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Russia’s invasion into Ukraine

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Just now, West Coast said:

In French, Putin is spelled "Poutine", just like the Quebecois classic dish and it's always giving me a headache. :oprah2:


let's turn putin into poutine :true:

he'll actually be useful for something :true:


mods this is a joke don't give me a wp


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1 minute ago, TRENCH said:

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It’s weird, Since the headlines started of this conflict I’ve had this in my head:


Just now, the ocean said:


let's turn putin into poutine :true:

he'll actually be useful for something :true:

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mods this is a joke don't give me a wp



You shouldn’t get a WP for that, I’ve got you! :ma:



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11 minutes ago, the ocean said:



best case scenario: we use this as an excuse to stage a coup against putin and everything gets resolved

worst case scenario: i don't have to pay my tuition anymore :true:


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a revolution ended up happening in Russia and if history is anything to go by Putin better not rely on his army to protect him BC :oopna: :smile4: 


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1 minute ago, Macintosh Manhattan said:


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a revolution ended up happening in Russia and if history is anything to go by Putin better not rely on his army to protect him BC :oopna: :smile4: 


Last.FM | Discogs | JOYRIDE




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1 minute ago, Macintosh Manhattan said:


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a revolution ended up happening in Russia and if history is anything to go by Putin better not rely on his army to protect him BC :oopna: :smile4: 


revenge of the romanovs :true::ma:


they were shitty in their own right but that's not the point


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38 minutes ago

Missiles targeted area of railway station in Zhytomyr







️Lukashenko: there were 2-3 missile strikes from the south of Belarus at the beginning of the conflict, as Kiev deployed 3-4 missile divisions near the border


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29 minutes ago, Macintosh Manhattan said:

Putin hasn't got the fucking balls to press the red button. What will his rich friends and enablers rule over when everything is a nuclear wasteland? 


Take it as good news. He's scared. He knows he's days are numbered. The longer Ukraine and it's people stand there ground the more Putin is humiliated. The majority of Russians didn't want this needless war in the first place and know damn well his reasons for it are fictitious.  

 …and if he loses? Usually dictators who lose a war will end their own lives. Why would he care if others survive? If he loses he might as well take everybody else down with him.

The only two possibilities: 1. The military refuses to launch these bombs, 2. Somebody gets rid of Putin for us all. 

I‘m all for no. 2 tbh.


Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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Just now, BlueINK said:

 …and if he loses? Usually dictators who lose a war will end their own lives. Why would he care if others survive? If he loses he might as well take everybody else down with him.

The only two possibilities: 1. The military refuses to launch these bombs, 2. Somebody gets rid of Putin for us all. 

I‘m all for no. 2 tbh.

I hope someone John Wilkes Booth's him :scream:

Last.FM | Discogs | JOYRIDE




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It might be an unusual reaction but the more the Russian government threatens us all, the less I respect them. They‘re scum, Putin is scum. At this point I’m looking down on them as if they were gross beetles. I‘m not scared at all I have to say


I am making the rest of this comment a spoiler because I don‘t want to trigger anybody. If you don‘t want to read anything negative, don‘t read this!!


If he chooses to nuke an entire country I don‘t doubt Germany is one of his first choices. (Besides Ukraine of course) we‘re the ones ‘‘acting up’‘ the most considering how close we were to Russia not that long ago. So yeah whatever, what can I do?!
And if he just chooses to randomly nuke a few European countries and just drops something right in the middle - guess what country (among others) is pretty much in the center of Europe…that‘s right, it‘s Germany again. I‘m not scared. He‘s either gonna do it or he won‘t. 


I‘m not sure he would ever do that though or have the support of his military still. I hope not. This seems like he is really just desperate as hell. He knows he lost.


Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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Japan will sanction Putin and prime minister "indicates" nation will join Russian SWIFT ban, NHK reports 


Turkish foreign minister: Turkey recognizes the Russian invasion to Ukraine as "war"


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hes not gonna use nukes - Russia has 0 to gain from it, and his close circle of people around him know that.

Theres two scenarios imo

1) Its all a scare tactic, hes not gonna nuke anyone

2) He wants to nuke a city or country and gets assassinated by a high ranking official


lets not forget that it would be the entire world vs. Russia, because China is going to intervene at some point if it escalates and be on NATO's side. Plus, NATO's missile defense system is way more sophisticated. Russia as we know it would no longer exist, while the West would probably be alright, considering the circumstances.


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EU bans Russian news outlets Russia Today and Sputnik


European Union shutting down airspace to Russia, including private jets of oligarchs 





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