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LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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6 minutes ago, Offtotheraces01 said:

I’m waving on the ipad screen,

im going back to New York scene,

I’ve always been a beauty queen


This would be so camp

as far as your eye can see,

my reputation in retrospect; so serene, 

i can’t help but think, that this is all i’ll ever be, 

a woman who just wants to smoke and get high by the sea.


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4 hours ago, QueenOfHearts said:

Wow, I didn't know these tracks existed. Can you tell me how all this happened?

It’s basically speculation on my part, but I’ll summarize what I remember.

- back when BoZ started teasing Watercolor Eyes, in December, other Twitter accounts and users here started describing the song, but a couple also said they had heard other tracks as well (not much was said, except that one was very ambiant, atmospheric, and one sounded like If You Lie Down With Me). It was also around the time Eclipse said, on ATRL, that she was exploring a new sound that would possibly begin a new cycle of albums. At the time, we didn’t know that WCE was a soundtrack song only (we thought it was part of LDR9 :eek3:). I don’t think that Eclipse’s assumption was made just by listening to WCE only. 
- in winter or early spring, Honeymouns said in his IG story that WCE was part of a couple songs sent to Euphoria but that only WCE got picked by show.

I put two and two together about those tracks circulating back in December, in small circles and the Euphoria songs. I could be wrong though and we have no idea if those rejected songs will be on the next album (same thing happened with Big Eyes, where that track and I Can Fly got picked, but the demo to BPBP and the Good Life got tossed aside). 

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27 minutes ago, sad angel forever said:

My manifestation for LDR9 is the tracks has the vibe of: MTWBT, Cherry, West Coast, Off To The Races, In My Feelings, Dealer, Black Bathing Suit, High By The Beach, Buddy's Rendezvous & Summertime (Gershwin Version) :hair::makeup2::illumilana2:

Btw Hi everyone, I'm a new member here, hope you all have a wonderful day :kiss: 

you to babe.

And yes, MTWBT, WC, OTTR, IMF, dealer & BBS??? you are taste-certified

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5 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

É basicamente especulação da minha parte, mas vou resumir o que me lembro.

- quando o BoZ começou a provocar Watercolor Eyes, em dezembro, outras contas do Twitter e usuários aqui começaram a descrever a música, mas alguns também disseram que ouviram outras faixas também (não foi dito muito, exceto que uma era muito ambiente, atmosférica, e um soava como If You Lie Down With Me). Foi também na época em que Eclipse disse, no ATRL, que estava explorando um novo som que possivelmente iniciaria um novo ciclo de álbuns. Na época, não sabíamos que o WCE era apenas uma música da trilha sonora (pensávamos que fazia parte do LDR9  :eek3:). Eu não acho que a suposição do Eclipse foi feita apenas ouvindo WCE. 
- no inverno ou no início da primavera, Honeymouns disse em sua história no IG que o WCE fazia parte de algumas músicas enviadas para o Euphoria, mas que apenas o WCE foi escolhido por show.

Juntei dois e dois sobre essas faixas que circulavam em dezembro, em pequenos círculos e as músicas da Euphoria. Eu posso estar errado e não temos ideia se essas músicas rejeitadas estarão no próximo álbum (a mesma coisa aconteceu com Big Eyes, onde essa faixa e I Can Fly foram escolhidas, mas a demo para BPBP e Good Life foi deixada de lado ). 

Thank you very much for explaining this situation. This all really makes sense.

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1 minute ago, QueenOfHearts said:

Thank you very much for explaining this situation. This all really makes sense.

Like I said, I don’t know anything for sure. And it would mean that Honeymouns wasn’t trolling, which they sometimes do in their stories. 
and as of the « how » those leaks happened in the first place,  🤷🏼

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21 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

Como eu disse, não tenho certeza de nada. E isso significaria que Honeymouns não estava trollando, o que às vezes eles fazem em suas histórias. 
e a partir do “como” esses vazamentos aconteceram em primeiro lugar,   🤷🏼

I think this theory has a lot of coherence. If they got information about WCE, they could certainly have accessed possible other songs. I hope we know these songs soon.

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8 hours ago, Brow Bone said:

lana's transition from COCC and BB to the DNC era as predicted by roger the alien 


she’s a living walking hallmark movie 


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11 hours ago, LOVE said:

Lana could sleep and snore on the studio piano, she just needs Johnny Blueeyes back on deck for LDR9's promo and tour lewks

YES where is he


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13 hours ago, DragonWhore said:

psychadelic trip 

half moon bay 

for Jim, I will stay 

this is what i NEED :omg:

7 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

I hope she goes all out with her story and calls the album Karmic Lineage 

might be an unpopular opinion but im tired of the story… a couple songs about her story would be fine though. i feel like bb was so heavy with those topics and we need something lighter n fresher. 

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12 minutes ago, Fart Deco said:

I think we need beats at this point.


This. It won't hurt you, Lana. Some killer drums.

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1 hour ago, QueenOfHearts said:

I think this theory has a lot of coherence. If they got information about WCE, they could certainly have accessed possible other songs. I hope we know these songs soon.

Ever since we got three previously leaked songs on BB, I hope she releases them on the album or the next. I’m now a bit scared when a new completed song leaks… it kinda spoils their place on the album if not reworked if she decides to release them officially  ( I know, I could decide not to listen to the leaks, but I have no control) 

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18 minutes ago, mlittle11 said:

might be an unpopular opinion but im tired of the story… a couple songs about her story would be fine though. i feel like bb was so heavy with those topics and we need something lighter n fresher. 

Yeah me too and what does that even mean? That her ancestors did shitty things and she now has to pay for it?? Because she seems to be blaming her "karmic lineage" for every negative reaction she gets. She even talked about it in her Variety speech and connected it to criticism for things like QFTC. Like, could it just be that you got critisized for QFTC because you simply phrased it awfully? It's not always your ancestors' negative energy that gets you into trouble :tea:


Anyway, might just depend on what you believe in I guess and I'm not attacking anybody's belief. But she's talked about it enough, that's for sure. 


Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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