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The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)

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1 hour ago, 111 said:





well thank god that never happened because that would have been a waste of her budget! Glad she saved those coins for Candy Necklace (which i've heard from an insider was very expensive)


only lana can be so boring and so engaging at the same time because sis where is the album this behavior isn't cute anymore drop something

"Don’t forget me"

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2 minutes ago, NikoGo said:


well thank god that never happened because that would have been a waste of her budget! Glad she saved those coins for Candy Necklace (which i've heard from an insider was very expensive)


only lana can be so boring and so engaging at the same time because sis where is the album this behavior isn't cute anymore drop something

She’s waiting for her husband’s birthday, give her some time :ma:

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5 minutes ago, arrivederci said:

can someone tell me what is in this picture? I can’t load it lol


Just a tweet from Nostradamus Insider that reads "Lana del Rey will release several alternative covers for The Right Person Will Stay"

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2 hours ago, 111 said:




the way she always wants to make MV’s for the most boring songs on their respective albums nowadays…. :tiffany2: BB? Arcadia? Candy Necklace? 


We could’ve gotten Dealer..A&W…Peppers… If You Lie Down With Me… Thunder.. Let The Light In…


like tell me why the most streamed songs on both those albums just get paid dust… no mv’s.. no live performances…. omfg

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3 minutes ago, brandon said:

the way she always wants to make MV’s for the most boring songs on their respective albums nowadays…. :tiffany2: BB? Arcadia? Candy Necklace? 


We could’ve gotten Dealer..A&W…Peppers… If You Lie Down With Me… Thunder.. Let The Light In…


like tell me why the most streamed songs on both those albums just get paid dust… no mv’s.. no live performances…. omfg


the way she never gave a fuck :lange:

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Y’all are still posting random twitter “insiders” in the year 2025? Who tf is nostradamus insider... Be serious. If the info doesn’t come from trusted sources such as BOZ, Eclipse, TrashMagiq, Mr S., etc. it’s more than likely just made up by some bored homosexual.


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25 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

Y’all are still posting random twitter “insiders” in the year 2025? Who tf is nostradamus insider... Be serious. If the info doesn’t come from trusted sources such as BOZ, Eclipse, TrashMagiq, Mr S., etc. it’s more than likely just made up by some bored homosexual.

hmm one of these things are nawt like the other 

"Don’t forget me"

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29 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

Y’all are still posting random twitter “insiders” in the year 2025? Who tf is nostradamus insider... Be serious. If the info doesn’t come from trusted sources such as BOZ, Eclipse, TrashMagiq, Mr S., etc. it’s more than likely just made up by some bored homosexual.

the sneak  :aubrey:

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