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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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You know, this thread is really depressing because of shit like this. It’s really one thing to dislike something, but it’s another to kill the hype or enjoyment for others when all they want when they visit this thread is to have productive discussions about Marina’s work or get news about the tour or just fuck around and laugh. I’ve lost the hype concerning Lana, but I’m not going to be dragging others down by constantly saying “the NFR promo is bad” and telling people to “get over it.” I think it’s been done 295710 times enough and if someone’s happy at this point that we’re getting anything at all, then that’s fine.And you know what? Cool if any of you respond to the posts I just made, but I’m not going to respond because I can already predict it’ll be a repeat of what you already said. I’m just done with this thread.

omg are you serious? I spent months trying to have productive discussions with my “essays” for which I was mocked and called a hater


You don’t want a discussion, you just want people to praise the album...


People really just need to learn that you can like something even though it’s not that good and it’s completely ok, like, BADLANDS is a mess and just generally a bad album but I like it, and there’s nothing wrong with that

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omg are you serious? I spent months trying to have productive discussions with my “essays” for which I was mocked and called a hater


You don’t want a discussion, you just want people to praise the album...


People really just need to learn that you can like something even though it’s not that good and it’s completely ok, like, BADLANDS is a mess and just generally a bad album but I like it, and there’s nothing wrong with that


how do you like something that you also think is bad?


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miranda cosgrove could literally sing any song on l+f and it would work because its bland, generic, noninspiring pop

Ex-fucking-cuse me??? Love + Fear WISHES it had a track as deep and brilliantly written as Sayonara from Miss Miranda's High Maintenance EP!


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Ex-fucking-cuse me??? Love + Fear WISHES it had a track as deep and brilliantly written as Sayonara from Miss Miranda's High Maintenance EP!https://youtu.be/xXH0z0tn-SQ

it exists and it's titled 'To Be Human'

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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it exists and it's titled 'To Be Human'

To Be Human is a SHITSTAIN on mankind. There is NOTHING deep or brilliantly written about it. The lyrics are an incoherent, try-hard mess and nothing about it is remotely intellectual.


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I wasn’t supposed to say this but a friend of mine has To Be Human demo and it wasn’t originally called like that but “Touristic Guide of Communist Leaders’ Graves”


Here are the scrapped lyrics of the first verse:


Go to Russia, see the red square

Lenin’s body lying dead there

Stay in Russia, see the red square again

Stalin’s body lying dead there too

Go to Santa Clara, see the statue

Che Guevara’s body lying dead there

Go to Santiago De Cuba, see the monument

Fidel Castro’s ashes lying dead


It’s so beautiful imo, and it’s such a shame she scrapped these lyrics cause they really make sense and show a different, deep and more vulnerable side to this hauntingly beautiful song

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I wasn’t supposed to say this but a friend of mine has To Be Human demo and it wasn’t originally called like that but “Touristic Guide of Communist Leaders’ Graves”

Here are the scrapped lyrics of the first verse:

Go to Russia, see the red square

Lenin’s body lying dead there

Stay in Russia, see the red square again

Stalin’s body lying dead there too

Go to Santa Clara, see the statue

Che Guevara’s body lying dead there

Go to Santiago De Cuba, see the monument

Fidel Castro’s ashes lying dead

It’s so beautiful imo, and it’s such a shame she scrapped these lyrics cause they really make sense and show a different, deep and more vulnerable side to this hauntingly beautiful song

I know this is just a thinly veiled insult but it’s fucking FUNNY

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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omg are you serious? I spent months trying to have productive discussions with my “essays” for which I was mocked and called a hater


You don’t want a discussion, you just want people to praise the album...


People really just need to learn that you can like something even though it’s not that good and it’s completely ok, like, BADLANDS is a mess and just generally a bad album but I like it, and there’s nothing wrong with that

I apologize if I missed out on your analytical posts. I do want discussions.

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