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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Poll  

1,088 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd?

    • The Grants
    • Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
    • Sweet
    • A&W
    • Judah Smith Interlude
    • Candy Necklace (feat. Jon Batiste)
    • Jon Batiste Interlude
    • Kintsugi
    • Fingertips
    • Paris, Texas (feat. SYML)
    • Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing
    • Let The Light In (feat. Father John Misty)
    • Margaret (feat. Bleachers)
    • Fishtail
    • Peppers (feat. Tommy Genesis)
    • Taco Truck x VB

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34 minutes ago, ShadesOfFool said:

I feel like Ocean Blvd and Blue Banisters are her only albums that don’t have a noticeable theme/idea throughout them. 

Like she’s calling herself sweet on one song and then a whore on the next. That doesn’t mean it’s bad but I can’t pick out a consistent “storyline” 


I think that Lana's duality is supposed to be the one of the central themes of the album.

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Coming back here again to share my impressions of the album and it is definitely one of the best and essential of the career. It's so amazing about how sincere she was here. She has this mysterious aura that makes even her closest fans feel ignorant of her private life.
She was extremely brave to share every little thing here, and it's clear that she's sure of what she says, not afraid of what people will think.
Lana deserves to tell her own story and I am grateful to be able to listen.

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This album is so whimsical that even Neil's rehearsal matches perfectly with the album's proposal.
When the first pictures came out, I thought: seriously, she didn't even leave the room to pose? And now I can't imagine more appropriate pictures. A bedroom, and especially a bed, are personal spaces where each of us feels safe. All the photos sound so intimate. Okay, I'm drooling over her breasts to this day, but the photo is beautiful because of the nudity showing that security/vulnerability that she shows in her songs.
Everything is so perfect here. Seriously, I'm in love with the album.
By the way, does anyone have a link to the whole shoot in HQ?

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lana said that if you want to know anything about her you should listen to BB but that makes no sense to me. if you want to know lanas life story i feel like ocean blvd is the album to listen to

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1 hour ago, mlittle11 said:

lana said that if you want to know anything about her you should listen to BB but that makes no sense to me. if you want to know lanas life story i feel like ocean blvd is the album to listen to


i guess, but story-wise i do think BB explains before (besides fingertips, that's an explanatory song if i've ever heard one).. but i think in her head her references to things in her songs are much clearer than they end up being to the general public.. blue banisters definitely has a rawness ocean blvd doesnt imo. could it be that the rawness in question comes from lazy mixing ? yes. am i convinced that's what it is though? no. lyrically though i do think lots of the tracks provide "info" (maybe it's a stretch but) and try to "explain".. it just is subtle.. my conception of blue banisters as an "explanatory" album is something like:


Text Book - mentions and sort of explains her "daddy issues" stereotype people wonder about.. may mention her mother? ("then there was the issue of her").. the BLM line could perhaps "explain" the racism thing people felt but that's a stretch..


Blue Banisters - mentions her yearning for children, that she's been disappointed by a man, mentions her family. beautiful title track that mentions themes she feels strongly about without going into too much detail. pretty metaphor about the seasons changing she uses to paint the picture that time is moving and she is changing too with time but that hole in her heart that her women try to heal (perhaps by telling her to write notes without sending them a la sweet) is still there. Heartbreaking and pretty song imo


Arcadia - interlaced with references to the city she comes from and has been popularized within, this song does "explain" things. the outro says it all for me: "they built me up three-hundred feet tall just to tear me down so I'm leaving with nothing but laughter, and this town Arcadia.. finding my way to you, i'm leavin' them as I was, five-foot-eight, Western-bound.. Plus the hate that they gave.. By the way, thanks for that, on the way, I'll pray for you, But you'll need a miracle, America".. 


Trio Interlude - Idk. Fuck Clay and his bachelor bimbo tweeting ass but this shit bops


Black Bathing Suit - mentions her body in a positive light. could be interpreted as an "explanation" for the publics bizarre fascination with people's weight gain.. could be seen as a positive message like.. nah idc about the public i make money off you guys (we'll have the last laugh about it, they're fucking broke and we're laughing about it).. but at the end of the day it's not rly our business and weight gain can be medical so it isn't good to speculate publicly online (do me and my friends speculate about every little thing lana does in private, of course we do, it's normal)


If You Lie Down With Me - This is where the album takes a break from the explanations and goes into relationship songs. It's a Cute song from lanas past. Maybe tells the story of part of one of lanas relationships. Doesn't really provide the info lana talks about overtly


Beautiful - Picasso deserved better.. But in all honesty this song is explanatory, it's her message against feigning happiness.. could be seen in tandem with lanas comments on peoples perception of her being one of feigned fragility.. Lana searches for and can make beautiful things out of sadness (her music).. Pretty message, boring execution


Violets for Roses - Continues the previous song's message. Fuck u sean 


Dealer - Lana goes from expressing her frustration gracefully to really feeling her anger, directed at a guy but delivered with enough power to keep the lights on in a poor city, it feels like a more universal message: "I DONT WANNA LIVEEEEEEE" says it all for me. she even says "and ill explain it" in the song.. Who took ur money lana i'll jump them babe


Thunder - Lana still mad at men as lana often is. The main message here being "Just leave me", which is a new message for Lana. This is where the album goes from boys back to explanatory.


Wildflower Wildfire: By FAR the most explanatory song on the record.. Lana makes a powerful statement acknowledging her past and why she might be the way she is and also making a defiant statement: that she will be different, better: "But I learn it from you.. not to turn into a wildfire..". Also makes a huge statement about her medication, something i suspect to be a huge aspect of her life that she only started singing about at this point in her career, her mental health problems and the affects of medications often used to treat mental health issues. Lana goes on to sing and explain this in the next track and in future songs like fingertips.


Nectar of the Gods: Continues singing about her medication's affect on her life, using drugs as a metaphor.. The chorus imo could be displaying why lana needs this "nectar of the gods": "I get wild on you baby, I get wild and fucking crazy like you never knew".. "Im on the freeway racing at a million" (talking about her thoughts perhaps). At least that's my theory. This song's placement is definitely intentional and lana wove it into this record for a reason.


Living Legend: Unsure.


Cherry Blossom: Could address/explain her yearning for children, her sadness of not having a proper mother figure. It just really sounds like it's meant to be sung to a child and I can't really see it another way.


Sweet Carolina: Yawn.


anyways that was long-winded but when she says BB is for "info" i think she means it in a more veiled way like what i've written above. ocean blvd is more overt in its messaging so it seems less.. idk.. important? ik that's not the right word for it but it's hard to explain. I think lana did this in a hidden way purposefully.. perhaps bc she was in a more vulnerable mindset and only felt more comfortable being overt on songs like fingertips later on in her career? only lana can answer some questions but that's my conception of what she means when she says it's an explanatory album bc i feel like lots of ppl don't agree 

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seeing people giving "Kintsugi" maddd love is so satisfied y'all :oprah:

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2 hours ago, ShadesOfFool said:

I feel like Ocean Blvd and Blue Banisters are her only albums that don’t have a noticeable theme/idea throughout them. 

Like she’s calling herself sweet on one song and then a whore on the next. That doesn’t mean it’s bad but I can’t pick out a consistent “storyline” 

there is a storyline (starting with her family in the grants), but not all the songs contribute to it. I would say sweet is an exceptional song that stands on its own

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I remember making this one real heartfelt comment about Cherry Blossom in an earlier pre-release thread, and i'm just so happy that she added it to BB.

I've been trying to work around understanding how this album connects w the rest, but from BB, it feels like Violets For Roses can connect to Sweet. BBS in sound, Arcadia as the land that she travels thru and semi- theater sounds, as well as no one's mentioned yet, but her body being LA, and the title track mentioning her soul, and how everyone finds it just like Camarillo, but not past that. 

Tunnel and Candy Necklace connects to a sound/ atmopshere/ energy to BTD, about a more solemn timbre of life. the anthemic pacing of tunnel, and the dynamism of CN. 

the interludes remind me so much of UV. The Grants sounds like an elevated track sprung forth from Chemtrails. Let The Light In from LFL, the last 3 tracks, from NFR. fishtail, like TJF's relaxed sister. Grandfather sounds like sunbeams raying down from UV's gloomier world. 

the beautiful thing that i love and find about this album is it's delicate subject matter, reflected off it's phrasing, and sound/ soundscape, that contrasts the solidness of it all still.

where BTD seemed very fixed and gutsy, 
UV filled w rage and anger 
HM in mystique, and pleasure 
LFL's play 
NFR's introspection 
COCC's refuge and pocket world
and BB's healing and restoring. 

this album culminates all these traits and transforms it through a "tunnel"/ passageway thru catharsis. prominently thru this album than the past albums. 

the beautiful thing about this record, or one of the things, is the theme of release, letting go. and having that balance of honoring your past, your own self, remembering and reclaiming yourself. there's a feeling of self-ownership that's being exuded from this album. 

so, for me at least, when she sings of family, identity, interaction w society at large, and battling of perspectives vs. her own knowledge of her own self (cus she's actually herself), she's able to sing of it all straightforwardly, bc she walks her talk, and it's of her life, despite what the external might project onto her. 

it's incredibly liberating, all the while being a great reflector of the world/ reality around is now, bonus points for the solidness of wisdom and consistencies that supports the weight of everything around, within, and the rest of the corridor of the life and times thru this album. cus what's braver these days than being your own self and standing by that? 


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16 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:


i guess, but story-wise i do think BB explains before (besides fingertips, that's an explanatory song if i've ever heard one).. but i think in her head her references to things in her songs are much clearer than they end up being to the general public.. blue banisters definitely has a rawness ocean blvd doesnt imo. could it be that the rawness in question comes from lazy mixing ? yes. am i convinced that's what it is though? no. lyrically though i do think lots of the tracks provide "info" (maybe it's a stretch but) and try to "explain".. it just is subtle.. my conception of blue banisters as an "explanatory" album is something like:



Text Book - mentions and sort of explains her "daddy issues" stereotype people wonder about.. may mention her mother? ("then there was the issue of her").. the BLM line could perhaps "explain" the racism thing people felt but that's a stretch..


Blue Banisters - mentions her yearning for children, that she's been disappointed by a man, mentions her family. beautiful title track that mentions themes she feels strongly about without going into too much detail. pretty metaphor about the seasons changing she uses to paint the picture that time is moving and she is changing too with time but that hole in her heart that her women try to heal (perhaps by telling her to write notes without sending them a la sweet) is still there. Heartbreaking and pretty song imo


Arcadia - interlaced with references to the city she comes from and has been popularized within, this song does "explain" things. the outro says it all for me: "they built me up three-hundred feet tall just to tear me down so I'm leaving with nothing but laughter, and this town Arcadia.. finding my way to you, i'm leavin' them as I was, five-foot-eight, Western-bound.. Plus the hate that they gave.. By the way, thanks for that, on the way, I'll pray for you, But you'll need a miracle, America".. 


Trio Interlude - Idk. Fuck Clay and his bachelor bimbo tweeting ass but this shit bops


Black Bathing Suit - mentions her body in a positive light. could be interpreted as an "explanation" for the publics bizarre fascination with people's weight gain.. could be seen as a positive message like.. nah idc about the public i make money off you guys (we'll have the last laugh about it, they're fucking broke and we're laughing about it).. but at the end of the day it's not rly our business and weight gain can be medical so it isn't good to speculate publicly online (do me and my friends speculate about every little thing lana does in private, of course we do, it's normal)


If You Lie Down With Me - This is where the album takes a break from the explanations and goes into relationship songs. It's a Cute song from lanas past. Maybe tells the story of part of one of lanas relationships. Doesn't really provide the info lana talks about overtly


Beautiful - Picasso deserved better.. But in all honesty this song is explanatory, it's her message against feigning happiness.. could be seen in tandem with lanas comments on peoples perception of her being one of feigned fragility.. Lana searches for and can make beautiful things out of sadness (her music).. Pretty message, boring execution


Violets for Roses - Continues the previous song's message. Fuck u sean 


Dealer - Lana goes from expressing her frustration gracefully to really feeling her anger, directed at a guy but delivered with enough power to keep the lights on in a poor city, it feels like a more universal message: "I DONT WANNA LIVEEEEEEE" says it all for me. she even says "and ill explain it" in the song.. Who took ur money lana i'll jump them babe


Thunder - Lana still mad at men as lana often is. The main message here being "Just leave me", which is a new message for Lana. This is where the album goes from boys back to explanatory.


Wildflower Wildfire: By FAR the most explanatory song on the record.. Lana makes a powerful statement acknowledging her past and why she might be the way she is and also making a defiant statement: that she will be different, better: "But I learn it from you.. not to turn into a wildfire..". Also makes a huge statement about her medication, something i suspect to be a huge aspect of her life that she only started singing about at this point in her career, her mental health problems and the affects of medications often used to treat mental health issues. Lana goes on to sing and explain this in the next track and in future songs like fingertips.


Nectar of the Gods: Continues singing about her medication's affect on her life, using drugs as a metaphor.. The chorus imo could be displaying why lana needs this "nectar of the gods": "I get wild on you baby, I get wild and fucking crazy like you never knew".. "Im on the freeway racing at a million" (talking about her thoughts perhaps). At least that's my theory. This song's placement is definitely intentional and lana wove it into this record for a reason.


Living Legend: Unsure.


Cherry Blossom: Could address/explain her yearning for children, her sadness of not having a proper mother figure. It just really sounds like it's meant to be sung to a child and I can't really see it another way.


Sweet Carolina: Yawn


anyways that was long-winded but when she says BB is for "info" i think she means it in a more veiled way like what i've written above. ocean blvd is more overt in its messaging so it seems less.. idk.. important? ik that's not the right word for it but it's hard to explain. I think lana did this in a hidden way purposefully.. perhaps bc she was in a more vulnerable mindset and only felt more comfortable being overt on songs like fingertips later on in her career? only lana can answer some questions but that's my conception of what she means when she says it's an explanatory album bc i feel like lots of ppl don't agree 



I agree, BB was the album that she first talked about the issues she expanded on Ocean BLVD. The first time we heard about mommy issues, for example. Also in BBS "karmic lineage", where she says whatever happening to her, whatever critism she's geting might be because of what her ancestors did.


On a side note, I know it's a speculation but Cherry Blossom might be talking about a dead child.


Also could Blue Banister's "Spring, I sleep, Heaven knows" and Kintsugi's "by the third of March, I was cracked open" be related?

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it


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Just now, Let the Light In said:

I agree, BB was the album that she first talked about the issues she expanded on Ocean BLVD. The first time we heard about mommy issues, for example. Also in BBS "karmic lineage", where she says whatever happening to her, whatever critism she's geting might be because of what her ancestors did.


On a side note, I know it's a speculation but Cherry Blossom might be talking about a dead child.


Also could Blue Banister's "Spring, I sleep, Heaven knows" and Kintsugi's "by the third of March, I was cracked open" be related?


I think she's talking about the breakup with Sean that she's mentioned multiple times.. She said it felt like the world was ending for her, so her heart was "cracked open" and she sleeps through spring and needs support from her friends in BB perhaps bc she needs support from them when she thinks about him,, Just a theory tho idk?

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39 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:


i guess, but story-wise i do think BB explains before (besides fingertips, that's an explanatory song if i've ever heard one).. but i think in her head her references to things in her songs are much clearer than they end up being to the general public.. blue banisters definitely has a rawness ocean blvd doesnt imo. could it be that the rawness in question comes from lazy mixing ? yes. am i convinced that's what it is though? no. lyrically though i do think lots of the tracks provide "info" (maybe it's a stretch but) and try to "explain".. it just is subtle.. my conception of blue banisters as an "explanatory" album is something like:


Text Book - mentions and sort of explains her "daddy issues" stereotype people wonder about.. may mention her mother? ("then there was the issue of her").. the BLM line could perhaps "explain" the racism thing people felt but that's a stretch..


Blue Banisters - mentions her yearning for children, that she's been disappointed by a man, mentions her family. beautiful title track that mentions themes she feels strongly about without going into too much detail. pretty metaphor about the seasons changing she uses to paint the picture that time is moving and she is changing too with time but that hole in her heart that her women try to heal (perhaps by telling her to write notes without sending them a la sweet) is still there. Heartbreaking and pretty song imo


Arcadia - interlaced with references to the city she comes from and has been popularized within, this song does "explain" things. the outro says it all for me: "they built me up three-hundred feet tall just to tear me down so I'm leaving with nothing but laughter, and this town Arcadia.. finding my way to you, i'm leavin' them as I was, five-foot-eight, Western-bound.. Plus the hate that they gave.. By the way, thanks for that, on the way, I'll pray for you, But you'll need a miracle, America".. 


Trio Interlude - Idk. Fuck Clay and his bachelor bimbo tweeting ass but this shit bops


Black Bathing Suit - mentions her body in a positive light. could be interpreted as an "explanation" for the publics bizarre fascination with people's weight gain.. could be seen as a positive message like.. nah idc about the public i make money off you guys (we'll have the last laugh about it, they're fucking broke and we're laughing about it).. but at the end of the day it's not rly our business and weight gain can be medical so it isn't good to speculate publicly online (do me and my friends speculate about every little thing lana does in private, of course we do, it's normal)


If You Lie Down With Me - This is where the album takes a break from the explanations and goes into relationship songs. It's a Cute song from lanas past. Maybe tells the story of part of one of lanas relationships. Doesn't really provide the info lana talks about overtly


Beautiful - Picasso deserved better.. But in all honesty this song is explanatory, it's her message against feigning happiness.. could be seen in tandem with lanas comments on peoples perception of her being one of feigned fragility.. Lana searches for and can make beautiful things out of sadness (her music).. Pretty message, boring execution


Violets for Roses - Continues the previous song's message. Fuck u sean 


Dealer - Lana goes from expressing her frustration gracefully to really feeling her anger, directed at a guy but delivered with enough power to keep the lights on in a poor city, it feels like a more universal message: "I DONT WANNA LIVEEEEEEE" says it all for me. she even says "and ill explain it" in the song.. Who took ur money lana i'll jump them babe


Thunder - Lana still mad at men as lana often is. The main message here being "Just leave me", which is a new message for Lana. This is where the album goes from boys back to explanatory.


Wildflower Wildfire: By FAR the most explanatory song on the record.. Lana makes a powerful statement acknowledging her past and why she might be the way she is and also making a defiant statement: that she will be different, better: "But I learn it from you.. not to turn into a wildfire..". Also makes a huge statement about her medication, something i suspect to be a huge aspect of her life that she only started singing about at this point in her career, her mental health problems and the affects of medications often used to treat mental health issues. Lana goes on to sing and explain this in the next track and in future songs like fingertips.


Nectar of the Gods: Continues singing about her medication's affect on her life, using drugs as a metaphor.. The chorus imo could be displaying why lana needs this "nectar of the gods": "I get wild on you baby, I get wild and fucking crazy like you never knew".. "Im on the freeway racing at a million" (talking about her thoughts perhaps). At least that's my theory. This song's placement is definitely intentional and lana wove it into this record for a reason.


Living Legend: Unsure.


Cherry Blossom: Could address/explain her yearning for children, her sadness of not having a proper mother figure. It just really sounds like it's meant to be sung to a child and I can't really see it another way.


Sweet Carolina: Yawn.


anyways that was long-winded but when she says BB is for "info" i think she means it in a more veiled way like what i've written above. ocean blvd is more overt in its messaging so it seems less.. idk.. important? ik that's not the right word for it but it's hard to explain. I think lana did this in a hidden way purposefully.. perhaps bc she was in a more vulnerable mindset and only felt more comfortable being overt on songs like fingertips later on in her career? only lana can answer some questions but that's my conception of what she means when she says it's an explanatory album bc i feel like lots of ppl don't agree 

love ur analysis but sweet carolina is not yawn to me personally :crai: 

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3 hours ago, maysparkle said:

My bf said this is like her worst album and that she put no efforts into her lyrics this time around. I’m like….????? Hello?? Fingertips? Kintsugi?? I think he just doesn’t get it. His favorites seem to be NFR and Born to Die, and he also likes LFL and HM. He said the only good song on Tunnel is Let the Light In. Idk… he was upset when he heard I bought like four different vinyl variations. Funny how this is the same guy who, years ago in 2019, held up the phone to record the show seeing Lana at the Greek Theatre when my wrists got tired. Totally supportive. Now he could take her or leave her. I guess the QFTC made him wary. Whatever. I still like this album so that’s all that matters to me. Relationships suck yo 


i love the album, but i agree with your boyfriend. Bb'a and ob's lyrics are her laziest so far. All previous albums are legs better lyrically.

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