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How do you sort Lana's unreleased music?

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I've been sorting unreleased Lana in my music library by year for forever now but that has become kinda messy with some songs' years being uncertain and songs recorded in the same year being intended for different albums. To avoid messyness I started merging some albums (like 2014 and 2015) but then I got songs intended for Ultraviolence, Honeymoon and Lust for Life in the same album and that's just kinda weird tbh. Even sorting songs by album sessions would be a mess cause then you got her 2008-2010 unreleased where she was just recording 5932 songs a week with random people for whatever reason. Things used to be much simpler when nothing beyond the untouchable 5 leaked tbh! Anyways, how do y'all sort her unreleased music? (You can describe it or just post screenshots)


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honestly i gave up on it:toofloppy: 

Currently I have a single "Unreleased" album with 250+ songs and a "Demos" album for each of her albums. But I only add demos for songs that were released on the "Demos" album. The rest goes on the big "Unreleased" album because it's to much work trying figuring something out.


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Mine's an absolute mess because a) I'm disorganised, and b) iTunes(?)/Apple Music or whatever it is called now is a butt. I keep trying to rearrange everything into a single 'Unreleased' collection and it keeps splitting them up for no reason. I do have separate 'albums' for demos, covers and collaborations, snippets, etc., though. 
Mostly I've just settled for having everything in a mess and then creating separate playlists for album outtakes etc. 
If anyone has any recommendations for music software that I can proper micro-manage then please do share.

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I'm a slave to Last.fm organization so I just put everything in a single "Unreleased" category and just write in the correct metadata since it's pretty easy to tell a songs era with Lana

Then I have separate folders for demos which I put in a '[album]: demos' category

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i currently have an album with 23 tracks that are unreleased i tried to make the tracklist as perfect as i can and it's not bad 


as for dragonslayer i added that into ultraviolence after the other woman 



as for tropico I'll just wait until all tracks leak and I'll make it into a separate album and for the other unreleased tracks they'll either go to the album they were intended to be in (if they're HQ and fit with album theme) or I'll add them in the unreleased collection (I'll have to rework tracklist) :xgiggle:

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Here's usually how I sort her music:

In terms of Unreleased, I do it by volumes by year. So, Vol. 1 is 2005-2009, Vol. 2 is 2010, Vol. 3 is 2011-2012, and Vol. 4 is 2013 to present, basically.

Then I have her iconic albums like Young Like Me (why does no one talk about this hello???), Sirens, and AKA.

The "LIVE" album is truly a mess. That needs to be fixed. Lmao

Lana Del Rey: Studio Demos is exactly what it sounds like, but I ended up dividing that into 8 albums as well (haven't put them on my Spotify yet).

LDR: The Alternates are unreleased Demos.


Lana Del Rey: The Unreleased Collection is 167 songs and it has like everything- I don't think this is necessary for me to keep since I have everything else already split up.



I have OCD (truly diagnosed :hooker:), so this was very cathartic for me to develop over the years.

Edit: I haven't updated this in months, so Dragonslayer, Pink Champagne, California, Summertime, etc. need to be uploaded. XOXOXO


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All under unreleased except tracks that have demos go under an album's demos. So Pink Champaign is technically a cocc demo and BAR demo is in the NFR demos album


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6 minutes ago, American Whore said:

All under unreleased except tracks that have demos go under an album's demos. So Pink Champaign is technically a cocc demo and BAR demo is in the NFR demos album

Yeah like I'm debating whether that's a COCC demo or an unreleased track...

I honestly think I might put it in unreleased just because they're so vastly different from one another?? for my own personal brain's sake lmao


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I have an unreleased album that goes in order by year and then a demos album that goes in order by era/album. I do have a bunch of playlists though that function as albums for certain eras of unreleased and demo tracks


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2 hours ago, luminom said:

honestly i gave up on it:toofloppy: 

Currently I have a single "Unreleased" album with 250+ songs and a "Demos" album for each of her albums. But I only add demos for songs that were released on the "Demos" album. The rest goes on the big "Unreleased" album because it's to much work trying figuring something out.

but tbh im rethinking some of my placements because some "demos" for released songs are so old compared to when their final version was released that maybe it makes more sense to put them in Unreleased. For example, Beautiful People Beautiful Problems and Pink Champagne (LMLYLAW Demo) are hardly "Lust for Life" and "Chemtrails" demos, they are Ultraviolence era outtakes.... so idk


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4 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

Life is so much better when you create fake albums that you think are perfect and fill your library with mixtapes  :true:

i still have some playlists with the covers user trash magic made


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3 minutes ago, HEARTCORE said:

don't be shy let us see

Maybe one day I’ll make a blog post that serves as a legend for my library… but until then, I won’t beat a dead horse :true: I do have a few edits of songs I’d love to share tho. I shared a Life Is Beautiful edit a few years ago and I miss doing that sort of thing!

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