiktok has heard the demo pre-chorus of DMD and also Put Me In A Movie, i doubt a rerelease would alter the perception of Lana or her previous work :smokes: 


honestly i think now would be a good time to rerelease it as it’s tracks are viral, her image has been ‘redeemed’ to critics and there’s a more accepting attitude towards women in the industry and their experiences / expression of trauma through their art more so than there was 10 years ago when Lana suggested rereleasing it after Born To Die :true:


i mean, obviously there would be backlash because it’s quite on the nose lyrically and it’s a Lana Del Rey album, but i think people would look at it through a different lens now or in the future after Lana’s previous albums than they would have in 2012 after Born To Die / Paradise

tumblr_inline_nojcj6qe1j1s5i2my_400.gif gmgif.gif morrissey-flowers.gif

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I don't think the public would really have an issue with AKA. The "controversial" lyrics from Smarty and PMIAM have both gone viral on TikTok in the past, so in terms of younger people, I don't think most would have an issue with it. However, I do think it'd be interesting to see how critics would react to it now that they aren't being as harsh on her as they were 10 years ago (even though there's still some that are obviously quite rude). The only people I know for certain would start stuff about AKA would be people that already don't like Lana and want more reasons to. 


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28 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


do you really think her earlier albums have been redeemed? especially after qftc? 


i think professionally, they have been for sure, to some extent anyway - there's a sort of reticent understanding now, even if they still might think the framing is juvenile


(compared to NFR, where the songwriting itself is the exact same caliber IMO, just presented more accessibly)


the puritans who decided she was anathema after the QFTC debacle weren't exactly favorable towards her even before then


anyone who read into the usage of lolita aesthetics, for example, as ignorantly romanticized abuse and nothing more (that venn diagram is a circle) - was never going to "get it," let's be real


if that's all you got out of songs like PMIAM or Smarty, safe to say their messages just aren't for you to digest :xgiggle:


sorry this got so fake deep but like idk this is just how i feel lmao


edit 1: basically what @Leader of The Pack said as well


my point is that the people who dislike Lana for whatever reason, decided that was the hill they would die on back in 2012, and they haven't moved an inch


i don't necessarily think anyone's perception/personal opinion of her would shift if they were a casual fan (relatively speaking) discovering AKA or any of her more spicy unreleased songs, for the first time


if they can appreciate HIADT, surely they'll vibe with PSB too, you know?


edit 2: for what it's worth, i do also think re-releasing AKA at this stage would speak to a desire for authenticity that could resonate with critics today


(now that they aren't obliged to shit on her, because that isn't the "in" thing to do, anymore)


if Lana feels she's been torn down then she has nothing to lose by doubling down on the sincerity of her earlier work and "starting over" in that sense, kind of a power move



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made some re-release concept art :hooker:

i still hate the font but i know it's popular so i kept it generally the same (the font is a LITTLE different but it looks similar enough to where the difference is barely noticeable)

i also changed the placement so it works better as an image



i also made some ldr village alternate artwork ideas :makeup:





 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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2 minutes ago, the ocean said:

made some re-release concept art :hooker:

i still hate the font but i know it's popular so i kept it generally the same (the font is a LITTLE different but it looks similar enough to where the difference is barely noticeable)

i also changed the placement so it works better as an image



i also made some ldr village alternate artwork ideas :makeup:

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I've been thinking that the third one would've made a great album cover for years :heart: Love them all 


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