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Just now, Semafori said:

If they knew how to shortly take down the website, they definitely are smart enough to know how EASY it is to spoof a caller ID. 

They didn’t know how to take down the site, they tricked Elle into doing it. 

It’s also hard to spoof text, espc if it was iMessage. 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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Just now, Mer said:

They didn’t know how to take down the site, they tricked Elle into doing it. 

It’s also hard to spoof text, espc if it was iMessage. 

Oh thanks for the clarification, i didn’t understand from elles post that it was just social engineering, and no spoofing is in no way extremely complex for someone who knows what they are doing.

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This is so fucked up. I’m sorry someone did this to you, Elle, and thank you for everything you do. This community has been a regular visit for me for years now. 

  It’s not about having someone to love me anymore

This is the experience of being an American whore

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it’s really crazy that somebody really thought it would’ve been “funny” to do this to you, to trick you into thinking that something which was so important to you was about to be taken down, as well as the fact that this was some random person who managed to find your phone number & harass you in the middle of the night


if this helps with you figuring out who did this, perhaps this was somebody who got banned? & perhaps they’re trying to get back at you, regardless, this is really crazy & whoever did this really needs to get a life, it’s so immature & foolish


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43 minutes ago, Semafori said:

If they knew how to shortly take down the website, they definitely are smart enough to know how EASY it is to spoof a caller ID. 

i think that mighve been Elle, thinking that the call was real at the time

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That is terrifying and not something to joke about at all. I’m so glad everything’s okay now, but I am so, so sorry to hear that your privacy has been invaded like that. Sending you peace and love, and hope that whoever did this is able to own up and put this all to rest. 

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1 hour ago, Surf Noir said:

it’s really crazy that somebody really thought it would’ve been “funny” to do this to you, to trick you into thinking that something which was so important to you was about to be taken down, as well as the fact that this was some random person who managed to find your phone number & harass you in the middle of the night


if this helps with you figuring out who did this, perhaps this was somebody who got banned? & perhaps they’re trying to get back at you, regardless, this is really crazy & whoever did this really needs to get a life, it’s so immature & foolish


adding to this, it’s possible that whoever did this was aware that there’s been a lot of discussion around leaks lately, with these two new snippets being so recent, & a demo of i talk to jesus leaking, whoever did this could be an active member, i’m hoping this all can be solved & we can take the appropriate actions towards it


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1 hour ago, Surf Noir said:

if this helps with you figuring out who did this, perhaps this was somebody who got banned? & perhaps they’re trying to get back at you, regardless, this is really crazy & whoever did this really needs to get a life, it’s so immature & foolish


I also think it's someone who got banned

1.jpg  3.jpg  2.jpg 

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All the possibilities, opportunities and dreams in this world. But imagine spending life distressing people at 2 AM instead. Just embarrassing - I'm so sorry you're having to go through this! :ohno:

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Hi all, I just woke up a little bit ago as I ended up staying awake until past 6am feeling angry, stressed, worried, and extremely violated. I still feel that way now. This was a major overstep of privacy, respect, and personal boundaries.

I first want to thank you all for your messages of support, that really means a lot. You all know how much I care about this place and all of our members, and I hate that this prank was trying to target that.


I also just wanted to generally answer some thoughts people were saying in regards to who this could've been - 

I did not recognise the voice from the phone call. The caller I spoke with who had identified as Bridgette (and later as Dez over text) had no discernible accent. They had a typical, American-sounding feminine voice. However, I also believe this person could actually be from Canada or the UK as they used British English spelling in some words, but they could have just done that to throw me off.

I do believe the number they contacted me from is a spoofed number likely obtained through a text app. The area code was a Santa Rosa, CA / 707 area code, but again, I don't believe this number is a true indication of where this person is located. It was not an iMessage number but rather a standard SMS number, and the dial tone and voicemail note sounded strange when I attempted to call back.

However, I do strongly believe this was someone here from LanaBoards that I do not know personally.

The fact that the backbone of their prank was threatening to have the site taken down due to recent posts means that this person is actively monitoring the site. Though they did bring up the name of my ex-girlfriend when asked how they received my number, my ex is a fellow prominent Lana fan and our relationship was quite public when we were together. Anyone who kept tabs on our Instagram or Twitter, which were infiltrated within the Lana fandom, would have known we were together as it was rather public knowledge. Once the prank was revealed, I asked if it was her herself doing this, and the person said, "Honestly I just said (my ex's name) to fuck with you. She doesn't care to prank you lol." So, I really don't believe it was her or anyone in her circle. Mostly because it would be incredibly out of character to call me in the middle of the night for a prank after several years of not speaking. Her and her group of friends are also not active users on LanaBoards. Last night, I did attempt to reach out to her to ask if she was involved in this, but she still has me blocked on everything so I couldn't get ahold of her. Now that I've slept on it and feel certain she actually wasn't involved, I have no further intention of trying to get ahold of her to ask about this as I'm not sure it's worth opening up old wounds for something that would likely be fruitless.

As much as I would truly like to get police/phone company involved and have been strongly considering doing this, I also worry that will be fruitless since the number is likely spoofed and therefore untraceable.


My main concern at this point is how this person received my personal phone number.

I keep a very small personal circle nowadays. Any personal friends who know that I run this site as well as the name of my ex-girlfriend have confirmed they're not involved, and I trusted that they were not anyway. The people in my life are good people who are above trying to freak me out at 2am.

My phone number is not available on any public profiles of mine. I try to keep a very private life. In fact, the only social media I now use is Instagram in which I share personal moments of my life sparingly, after I dealt with a pretty scary stalker situation a couple of years ago that scared me off of all social media for an entire year. I was even gone from LanaBoards for awhile that year too due to all the distress if you all remember that.

I also typically never answer phone calls from unknown numbers, but I answered this one because as I mentioned in the original post, I will be working on set for the next several days, and people from my casting agency are known to call at late hours if there is some immediate issue. They essentially work 24/7 and call from various numbers. Because this call woke me at 2am, that's sort of who I expected it to be from and why I answered. Never answering my phone again lol.

I have actually been unexpectedly called by a LanaBoards member before about a year or two ago as someone called me from a hidden number, but they then revealed who they were and it was someone I had knowingly given my number to from the site, and they said they had gotten a new phone and were calling people to see who all the numbers were in their contacts. Though that seemed strange since they called from a hidden number, I do believe there were no real bad intentions behind that, and trust that this person was not involved in this situation.


I am strongly considering changing my phone number if this person does not come forward, or the person who provided them my phone number. That frustrates me, as I shouldn't have to go out of my way to do that.

& just a message to the person behind this if they are reading this, I may be the owner of LanaBoards, but I am a real person with a real life. I cannot reiterate enough how immature and inappropriate it was to call and wake me at 2am on a Monday and then keep me awake to fill me with stress and anxiety for several hours doing this. At the risk of sounding whiney, this honestly has skewed my whole week. I'm anxious about the fact of my personal number being passed around to strangers, and my sleep has already been affected at a very inconvenient time given the busy workweek I have ahead of me. I hope you feel some remorse about the situation and will step forward.

Thank you x



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whoever did this, or whoever was involved, should really be the bigger person & come clean about it, this is beyond childish behavior, it’s crazy to think that this could be somebody we interact with! but my gut is telling me that they’re mostly a lurker who doesn’t post, nearly everybody here is so kind & decent, i can’t imagine why anybody who’s active here & engages with the community would think to do this


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14 minutes ago, Elle said:



My main concern at this point is how this person received my personal phone number.

I keep a very small personal circle nowadays. Any personal friends who know that I run this site as well as the name of my ex-girlfriend have confirmed they're not involved, and I trusted that they were not anyway. The people in my life are good people who are above trying to freak me out at 2am.

My phone number is not available on any public profiles of mine. I try to keep a very private life. In fact, the only social media I now use is Instagram in which I share personal moments of my life sparingly, after I dealt with a pretty scary stalker situation a couple of years ago that scared me off of all social media for an entire year. I was even gone from LanaBoards for awhile that year too due to all the distress if you all remember that.

I also typically never answer phone calls from unknown numbers, but I answered this one because as I mentioned in the original post, I will be working on set for the next several days, and people from my casting agency are known to call at late hours if there is some immediate issue. They essentially work 24/7 and call from various numbers. Because this call woke me at 2am, that's sort of who I expected it to be from and why I answered. Never answering my phone again lol.





Okay sis, i think you should contact to an authority at this point. Report to the police, because i am afraid these kinds of people might even know your address and all those stuff.


They did prank you for the sake of fucking around with you but there are crazy motherfuckers among us. 

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Not whiny at all. I take internet security extremely seriously, to the point where I deleted a status last night bc someone could’ve reverse image searched the photo and discovered my current city. 

It is a violation in every sense of the word. In terms of how they could get your phone number, was it ever connected to a social account you had? Or even a PayPal account (since I know some of us have paid you via PayPal for supporters and ad free—but then again I highly doubt someone who paid to support the site would also want to trick you into taking it down. I hope not anyways)?


I’m so sorry you had to go thru this and if you ever need support pls let any of us know. 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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