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not yall returning a vinyl based off of the fucking shade of it :thumb3:


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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18 hours ago, American Whore said:

not yall returning a vinyl based off of the fucking shade of it :thumb3:

i meannnnn it’s not a different shade, it’s a whole different color rly so it’s kind of valid imo.. like that was straight up false marketing 


me personally i prob won’t be returning it but i cant  blame people who are :trisha: 

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My necklace shipped :gasp: i thought it wasn't shipping until the 31st!!

Edit: false alarm. only 1 thing (the t-shirt box) from the order that includes my necklace shipped, not the necklace... #slightlydisappointed

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I’m jealous with all these variants. I truly regret cancelling my indies exclusive order because it backfired me and now I’m stuck with the white vinyl :crai:





"Some days are for falling in love with people, some days for cities, and some for your time in solitude."

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7 minutes ago, wilting daisy said:

we're not returning it. we're keeping it but getting partial refunds bc we can :hottie:

wait but is that a thing? bc gurl :true: i'll take part :bebe:


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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1 minute ago, Let the Light In said:


On a side note "Limited editon green vinyl + alternative artwork" in bold red letters on the bottom left corner bothers me a little.

It's probably just a clear hype sticker

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1 minute ago, American Whore said:

wait but is that a thing? bc gurl :true: i'll take part :bebe:

according to other users if the colour isn't as advertised and you complain they'll let you keep it but give you a partial refund. not sure if it'll actually work but its worth a try.


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1 minute ago, wildflowerwildfire said:

it’s just a hype sticker 


1 minute ago, shadesofyayo said:

oh god :facepalm: that better just be a part of the wrapping


1 minute ago, rosemead ramada said:

It's probably just a clear hype sticker


Does that mean you can take it off?



I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it


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