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Questions for Lana - what would you ask?

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1) what has been your happiest moment up to this day?

2) when you think about the love of your life, who comes to mind?

3) did you go on a spiritual journey during your time in the reservation, and if so, what was the outcome?

4) what's the difference in personality from Lana Del Rey to Elizabeth Woolridge Grant?

5) what's the goal for the next 5 albums?

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  1. How wide do your beliefs go?

What do you still want to find out about life?

How long have you had your current beliefs?

What are common themes you have in your dreams?

Would you ever do acting/appear even as a guest star on any TV/Movies?

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If you could ask Lana one question, what would you ask her?


(If i'm in the wrong thread sorry ahaha)


I would ask her if she still babysits and then if she does I'd tell her my parents are leaving  forever and I'm going to need a babysitter. :teehee:


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I would not ask her anything

I would just thank her for being.

For being here

For her words

For her music

For whatever comes next


If I were a musician or part of the community of musicians, I would not ask, I would listen to her ideas and attempt to help make them what she sees and hears


If I were a friend, then well, I would communicate as friends do. That she is who she is, would not be any different than if she was not who she is


I believe the media intrudes way too much, and sometimes so do "fans".

Because people tend to give a lot of mixed up bad advice


Sometimes to quote Rick Nelson-©

"Seems you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself"


There is a reason that just about every single singer in the last few years wants to be her. (including Adele).

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I swear there is a long lost thread somewhere with the same topic but oh well!



I'd ask her: What do you believe in? What do you think is out there in space? What do you think life (of all living forms) means?


I love knowing what people believe in, cause I always connect so well on all levels with people with the same/similar beliefs

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I swear there is a long lost thread somewhere with the same topic but oh well!



I'd ask her: What do you believe in? What do you think is out there in space? What do you think life (of all living forms) means?


I love knowing what people believe in, cause I always connect so well on all levels with people with the same/similar beliefs

im sure there is a thread, but im not really flipping throguh 60 pages of entertainment to get there....... the thread might've died if this topic hasnt been moved yet lol


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