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The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)

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7 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

Lana is not the only artist doing so. For her, it’s mostly a way of letting us in on her creative process. It also gets us very impatient to get the song 🤣. Father John Misty did the same very often in the 9 months leading to the first single of Mahashmashana, teasing production, takes, etc. FKA twigs teased snippets way in advance… who ended changing production 🙃 And let’s not forget Quavo who teased Tough in May when there weren’t even plans to release the song yet. 

Well yeah obviously Lana isn't the only one. I'm a musician too and I get that they wanna let people in on their process, sometimes I do the same "tease" (for lack of a better word) snippets on my Insta. But I also don't have millions of fans so who cares. I am being completely selfish when I say this, it's annoying when the snippet was over a year ago and we've got basically nothing since. Honestly, I just think we'd all like to know when/if it's actually coming, e.g. the label makes an official announcement. 


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1 hour ago, reyybtddd12 said:

I know that one of the ppl she followed is Gracie Abrams... 😶

Gracie follows her but Lana doesn’t

So if you don't know, don't give up , 'Cause you never know what the new day might bring

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12 minutes ago, blueskiesforever said:

Gracie follows her but Lana doesn’t

I saw that on a twt post lol... just checked on ig and ya they dont follow each other..false alarm, sorry

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2 minutes ago, reyybtddd12 said:

Lana followed her back today btw 

Weird it doesn’t show up when I search it, I follow Gracie and it doesn’t show up in the mutuals either. Maybe it’s a glitch then. 

So if you don't know, don't give up , 'Cause you never know what the new day might bring

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2 hours ago, jakoblvd said:

She has followed some more people like 3-4 new. Can anyone figure out who that is? Perhaps, that could lead us to potential news

Found out, were some influencers that were part of a TV show apparently

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13 minutes ago, reyybtddd12 said:

I saw that on a twt post lol... just checked on ig and ya they dont follow each other..false alarm, sorry

It’s ok :)I saw that same twitter post this morning that’s why I had checked  

So if you don't know, don't give up , 'Cause you never know what the new day might bring

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6 hours ago, blueskiesforever said:

For LB veterans, would you say this is the worst album rollout? I know the “NFR” lore, but this seems worse to me. 

eh she’s had shit album rollouts since Lust For Life, but yeah this one kinda is up there for the worst. We’ve had two dates promised to us now, and have only heard 30 seconds of a singular song. When the album does eventually come out, it’ll be our longest wait ever for a new album, but that’s not even the annoying part. I really thought after the almost flawless Ocean rollout that we were done with her bs, but she’s back on it. The only saving grace this pre-pre release (because IMO a pre release doesn’t even start until we have something with substance) is we’ve gotten a couple droplets (blue skies and tough) as well as some pretty good performances and that tour BTS footage. 

that said, I’m ready for her to remember about her job and start getting this ball rolling. 

"Don’t forget me"

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i wish she just release the damn song oh Henry come on...

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Well, in retrospect Ocean Blvd's short post-lead single and pre-album era was short, concrete and clear but let's not pretend that in 2022 those pre-pre-release threads after the W Magazine in May 2022 and Candy Necklace snippet in August 2022 were fillled with posts like "pls Lana do something we're bored" :omfg2:


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56 minutes ago, Candy Necklace said:

Same cycle of complaining about the wait followed by the essays on why we should be grateful and give her grace, up next is debating about Blue Banisters so whoever wants to get the ball rolling on that feel free :brigitte:


That's the nature of the chatroom beast, since members aren't obligated to read every post.


So the postponed release dates/changes in album title-content-concept give rise to repetitive discussion.  

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1 hour ago, NikoGo said:

eh she’s had shit album rollouts since Lust For Life, but yeah this one kinda is up there for the worst. We’ve had two dates promised to us now, and have only heard 30 seconds of a singular song. When the album does eventually come out, it’ll be our longest wait ever for a new album, but that’s not even the annoying part. I really thought after the almost flawless Ocean rollout that we were done with her bs, but she’s back on it. The only saving grace this pre-pre release (because IMO a pre release doesn’t even start until we have something with substance) is we’ve gotten a couple droplets (blue skies and tough) as well as some pretty good performances and that tour BTS footage. 

that said, I’m ready for her to remember about her job and start getting this ball rolling. 


I don't think this rollout is as bad as NFR! because it's almost as if TRPWS doesn't exist, as many of us seem to feel/inuit/sense---rightly or wrongly. 


And yes, we've had Hollywood Bowl, Suburban House, Blue Skies, and Tough to tie us over. 

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I want at least one of the songs on The Right Person Will Stay to have some unearthly sounds. Something like the first 18 seconds of Art Deco, those bubbly space synths which reminds me of Skype ringtone. Art Deco is one of her most unique songs in terms of production, when I heard this song for the first time I was flabbergasted. I need one of these moments for TRPWS.


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1 hour ago, Thats why they call me Dita said:

I bet ldr11 is out not long after ldr10, cos surely she’s stacked up some material now 

now that you said that💀💀

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While there is no news, I made a vinyl and cover concept, I feel that this could be closer to the reality of what the cover will be, I hope you like it. :wubna:







Thank you for supporting me with your comments :creepna3:

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I doubt she’ll release any single until after Gaga releases her album and Chappell releases her single. Hopefully by the end of the month - early April we’ll get a single :trisha4: I think she’ll have to release at least one single by stagecoach. Or maybe a debut



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Stagecoach is our next goal post. I think we have 3 possibilities. Pick your poison. 


1. She puts out a single in the next couple of weeks prior to Stagecoach.


2. She debuts a new song at Stagecoach and releases it as a single soon after the performance.


3. She performs her usual setlist at Stagecoach with a few country duets and doesn’t say a word about the album or new music. 

If Stagecoach comes and goes with no news on music then it’s safe to say TRPWS has officially been cancelled. 


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