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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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asdfghjkl so today at uni, I took the lift and I overheard someone listening to L+F (they were listening to You)!! I was gonna strike up a conversation with them, but before I could do that, the doors opened for my floor. So I started walking out, but then I thought NO I must put an end to my social awkwardness!! I span round in an attempt to talk to her, but completely mis-timed it and full on slammed myself into the side of the doors of the lift, then let out a slightly hysterical laugh, and pointed to my L+F necklace.


Her mortified expression made me realise I looked like a complete nutter and legged it before embarrassing myself further... 

giphy.gif ldrclashsmall3.png


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I appreciate that she has taken a step back from being the intricate and detail oriented artist that she is, at least on the surface of this album.

The theme is so simple but extremely powerful. The fact the CD is split between Love & Fear is honestly crazy smart. This might be my favorite Marina album ever.


I agree that lyrically it's not up to par with some of her other work. And I also agree that it's the most palatable and radio friendly Marina we have ever heard. 


But I disagree with those saying this is her worst album. The growth that she shows from Fear & Loathing to Soft to be Strong is really powerful. It honestly feels like she's found someone who has grounded her and accepted her fears, and done everything they can to show her they're there for her. You have to just listen and try to relate to it more than before, where she laid out the theme and all the concepts flat for us. She gave us the basic template and left it open for interpretation. IMO, a very well done release. 


I can relate so hard, all of my relationships have ended because of my overwhelming fears that end up pushing people away. The Love side is the truth she has come to find out, and the Fear side is her reminding herself that she has the power to control how she feels. 


I might be biased because I met a guy I've been talking to for months the day Love came out, and we've spent every waking moment of every day together since 3 weeks ago and I'm falling so quickly for him. Superstar describes him perfectly, he never judges all of my fears.

But my Fears are starting to come back to the surface and hold me back. The second half of this album coming out today could not have been any more perfect timing for me personally, so I resonate with it very strongly.


Overall this is still an evolution of Marina, and something new for her to try, and the album she feels the most passionate about. I don't think we should compare her old work to this, because when you compare anything to something else, there's so much room for disappointment. Sit back and enjoy L&F's problems, you don't always have to solve em.

This album is great to me. I love it as much as her other albums. I didn't even know people hated Froot on here. Soft to be Strong is the perfect album closer.  :squidward:

I didn't know there was a soul in the world who could hate FROOT. and yesssss sis I couldn't agree more, STBS is the best song to end Fear with bc of how fucking positive it is. She isn't controlled by her fear anymore. I love it.


Here is a link to all streaming services where you can stream my new single, "The Prophecy" :party:

Critics are saying: "It's pretty much the best thing ever" - Anthony Fantano

and "It would be super cool if you listened to it. It may surprise you with how not-bad it is.  It's actually pretty good" - a genuinely unbiased and actual casual pop music listener

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L+F is so good, def not a disappointment for me. It's something different than what she has done before. There are some songs that have simple lyrics, but tbh that's not a bad thing, not all songs have to be deep with complex lyrics. Out of the 16 songs I only dislike one, True (i gotta admit the lyrics from True are real corny) But other than True I like each song. I def like FEAR more than LOVE, but my fave song overall is End Of The Earth, a cinematic masterpiece. My fave from FEAR is Believe In Love. Those 2 are honestly 2 of my favorite songs of her in general. I'm so glad Marina didn't actually quit music like she was going to. 


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i'm not hung up on the lyric part of the album because I care more about the sound of a song and not its lyric. I mean i care about the lyrics of a song but not the contents of the lyrics, more about the how well the lyrics find the song in its sound pockets). It's nice if I can relate to them but im pretty empty inside soo lol


anyways sound the the album grew on me but i digested it so fast. its insane, its like one moment i was enjoying it and within a few days i was over it. 

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That was so bad omg... Worse than I actually expected.


Love is definitely much better than Fear in most senses.


Believe In Love is decent at least.


Superstar, Enjoy Your Life and End of the Earth are my favorites.


Also, I always rememeber that some member once said To Be Human was her best composition... I wonder what they meant by composition because it's bad both lyrically and musically :rip:

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I wonder what they meant by composition because it's bad both lyrically and musically :rip:

Girl I'm sorry but To Be Human is honestly one of the best songs she's ever written and the heavenly production makes it even more beautiful :rip:

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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Just finished listening to Fear... Some songs are great like Believe In Love, You, Soft To Be Strong and Karma. However, all of them sound the same to me. There's nothing interesting about them, they all have very bland production and lyrics. Although however, I don't think they're bad, just not interesting enough or nothing new/innovative.


No More Suckers is the worst song on both albums, it dethroned Superstar as the worst song. They are both tragic, but NMS lyrics are horrible and a MESS. What was she even thinking?????


LOVE >>> FEAR imo, now I understand why she released LOVE first. I really hope these songs grow on me after I listen to them more 'cause I really do love Marina a lot. 




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Girl I'm sorry but To Be Human is honestly one of the best songs she's ever written and the heavenly production makes it even more beautiful :rip:


Sincerely asking, why do you think the lyrics are so damn good?

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