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Do you think Lana has any psychiatric diagnoses?

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People who have depressions are generally not normal. They are thinking different. Lana's songs weren't so melancholy and dark when she wouldn't be in depressions. So yes I think she was or is psychic "sick".

It's kinda cool being sick!

In rap music you often say: man, dope rapper, sick lyrics!

So in the world of hip hop it's nothing new!

Lana's just revolutionized the world of POP music

http://www.youtube.com/user/lovelanalikelife ♥Music For Lana&Lana's Fans♥

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It's kinda cool being sick!

In rap music you often say: man, dope rapper, sick lyrics!

So in the world of hip hop it's nothing new!

Lana's just revolutionized the world of POP music


Yeah right.

She didn't just revolutionized the world of POP music, she revolutionized also the internet. Most searched Women on Google 2012.

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Yeah right.

She didn't just revolutionized the world of POP music, she revolutionized also the internet. Most searched Women on Google 2012.

You're right! And best thing about is...

Lana has made it thanks to her skills, talent and personality!

I would give Lana the role model award!

Because she shows that success is also possible without dirty weapons... ;)

http://www.youtube.com/user/lovelanalikelife ♥Music For Lana&Lana's Fans♥

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I seriously doubt that L.D.R. has ever been diagnosed with any psychiatric illness. She did mention during her twitter exchange with A. Banks that she has seen a "therapist", so she probably has seen one, but I don't think that signifies a psychiatric illness. She does seem like a gloomy person who struggles with depression and feeling "blue" from time to time, but, in my opinion, she seems like a very healthy, high functioning individual who gets a lot of work done, which she would not be able to do if she had clinical depression. As far as any possible current substance use on her part...I don't know...she seems like she's sober most of the time...

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she's mentioned in an interview (i can't remember which one unfortunately) that she's tried therapy once but it wasn't for her, so she stopped going, though it might not be the truth, who knows with her. but i think writing is the best therapy for her.

I never meant to be bad or unwell I was just living on the edge right between heaven and hell & I'm tired of it 

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I think she just is/was one of those persons that think too much, which generally can lead to depression and isolation. She studied philosophy, it’s hard to question everything you thought you knew. In Pawn Shop Blues she mentions that’s she’s looking for wisdom. This shines through in her work, she’s obsessed with poetry. She’s definitely been depressed, but I think it’s a different kind of depression than Barrie, that’s why she found it so hard to deal.

All the roses are red, and Jupiter too 

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This is pure speculation (because we obviously can't diagnose her) but I remember a discussion on this forum about her having some symptoms of borderline personality disorder. I can't remember which thread it was discussed in.

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Didn't she used to suffer from really bad anxieties which she couldn't explain and therapy couldn't help? But that doesn't = anxiety disorder so nah.

I think she has been DepressIVE but who knows if it was diagnosed or what

My sister thought Lana has bipolar cause she's always singing about being crazy which she could relate to but I assured her it's a different kind of crazy. She's explained it before as "people make me crazy" and that's just a personality weakness (which she seems to have improved greatly), not a mental disorder.

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she has many references to being crazy, I can recall the controversy about her and the little toy drums? or something like that, some musicians she allegedly performed with, a lady that disliked the band (apparently they are pedophilles and rapists..) said that the drummer? Was with a "mentally insane 20 year old" that was later found out to be referring to Lizzy

Also the release of noir got me thinking, particularly with the lines "glamorous,dangerous,crazy" and being caught in the fame game..


I don't feel as if she has some actual mental disease but I do feel like a lot of people consider her crazy, I get the impression she was he'll bent in chasing the fame and fortune and glamour that came with being a famous singer, so much so it became an obsession that impacted on her personality and lifestyle and became crazy obsessed with making her life a work of art, as she puts it, we can't really know for sure so idk


Also I have no idea where I read that about the little toy drums or whatever I'll have a look, it's a review of their band and a lady is going OFF at them in the comments, where she mentions the mentally insane 20 year old the comments after ask her if he was referring to Lizzy and she apparently confirmed so privately with someone who asked, I'll look for it now :)



if she has dated really dated guys who pray on underaged girls, all those songs about men liking little girls suddenly kill me... imo opinion its one thing to glamorize your own fucked up situation but its another thing to be okay in general with guys who have sex with (rape) underaged girls. this is rlly disturbing and sad for me

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Idk but she looked and sounded medicated during the Ultraviolence era or maybe that was just a part of her "persona" that era. If I were to guess, I'd say she's probably struggled with some form of depression but then again it's super weird to diagnose someone you've never met lmfao.

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if she has dated really dated guys who pray on underaged girls, all those songs about men liking little girls suddenly kill me... imo opinion its one thing to glamorize your own fucked up situation but its another thing to be okay in general with guys who have sex with (rape) underaged girls. this is rlly disturbing and sad for me

it;'s even worse when u remember the fact her manager at the time of her making songs such as lolita and put me in a movie was a pedophile but that's not something that's allowed to be discussed on the site



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it;'s even worse when u remember the fact her manager at the time of her making songs such as lolita and put me in a movie was a pedophile but that's not something that's allowed to be discussed on the site




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it;'s even worse when u remember the fact her manager at the time of her making songs such as lolita and put me in a movie was a pedophile but that's not something that's allowed to be discussed on the site


Can you further elaborate the best you can? If you can't discuss this here.


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