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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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o my fucking god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will be seeing that bitch live???????????????????????????????????????????????????????


you're the last person to deserve either one of them


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you're the last person to deserve either one of them


me bopping to Love + Fear and Super Sunset after I spent a year trashing them




the fact Im gonna see charli, marina and allie in the span of 4 days... the lord is rewarding me for having taste

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the fact Im gonna see charli, marina and allie in the span of 4 days... the lord is rewarding me for having taste


lol same tho, except for all three of them two days in a row


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a troye stan coming for marina


no words


i love marina but l+f is her worst like the lyrics can't compare to the masterpieces that Froot and Electra Heart had, still if you like to be delulu and think that this is one of her best works I'm not the one to tell you otherwise, I just hope that you have your clown makeup on

Edited by callmedecember


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and your point is?


cardi b's album got 84 on metacritic so like..


let's talk about Pitchfork and how L+F has a 5.4 while Bloom has a 7.5 then


btw, we're not saying that the album is /bad/ or that you shouldn't listen to it or that you shouldn't like it, we're saying that it's her worst compared to what she's done before, and that's not attacking her or whatever you think, it's being objective and unbiased

Edited by callmedecember


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Nobody asked but I just remembered that for the whole first year of listening to Marina (basically all of 2013) I thought her name was Mariana, like the Mariana Trench. And when this guy (gay ofc lol <3) at my school saying he had Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds stuck in his head, I was like "don't you mean Mariana?" And he's like "wtf are you talking about".

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me bopping to Love + Fear and Super Sunset after I spent a year trashing them




the fact Im gonna see charli, marina and allie in the span of 4 days... the lord is rewarding me for having taste


more like feeling sorry for you because you literally have the worst taste of any person on this forum, or in life.

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more like feeling sorry for you because you literally have the worst taste of any person on this forum, or in life.



You literally think The Family Jewels is her worst album you have no credibility whatsoever

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Love and Fear is my fave album from her atm. EH is amazing yeah but it’s like Marina herself said, those songs are still there and you can remember when they were relatable but they’re just not anymore because we aren’t teenagers anymore. FROOT is cute and fun, TFJ is great but I rarely listen to it nowadays whereas I listen to a L&F song at least once a day.


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Taste is subjective and I think when her albums are as different from each other as they are, we are never gonna reach a consensus on which one is the best.
I think there are arguments to make for all of them being her best.
From 2010 till now I always thought TFJ was her best cause of the lyrics and melodies but recently I’m appreciating so much of the production done by her and David on FROOT that I kinda think it might be her best? I think she pushing a lot of boundaries on that album but in quite a subtle way. But then again EH has songs like Fear and Loathing, Starring Role, Valley of the Dolls etc like career highlights and a lot of my favourite Marina songs ever, as well as the whole visual story which I think was really ahead of its time for a pop artist  - so is that her best?
Idk I think any of her albums could be considered her best work cause they all offer something different.


edit: never posting from my phone again omg so many mistakes.

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imo FROOT is deffo her best work, there is something about it that is just.... I literally can't describe it, like EVERY song is perfect to me and although the videos are quite simple, there is something about the FROOT and Neon Nature aesthetic that I love. Idk, it just feels like I am home when I listen to FROOT :flutter:


But yeah, all of Marina's albums are phenomenal in their own right! They all have something unique to offer which other albums can't match up to!

giphy.gif ldrclashsmall3.png


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The only thing about the L+F era which lacks is the tour itself imo. At least we have backup dancers I love that ♡ I went to the neon nature tour and it was so amazing (the colors, the band, the big screen) . Can someone in here who went to both tours say how is it like? It looks like she didnt get Atlantics budget to make a more shining tour (I mean she was a Lollapalooza headliner like...) or maybe she wanted to be clean and simple with the tour

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You literally think The Family Jewels is her worst album you have no credibility whatsoever


It's my least liked, but it's not a bad album. You should really learn to stop being such a moaning little entitled bish - your life will improve dramatically.

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