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Indio, CA @ Coachella: Weekend 1 - April 12th, 2024

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I think she was just frustrated with the sound issues lmfao


She’s like me. When things aren’t going my way/working how they’re supposed to, I get super defeated and sad lol


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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5 minutes ago, ShadesOfFool said:

I think she was just frustrated with the sound issues lmfao


She’s like me. When things aren’t going my way/working how they’re supposed to, I get super defeated and sad lol


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3 hours ago, takemybreath said:






3 hours ago, honeymoon is alive said:

i love that she got a real stylist cause this is EVERYTHING and more :oprah9:

I love how the stylist went about her look, she styled her based on what’s most flattering. If you do a color analysis on Lana, she’s a total summer which makes her look great in that periwinkle color as well as that shade of blonde, which is more similar to her natural hair color. The stylist nailed both dresses and she looked amazing in all the sparkles. Both dresses but specifically the first one flattered her body shape perfectly too



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10+ years of smoking/vaping isn’t good for anyones lungs. Isn’t there that photo of the tsunami of vapes she owned? At this point it definitely has some impact on her ability to perform live. Especially when nervous. She doesn’t seem to sing as much on stage, leaving some parts out or pointing the mic to the audience.


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One thing I’d love L4na to add back to her shows is playing instruments. “Yayo” with the guitar absolutely ate. She probably hasn’t played a guitar in years now, but she needs to add that back in. If she’s rusty, train/rehearse more. I don’t think most of the general public/people know she plays guitar. It would be nice to add that back in to showcase her talent and to add even more variety. 


Because right now her show is a like pop show with dancers, and I don’t think that’s the right approach. It’s like a pop singer with choreography. She’s making herself look like one of those pop/rap stars with choreography which is not what she is at all.

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2 minutes ago, cherrycolalime said:

sry if it was posted earlier I’m too lazy to read the last 200 pages :takeitdoen: but does anyone have a screen recording of the full performance? the one I had saved got deleted :rollin:




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I didn't know that many of you didn't like the Candy Necklace collab that most of you beg Jon to collab with Rob and not Lana :wtf2:


But anyways, it's kinda funny how this thread has like almost 400 pages, it's something what Lasso pre-release thread has failed to achieve :thumb3:

24 minutes ago, Xenoblade 3 said:

One thing I’d love L4na to add back to her shows is playing instruments.

Idk if it was intentional or not but the censor is sending me lmaooo


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9 minutes ago, liveordieboy said:

What do you think the reason for her "bored" attitude could be? Just anxiety?

The crowd probably being silent as fuck

7 minutes ago, Crazy for You said:


they're having a mother off


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