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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023

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In my opinion, I can see why this album could be 7/10 or 8/10 for some people. Is it because the album is not good? No, it's actually the opposite.


The album is great, but it's different. It took elements from her past albums, such as eerie vibes, melancholic and rich production, beautiful vocals and confessional and wordy lyrics. It's the perfect middle ground between raw but polished. Something that, again in my opinion, Blue Banisters failed to. 


This album is not easily accessible for those who don't go in with an open mind. Those who think know who Lana is, realize they don't actually know after the first few songs. She is not your average manufactured popstar, she's a human being who also happens to be an artist. She's fragile, clumsy, honest... She talks about her personal life in a way she hasn't before. She doesn't need metaphors to hide the truth; this time the truth is just revealed as it is. 

Her past is dark, her experiences were traumatic, but her future seems to be brighter. Or at least, that's what she hopes for. 


She's not making music exclusively for the critics, nor for the fans. The music is for herself. It might allow her to heal, to move on from her trauma. Even if you listen to the more upbeat songs, they're not your average "bops", they also hold some truth in them.


The album is deep and heavy. Some of the lyrics are hard to analyze without getting a headache. Some are about love or heartbreak, some about family and friends... but they're different. They're about HER experiences in that field, not a song you could easily relate to unlike many others songs about the same topic. That is, of course, unless you've been through similar experiences.


It takes more than one listen to fully understand what's going on. Like I said, if you don't go with an open mind, you might not enjoy it. And that's fine. Maybe the album is not for you, maybe the "new Lana" is not for you.

I understand we all have different opinions, but to say something is bad when you haven't given it a second chance is... rather disappointing. 

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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11 hours ago, American Whore said:

You all need to realize, critics are not fans of the music they listen to. They listen to so many new releases that they would probably not even play the same thing twice. An 80/100 or 8/10 is a high enough review that that's not bad. that's 4/5 stars. Considering some of the lyrics on this album, specifically at the end and i don't want to put this in spoilers because I'm not spoiling anything, I'm surprised they didn't feel any type of way. Maybe they didn't pay attention to the lyrics, who knows. But they aren't Lana fans. They've probably heard her music before, they know it's good but they don't find it to be life changing. A lot of us have a grandiose expectation from her and sometimes we feel we get what we want so it's automatically "brilliant" and the music IS good imo, but I couldn't see this being a 10/10, 100/100 album. It's good, but at the same time it's long in places that shouldn't be and short in places it shouldn't be. The interludes are about 2 minutes too long, the last three tracks of the album are about 3 minutes too short each track, and the album is still good. 

The critics never love Lana, it's something we'll always have to deal with. Lana needs to accept it herself. Realize the music is there for those who care to listen and who care to give it a try, but it's also not going to hit with everyone. Sometimes her music is only for some people who get it. 


Judging by Lana's posts, it seems she understands this and that must be the point of this album. That the critics aren't going to like it and she understands this, just like I was saying. Some may, if they get it they get it, but if not then so be it. She's making the music she likes making and I'm here for it. The more content she has, the more she has to write about and more ideas she wants to put in our ears, I'm fine with it. Even if it's something the critics don't get. 


There's something about getting older which is funny I'm in my mid 20s but there's something about that and caring less about what other people think. Sometimes that can be destructive but clearly Lana has used it to her advantage, rather than destroying her career or her discography. Look at Kanye, he's done the opposite of what she's done meanwhile he's been put to such high expectations nobody's ever really satisfied by what he's doing anymore. Then again, he's also making Nazi jokes or Nazi statements so there's that too... but it's just interesting seeing two very opposite perspectives of the same idea happening, almost mirroring each other. Lana doesn't care because she expects bad reviews and expects to be shat on so she's making some of her least held back, most vulnerable lyrics, meanwhile Kanye expects high praise and high reviews so in ways he doesn't care anymore because he sees himself as a narcissistic genius. 


I guess my point here is that Lana is still somehow in her prime. Whether this is a 10/10 or a 5/10, the woman has managed to continue writing some of her best work this far into her discography. It reminds me of what I thought after UV, HM, and NFR released-- it just makes me wonder where she goes from here. 


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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1 minute ago, Max683 said:

Does anyone else think watercolour eyes is better than every song on the new album?



"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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Sorry for the long rant :eartha: 

I'm just tired of seeing the same people using the same excuses to bash Lana and her music. It's okay to dislike something, but if you're not going with an open mind... AFTER her last three albums, then it might be time to accept Lana is not appealing to you anymore :bebe:

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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                                                                                                   Sitting on my sofa ... Super suicidal :judgingu3:


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8 minutes ago, tulsa jesus freaks said:

four days til yall realize that the digital version is the same as the vinyl version

The digital version will have glitch pop and the later pressings will have it. If she were a cunning business woman:mj2:

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12 minutes ago, Vertimus said:

So many members trash BB openly and unapologetically, without concern for "bringing down the vibe" of those who like it, but won't hear anyone say a 'bad' word in the present about OC. The snake eats its own tail.  


bb is not as bad as everyone says and ob is not as good as everyone says

its not simple its trigonometry on We Heart It

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6 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

This isn’t just an echo chamber to say how great everything is. I want to see constructive criticism and opinions not just ‘magnum opus 10/10’  I think we should embrace all reactions here like or dislike.  Society is getting more intolerant to anything perceived as negative or critical, instead of accepting it’s just part of normal human expression. I think we should accept some fans won’t like the album and that’s ok. 

'constructive criticism'. Sure.

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2 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

This isn’t just an echo chamber to say how great everything is. I want to see constructive criticism and opinions not just ‘magnum opus 10/10’  I think we should embrace all reactions here like or dislike.  Society is getting more intolerant to anything perceived as negative or critical, instead of accepting it’s just part of normal human expression. I think we should accept some fans won’t like the album and that’s ok. 

Right. It's a forum, not an echo chamber. The purpose is not to comfort and support the emotional fragility of the immature, who find every disagreeing opinion to their own a threat and an attack. Of course some fans and Stans won't like OC, and some professional critics won't as well. Of course

I'm surprised this go-around how many members I thought were more emotionally mature have been throwing around outrageous words and accusations, and then stepping back and saying, "Who? Me? Innocent me?" So full of love for what they like and so full of bile for everything else. They're caught in a conondrum and must be in their overall lives as well. 

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53 minutes ago, Jeanne Dielman said:

Yes. I am done with this. The negativity is just overbearing at this point. 


What a dreadful 30 pages I just read :wowcry:


Anyways, the reviews are good but she deserves better and some of them are just so carelessly written that it's frustrating. It's fine if you don't like something but find a different career if you don't want to review thoughtfully. I still think Pitchfork is gonna pull through with a rave. 

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