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I don't think she had co-writers on the lyrics. But I don't think that the lyrics for the cat power song you posted are that good.

I chose that song because of its meaning. And its still better-written than any Lana songs. No word in this song is written there just to complete rhymes as Lana often does.  

People used to say the song was about Kurt Kobain. But it applies to Cat Power´s and Lana´s experience as well. Cat Power used to be very stressed by perfomances, by her career and the lack of private life. She used to sing with her back against the audience. She was always described as that oddly perfoming artist. In the end all this stress lead her to the depression and alcohol abuse. She ended her career many times but yet this need of writing self-reflection was always in her and it always manifested and made her to continue. 

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I chose that song because of its meaning. And its still better-written than any Lana songs. No word in this song is written there just to complete rhymes as Lana often does.  

People used to say the song was about Kurt Kobain. But it applies to Cat Power´s and Lana´s experience as well. Cat Power used to be very stressed by perfomances, by her career and the lack of private life. She used to sing with her back against the audience. She was always described as that oddly perfoming artist. In the end all this stress lead her to the depression and alcohol abuse. She ended her career many times but yet this need of writing self-reflection was always in her and it always manifested and made her to continue.


That very touching but it doesn't make her a great lyricist. But music I subjective and I totally respect your opinion!


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Its not about the difficulty of the lyrics. Its about the personal attachment to the deeply felt song. Lana´s voice hides a lot of inqualities of her music but when I read the lyrics themselves they are so clichéd, so general, so repetetive, with choosing basic words just to complete rhymes. In this world of parties, red dresses, chewy malibus I miss the true essence of her personality, of her real life. It feels like made-up persona just to make songs sound more exciting. And it doesnt mean you have to experience some kind of amazing, rich life. The true lyricists can write great songs even about the littlest shit that happened to them.


The song I posted applies to Lana´s life so much as well. "That feeling of not being understood, but supposedly being understood by everyone ... being inside of a spectacle, it's like being a prisoner of war. I don't know if that makes sense. It would be like being in an insane asylum, where you are who you are, and the only person you've ever been is yourself, but then they want you to be someone else."   Why doesnt Lana write about her insecurities, about the stress she feels in every performance, the lack of privacy... Gosh she could make so many great songs about her life. She hasnt just decided to be truly introspective of her life yet.

I'll say it again: May Jailer 


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Even though I am not a big Cat Power fan, I have to agree on the point that Lana's lyrics aren't the deepest ones. She has good ones, but yeah, most of her songs lyrically turn out the same, although she is indeed good of "crafting" the lyrics to sound wonderful in the context of the song. This doesn't make these songs less relatable, but if I compare her to  (more recent) songwriter artists like Marina or Florence, I have to admit that Lana is not THE source of innovative lyrics. Even songs that are said to be "personal" often come out sounding quite ... well, "what Lana does" like. That is nothing i dislike, but it's a fact. At least when it comes to everything she officially released. For example almost everything is about love and depending on a partner. Judging from the unreleased content, I would say that AKA is definitly more indie concerning sound AND lyrics (indie does not always mean big lyrics). May Jailer ... well, the songs really always tell a kind of story and have more content than most of her BTD and UV songs. There are other unreleased songs which are not that "song-writer"-y as the May Jailer era but somehow seem more complex, because they have lots of metaphors etc. (Last Girl On Earth).


Still, Lana songwriter wise is definitly above the average level in my eyes.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I fell in love with Body Electric when she sang it live before the release of Paradise. I really dislike the EP version, though. Not enough violins, too much guitar. I also prefer when she says: "I'm on fire, baby, I'm on fire" at the end of chorus, as opposed to: "I'm on fire, sing that body electric." And I'm not a huge fan of the vocals/overall production either... Disappointing, because it could've been an amazing track.


Also - Sirens is, lyrically, her best work to date.

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I love The Great Gatsby, but I don't like Old Money being associated with it, hearing ppl say them together in a sentence annoys me  :tsk:


You probably already know this, but its suspected that Old Money was actually intended for Gatsby. This theory is supported by a few facts:

  • She said somewhere that she had wrote a song for Gatsby (likely OM) but when they heard Young and Beautiful they decided they wanted that song instead. In retrospect, they probably wanted Y&B because of the Romeo and Juliet theme similarities in OM.
  • "Old money" is literally a term straight out of the novel, and an important one at that.
  • Some of the lyrics are very similar to Y&B. "Will you still love me when I shine from words but not from beauty" is literally the same as "will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful/I've got nothing but my aching soul"

Tbh, I think OM would have fit the movie more too.  :shh2:



Oh and I've been meaning to add this to the thread: I actually like the Paradise cover. I know a lot of people find it unflattering but I love the colors on it. I find it kind of hilarious that she looks so bored in the picture. My love for the cover might be skewed by the love of the album though.  :fabcat:

Goddesses don't speak in whispers. They scream.

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You probably already know this, but its suspected that Old Money was actually intended for Gatsby. This theory is supported by a few facts:


  • She said somewhere that she had wrote a song for Gatsby (likely OM) but when they heard Young and Beautiful they decided they wanted that song instead. In retrospect, they probably wanted Y&B because of the Romeo and Juliet theme similarities in OM.
  • "Old money" is literally a term straight out of the novel, and an important one at that.
  • Some of the lyrics are very similar to Y&B. "Will you still love me when I shine from words but not from beauty" is literally the same as "will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful/I've got nothing but my aching soul"
Tbh, I think OM would have fit the movie more too.  :shh2:



Oh and I've been meaning to add this to the thread: I actually like the Paradise cover. I know a lot of people find it unflattering but I love the colors on it. I find it kind of hilarious that she looks so bored in the picture. My love for the cover might be skewed by the love of the album though.  :fabcat:

Where I'm coming from with Old Money is that it's my favorite Ultraviolence track (and one of the best in her entire discography imo) so I want to think of it as it's "own" song rather than automatically think of Gatsby whenever it plays. I'm actually starting to wish it had a different title though.

Also, I agree with you about the Paradise cover; it feels like the perfect fit especially when listening to American, BE and G&M!

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"Bel Air" and (especially) "Yayo" still bore the fcuk out of me. in fact i hate all versions of yayo. probs her most overrated song tbh. :flutter: :smokes2:

I agree with you on Bel Air but Yayo no. I think the problem is that Yayo should've been shorter (Maybe take out a chours or two) in track length. Also imo the version on PD is awful compared to the a.k.a/certain live preformances versions. I adore the rocker version that she preformed live back in her lizzy grant days...


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I agree with you on Bel Air but Yayo no. I think the problem is that Yayo should've been shorter (Maybe take out a chours or two) in track length.

She only sings the chorus three times. If she took out two of the choruses in Yayo, there wouldn't be a chorus. :facepalm:


It's not too long. It's just a slow song.


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She only sings the chorus three times. If she took out two of the choruses in Yayo, there wouldn't be a chorus. :facepalm:

It's not too long. It's just a slow song.

I'm a sucker for your posts!

"Bel Air" and (especially) "Yayo" still bore the fcuk out of me. in fact i hate all versions of yayo. probs her most overrated song tbh.  :flutter:  :smokes2:

How can one think Bel Air is boring! I'm disgusted!


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I agree with you on Bel Air but Yayo no. I think the problem is that Yayo should've been shorter (Maybe take out a chours or two) in track length. Also imo the version on PD is awful compared to the a.k.a/certain live preformances versions. I adore the rocker version that she preformed live back in her lizzy grant days...


The demo version ("No Kung Fu") is shorter. It lacks the verse "I need you like a baby..." and the tempo is a bit rockier. (It holds my daughter's attention better than the AKA version anyway.)


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I chose that song because of its meaning. And its still better-written than any Lana songs. No word in this song is written there just to complete rhymes as Lana often does.  

People used to say the song was about Kurt Kobain. But it applies to Cat Power´s and Lana´s experience as well. Cat Power used to be very stressed by perfomances, by her career and the lack of private life. She used to sing with her back against the audience. She was always described as that oddly perfoming artist. In the end all this stress lead her to the depression and alcohol abuse. She ended her career many times but yet this need of writing self-reflection was always in her and it always manifested and made her to 


I think Lana has so many songs lyrically strong to put her in the same categorie as a musician like Cat Power. Her lyrics have this cinematographic quality, like she can capture through words her whole world. Her lyrics are like a bunch of footage vintage clips put together in her videos: they're separately different but when you put in perspective there's a sense that transform those images in something more. 

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I really like Ultraviolence (song) but I strongly dislike the vocal layering, especially during the chorus. It just sounds messy and amateurish, I mean the different layers of vocals don't even match each other... I don't know if this was done on purpose but I find it quite annoying and have trouble keeping up with it


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