Mafiosa 1,090 Posted September 28, 2015 Money Power Glory is one of her worst songs everomg I was just listening to this on a walk and thinking about how good of a song it is. it's not a standout or one of the best on uv, a album full of amazing songs, but the lyrics and the instrumentation and the idea behind the whole vibe is just fantastic on Lana's part. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baddisease 18,361 Posted September 28, 2015 This is more an opinion about her listeners but, I really don't know what people were hearing when they'd call HBTB or any of Lana's songs 'trap'. Have you heard any trap songs? at best, it's a watered down almost-trap beat. at best. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlreadyCoolest 222 Posted September 28, 2015 With the exception of Terrence Loves You and God Knows I Tried, none of the songs on Honeymoon really strike a deep emotional cord with me like many of the songs on BTD/P/UV... 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strange weather 1,955 Posted September 28, 2015 strangeweather- no I disagree. It means she cannot put into words how she is feeling that, she feels it so much. i get what it's trying to do. i still think it's lazy writing to say you can't describe something. it seems like a cop out to me. she does it again in the blackest day--which i love--but the whole song is so emotional overall that i can forgive it. also, it's not as blatant: "i don't even know what i'm saying" vs. "it's not easy for me to talk about / i have heavy heartstrings / you're not simple, it's trigonometry / it's hard to express, i can't explain" -- which is more effective? the latter is a better example of what you are talking about. american isn't. 2 Quote let me be who i'm meant to be Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atom Heart 1,931 Posted September 28, 2015 This is more an opinion about her listeners but, I really don't know what people were hearing when they'd call HBTB or any of Lana's songs 'trap'. Have you heard any trap songs? at best, it's a watered down almost-trap beat. at best. I'd consider it trap influenced, not entirely trap but the beats definitely dabble in the genre. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
comeintomybedroom 8,685 Posted September 28, 2015 I don't understand the praise Art Deco gets, i think it's overrated and not that great Literally I haven't seen any praise for Art Deco. It's actually one of my favorites. I love it when she calls me ghetto. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkVelvet 382 Posted September 28, 2015 With the exception of Terrence Loves You and God Knows I Tried, none of the songs on Honeymoon really strike a deep emotional cord with me like many of the songs on BTD/P/UV... yea! agreeed. and it all feels very watered down, bland to me. even if her lyrics have (for the most part) always revolved around the same themes, there were eccentric and weird touches to it all that i just feel honeymoon as a whole lacks. i never thought i'd be begging for the little red party dress to rear its head again and i am. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Limelight 4,709 Posted September 28, 2015 May Jailer should come back for another acoustic album 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a11111 528 Posted September 28, 2015 Well, I didn’t expected that I will have to witness to her career crumbling so soon. Many of you will say that’s nothing wrong with selling 200k globally in the first week: “music not the bling”. I would respond to you that by December HM will be off the charts everywhere and will struggle to reach 750k in global sales (and I’m optimistic here). If this numbers become reality she went from selling roughly 6 mil. in the BTD+Paradise to 750k, she’ll shrunk roughly 8 times in just 2 years. I don’t have the exact figures from her streaming data but my impression is that her streaming is also in the pits. But not the numbers are bothering me really, they are just symptoms of a bigger change in Lana’s perception lately. From what I saw from the internet, the HM launch was practically a non-event. No one cares about her album. Everybody is polite, fans and critics alike, but in 2 weeks no one will talk about the album. She has no hits, no radio play, no good videos, no performances, nothing. I sense in Lana lately a certain giddiness about HM, maybe she’s happy that the album was relatively well received by the critics. She seems ready to communicate more with the fans. But soon she will have to face a new reality that her music isn’t ignite to much interest in people anymore. It will be a big hit for her and I don’t know how she’ll take it. I’m surprised by this because I (and many others) always had the impression that she has a lot of dedicated fans and she’s immune to promotion because she’ll be able to produce certain numbers. Well, it seems that this perception of her was a collective delusion. The latest delusional piece is from one of the rare stans of her music in the American media, Sasha Frere-Jones who called her “ice queen of pop”. While I’m agreeing with the ice part, I have to laugh when he calls her “queen of pop”. How is Lana a “queen” when she’s afraid of performing her music before the GP? She was/is less a star, in the traditional sense of the term, she was more a hyped curiosity on the internet. She lived well of this situation until the internet hype slowed down: in 2015, LDR has become an afterthought and her album launch a non-event. The hardcore fans will keep her in the charts for the 1-2 weeks but beyond them is a big empty space and it’s sad because her music it’s better than that. But how she got in this place anyway? We live in a world where perceptions can quickly change because of the internet and you can ruin your image in a short amount of time (see Iggy).Well, Lana did everything in her power to ruin her career in 2014 with this “it’s my party and I crash it if I want too” attitude which resulted in random behavior, trolling, canceled shows, irresponsible interviews and a total neglect of her material. At that time I didn’t thought that this will affect her to much because I liked UV but for the GP and for many casual fans she became quickly annoyingly boring. Honeymoon continued the trend with the depressive music and a total carelessness towards presenting her material. She did nothing besides that promotional stint with UO which didn’t helped the promotion of the album, on the contrary. Regarding the music, without the campiness of BTD, UV and the ice cold HM are just incredibly difficult listens and she doesn’t have the artistic credibility to pull them off. If she’s fantasizing about a career like that of Bjork she’s deluding herself, remember what Auerbach said about her in the RS interview that she’s not respected in the business. But her biggest problem is that, at 30, she still cannot sing live properly and this is so off-putting even for a long time fan as me. I’m depressed because I don’t see how she can turn around her career. I don’t see her improving dramatically live or investing more in her artistic output. I think that she’s heading towards the Marina category of artists but I don’t think that she’ll take it well: from Glastonbury to Sziget it’s a huge demotion even for someone like Lana who doesn’t seem to care. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harpunn 399 Posted September 28, 2015 Guess it's not that much of an unpopular opinion, but I consider Chuck Grant as being a mediocre photographer. Compare her to the likes of, um, well, Francesco and you get some notable differences. I'd of loved to see Francesco do the HM photoshoot. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
letsescapelizzy 673 Posted September 28, 2015 @ wow that was a super depressing read dude.. fuck.. I absolutely love Honeymoon right now. Every more listen pulls me in harder. She sounds beautiful in all songs. (There were 3 songs or4?, i don't like), but the rest and the vibe- awesome. definately a downer album tho.. you have to be in the mood for.. but i love it.. i can't not love it.. its intense as fuck for me. This all worries me more @.. I agree, except the fact (for me), some of the greatest songs/vocals ever recorded.. completley confused now.. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
letsescapelizzy 673 Posted September 28, 2015 Guess it's not that much of an unpopular opinion, but I consider Chuck Grant as being a mediocre photographer. Compare her to the likes of, um, well, Francesco and you get some notable differences. I'd of loved to see Francesco do the HM photoshoot. Frans is an excellent videographer.. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rosalito 131 Posted September 28, 2015 I think Freak is much better than Art Deco. The latter is non sense imo. I don't understand the metaphor she uses in that song and I think it's really overrated. Everywhere I go I see people saying it's the best song of the album and I can't really relate. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cinnamon 224 Posted September 28, 2015 Literally I haven't seen any praise for Art Deco. It's actually one of my favorites. I love it when she calls me ghetto. the lana fans instagram seem to love it. I do like it but I feel like it's not as great as a lot of people say it is 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,532 Posted September 29, 2015 I more and more prefer Sirens/YLM/FTE to Born To Die. I love HBTB. I don't like DICWB. Freak is barely starting to grown on me. Honemoon is STILL my favourite album and I think it really changed me as a person, not just because it was my first era and I wasn't around here for UV, really, it describes perfectly who I am right now. God Knows I Tried is absolutely perfect. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRENCH 15,456 Posted September 29, 2015 This tread better repent bc Lana Del Rey is perfect in every way no matter what song or lyric she has done 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luminom 3,287 Posted September 29, 2015 i dont care for half of uv, honestly some of her all time best songs are there, but so are some of her worst if the btd production was better and not full of shouting men, it would be def better than uv aka is her best, i love the fact that she was being herself and not some manufactured product like on btd delicious > aka > honeymoon = ultraviolence > btd > paradise 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommando 3,264 Posted September 29, 2015 From what I saw from the internet, the HM launch was practically a non-event. No one cares about her album. Everybody is polite, fans and critics alike, but in 2 weeks no one will talk about the album. She has no hits, no radio play, no good videos, no performances, Nothing. That's the issue : regardless of its quality, Honeymoon isn't a very exciting record. She's not really changing the formula and barely refining it, she doesn't have that much visuals and videos this era, all her promo moves are kinda sloppy (the HM account she basically stopped using, the buggy HM hotline, the release of the title track...). UV was a very exciting album, and she built a really good hype around it without actually that much effort, but she was delivering news/videos/songs regularly. She also had quality visuals, lots of interviews, even the meh Glastonbury show was good promo. She seemed to have a lot of projects for it until she fucked everything up after the release ; if she didn't cut everything off after the SOC video, I think UV would have been more succesful. And I don't believe her when she says she doesn't care that much about what people might think about her. That might be true when it comes to the making of the music itself, but I remember how she kinda despised UV after the "I wish I was dead" backlash, saying stuff like "I went too far with it" when she used to be proud and ramble about it in interviews, but then two months later or something like that "I hope this record won't be forgotten"... I mean she had a very rough time in her life during UV so that's totally not for us to critize her regardless of anything that happened during or after the release, but it doesn't seem like a very coherent behavior, she was clearly hesitant about what to think of it all. Idk how everything changed after UV and how she arrived to HM, but the "I'm going back to BtD sound" "it's gonna be jazzy" "Hum it's called Music to Watch Boys to" "Hum no it's HM actually" "Oh and there's these trap tracks too" thing... It's like she wanted to do it her way, but also to please. I still have wet dreams about a surf rock/Beach Boys MTWBT EP produced by Dan A. Also unpopular opinion I guess but UV is not actually that dark, except like for the last 3-4 songs and the bonus tracks : it's moody and melancholic, bitter and sometimes desperate, but it's not the pits of Hell like it seems to be for some people (except maybe TOW , Black Beauty, ITH and Flipside, where she sounds hungover, mortified and wrecked). That's what I liked about it, it's an emotional journey but she's not sinking that much in a self-pity mode, she's more subtle, even with the basic lyrics she came up with for this record. I mean there's far more depressed and depressing in the world... but nothing as moody and dancing, in it's own way 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graham4anything 2,859 Posted September 29, 2015 @ you reference the wrong Iggy. Lana is akin to Iggy- POP, Iggy Pop that is. 50 years down the road. Used to perform rolling on the ground on broken glass. His supporters still see him Lana has much in common with those like Iggy Pop (who was in the same collective as Lou Reed and Klaus Nomi and David Bowie and others like David Johansen of the NY Dolls. and has nothing in common with Azalea at all. zero. zip. nada. nothing. (one of those dime a dozen go for the #1 singles flash in the pans that sometimes last two or three albums but next years model takes over. 0 Quote Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,532 Posted September 29, 2015 You're Gonna Love Me is to me the best song made in the entire alternate universes and it will probably forever be. It's bare marrow raw. It's intensely empowering, it's extremely personal, it's spiritual, the lyrics are stellar, it's beautiful to a point where I don't have any human words to describe. It's full of the most blatant emotion I've ever came across, it's immensely relatable, and the melody is just the best I've ever heard. I regret not having discovered it before in my life. It could avoided me so much pain. This tune heals me when nothing does. It expresses what I keep the most hidden in my deepest depths. I love that we don't have the back story, I love that it's a low quality recording, I love that she's playing guitar herself, I love this extreme simplicity, I hope she never sing it again, I hope it was just 4 unique minutes, gone forever, that mattered at this precise moment. Most of the time I can't even listen to it, it's too peculiar, too beautiful, it touches things that I never would have suspected would be there. But when I need it, it's there, and it's like meeting God, and having all my hopes validated. Whoever Jim is, I'm thankful that his existence inspired this song. What God give me a plan for if he won't help me do it 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites