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Member of the Month (May): evilentity

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Everyone FIST THE SKY! Finally, we can de-throne Monicker (although he's a very deserving Member of 12 Weeks :hooker:). Give some love to our fave crypt keeper, evilentity! Undoubtedly our most knowledgeable Lana fan and supreme sleuther. Notable for unearthing many unreleased tracks, dedicating months to the Early Shows section, one beyond thorough and enjoyable covers podcast, and NEVER FAILING TO EMBED LINKS IN HIS POSTS. Most importantly, he's remained an awesome member and very deserving of this title (although let's hope his reign is a little less overwhelming).



Member of the Month: evilentity!




1. What did you do today? Depends on what day this is being posted. But there's a good chance I surfed LanaBoards while at work. #BadRoleModel


2. What's something not many people know about you or that we would be surprised to learn about? I think people would be surprised to learn that the person who posted "Prom Song (Gone Wrong)", "Stoplight De-lite", "Motel 6", the "Ride" string instrumental, various sleuthing finds, and spent countless hours putting together the Early Shows section and a Reydio podcast for the enjoyment of the community, is apparently a hoarder, liar, and selfish cheat, or so I read on tumblr. :usrs:


3. What's your current career? What's your dream job? What did you want to be when you were growing up? Have you become that yet? Did that decision change for you?
I'll answer these questions together. I'm a software engineer, but I've always wanted to be a writer. Growing up I did well in all subjects, but writing was always my forte. In high school, I also developed an interest in programming writing programs on my graphing calculator. I majored in English and computer science in college figuring I would eventually pick one or the other. I never decided, completing both degrees, but the market did. I landed a good job as a software engineer right out of college. I love programming, but I often feel like I've wasted my writing abilities. At the same time, I have difficulty giving myself permission to write. Even though I live a charmed life, I'm envious of people like Lana who "didn't have a backup plan". It's easier to pursue one thing without feeling conflicted about it.


(SH: You aren't my former English teacher? :icant:)


4. What would you consider your greatest accomplishment(s)? Personal ones.


(SH: Who voted this guy in again? :dorothy3:)


5. What are your hobbies? You mean besides the forum?


6. What's your biggest funny fail? Recreating this Wayne's World scene in college:

Except I didn't hit a car. I just slammed on the brakes too hard to stop to talk to a girl I had a crush on and wiped out.


(SH: Trust evilentity to pad his interview with Wayne's World videos :sideeye:)


7. What is your favorite memory? I had this tail and there were others just like me and we were all swimming towards this large orb and... No, more seriously, I have lots of great memories from various trips backpacking around Europe by Eurail.


8. Lana's junior and high school years have been rather chaotic from what we know. How were/are yours? Aside from having to wear a corrective back brace 22 hours a day for scoliosis, mine were good. I was the youngest boy in my grade and I finally started to catch up socially in junior high. My high school years were great. I had a close circle of friends involved in debate and theatre and such. I found the whole popularity thing to be a sham. It didn't matter if you were friends with people who were "popular". Being popular with other "loser" friends was just as good. I did a lot of shit behind my parents' backs, but was always smart about it. (If I intended to drink at a party, I would plan to stay overnight so I wouldn't have to drive, etc.)


(SH: More on the back brace, please :toofunny:

MOTW #13: evilentity's corrective back brace)


9. Do any of the words “sassy”, “fabulous”, or “flawless” describe you? Allow me to quote Monicker on this one:

I sincerely hope not.


(SH: Allow me to quote evil on this one:

Tell us something we don't know. :sassyemote:


You're one of us :hottie:)



10. If you could bring two people back from the dead, have an exquisite dinner, and some great conversation with them...who would they be and what would you eat? K. :troll: Jesus, but not for the reasons people usually say. Mainly, I'd want to see if he could pull off the feat. And then I'd interrogate him about all sorts of philosophical questions. (There's a reason "doubting" Thomas is one of my favorite biblical figures. Coincidentally, Thomas Jefferson is also one of my favorite American "founding fathers" partly because he said "Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear.") I'd also bring back either Jimi Hendrix or Stevie Ray Vaughan just I could watch them play. I don't know what we'd eat, but Jesus would make us some amazing wine.


(SH: Jesus isn't on meth so snore imo)


11. Do you believe in any form of life after death? Idk. I vacillate between very liberal Christianity and agnosticism depending on the day.


12. Who is the person you admire most and why? Bradley Manning, the WikiLeaker. He stood up for what he thought was right knowing full well the consequences could be life imprisonment or death. But I also want to give a shout out to pinupgirls. Yes, seriously. We made his name the butt of jokes on this forum before he even joined and we continue to do so for something he posted on another forum that went defunct over nine months ago. And yet he takes it all in stride and it doesn't deter him from coming here and continuing to post. Monicker and I were talking about this a little while ago, how we really admire him for that. It takes a special person to do that.


(SH: MOTW #13: evilentity's corrective back brace pinupgirls :wipe:)


13. What do you see in people that you yourself wish to emulate? Organization and a lack of procrastination. I possess neither.


14. Make up a word that you would use daily and describe what it means. PSYtar: Someone who is basic as fuck.


(SH: Vile :sideeye:)


15. If your balls were a celebrity couple, who would they be? Filliam H. Muffman. Just because I like saying Filliam H. Muffman.


16. When did you become a fan of Lana? What was it about her that attracted you to her? In the summer of 2011, I read a Huffington Post article about 15 new young artists on the rise including Lana Del Rey. I clicked the link to "Video Games" on YouTube and it stopped me dead in my tracks on the first listen. I was impressed with the subtlety of the lyrics, but it was her voice that really got me. The smoky sultriness, the most gorgeous timbre I've ever heard, and the ease and seamlessness with which she can transition from one singing voice to another. I've been in love with her voice ever since.


17. Which Lana album is your favorite: Paradise, Born to Die, Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant, or Sirens? Rock Me Stable/Young Like Me or From the End :troll: AKA hands down.  :crossed:


18. Favorite Lana song? Why? "Yayo" (AKA version). The sense of longing bordering on obsession and the dark turn the music takes near the end.


19. Least favorite Lana song? Why? Daddy Issues.


(SH: I really need a St. Tropez "you just don't get it" soundboard for some of the #DirtyOldMen on here :wtf2:)


20. If given the opportunity to meet Lana for an hour, what would you do/say? Wait, so I've got her for an hour? Guaranteed? She can't leave? :creep: I would interrogate her about all the Lana mysteries. If there was the possibility she could walk out, I would still try to find out some information, but I would be more selective and polite about it and not pry if I could tell she was getting uncomfortable. I might give her a copy of my Reydio podcast if I edited out a few parts like the Mizrahi stuff. :creep: I'd give her a copy of Monicker's "Money Hunny", maybe other Monicker selections :creep:, and tell her she should hit the studio with him. I'd also mention my pipe dream of her playing a private show at my house and paying travel expenses for LanaBoards regulars to come to it. And of course I'd ask her to sing me "Yayo". And obviously I'd tell her that :benmawson: is kind of a dick to her fanbase.


(SH: Leak those Monicker selections you possess. It's the right thing. Bradley Manning would be proud. #MoniLeaks #DoubleEntendreHashtag)



21. Would you rather love and be loved or know all God knows? Might depend on whether I'm feeling agnostic that day, but I'd probably rather love and be loved anyway.


22. Of all the unreleased videos and songs we have knowledge of, what do you thirst for most? All of it.


Boy, this is tough, I could make a really long list. Rock Me Stable/Young Like Me, From the End, OTTR demo, "Carmen" demo video, QOTGS video, videos of "Yayo" & "Pinup Galore" at Arlene's Grocery, "Lizzy Grant at the Bitter End" video, any films she was in, audio/video of a couple early shows that I have reason to believe exist in their entirety but haven't been able to obtain yet.


23. Are you the leaker? No, I am neither the leaker some have alleged me to be in the past, nor am I the hoarder so-called leak blogs make me out to be. I'll be posting more of my thoughts on the subject of leaking and hoarding soon.


24. Are you Lana? No, these things would happen if I was. And afterwards I'd have better things to do than answer these questions.


(SH: :wipe: at the shoutout. Even though Monicker is assured that she'd hate me. Wait, this isn't my interview? You guys, if we're interviewing evil, who the hell will quote the entire post with his sassy input?! Must I keep talking?! MUST I EMBED?!)


25. Are you Ben Mawson? REDACTED BY :benmawson:


26. Did you answer the 3 questions above honestly? I answered the first two questions honestly.  :hooker:

27. Who are your favourite artists? In the visual arts, I'm a big fan of Bosch and Dali. Picasso. You know, ~the masters of every genre~. :P I also really like Alex Grey.


28. What was the last book you read? I do a lot of reading online, so it's been awhile since I read an actual book. A Game of Thrones, maybe? #FlopEnglishMajor


29. Recommend us a song (can’t be top 40/popular) that we just have to listen to! Go listen to anything by Jessica Hernandez and the Deltas. Or "Min Skog" by Hedningarna. Fuck musical saws. It begins with a fucking chainsaw solo!


30. If you ever became a musician, what would you make your stage name? evilentity. Fortress of Bullshit, wouldbang/10, and Touching Dicks in the Dark would also be good names. I wouldn't use this one as a cisgender hetero, but I've always thought Tightass Androgynous would make a great band name. Feel free to steal it.


(SH: woulddicktouchinadarkfortressofbullshit/10)


31. What comes after “Lana Del Rey” in your music library? Live. I'm a product of the 90s.


32. Put your iPod/music library on shuffle and tell us which 10 songs are played. Don't skip, don't cheat! The "tons of songs" I'm apparently hoarding. :smokes:  :troll:  :smh:  I don't own an iPod. Seriously. Even though I'm a software engineer, I'm often mistaken for a Luddite because I'm too fucking cheap to buy current tech toys. I do have an mp3 player with just enough capacity to hold 128kbps rips of all of Alice in Chains' albums and Live's Mental Jewelry. You'd get a more representative picture of what I've been listening to lately by putting my Winamp playlist on shuffle. That's right bitches, Winamp Classic. #OldSkool  Here goes: 1. Jessica Hernandez & the Deltas - "Caught Up"  2. Orianthi - "You Don't Wanna Know"  3. Lana Del Rey & Barrie - "Summer Wine"  4. Alice in Chains - "Rotten Apple"  5. Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Aeroplane"  6. Live - "Waterboy"  7. Stevie Ray Vaughan - "Voodoo Chile"  8. Alice BrightSky ft. Lizzy Grant - "Lover's Fate"  9. Lana Del Rey - "Young & Beautiful" (DH Orchestral Version) 10. Orianthi - "How Do You Sleep?"


33. What are your thoughts on emotions, and the way that people express them?


34. Do you hate anyone? If so, why? Auto-Tuned Loon. Shits all over Lana's pretty songs. And now Florence too. Asshole.


(SH: Let me try an A-TL answer...A-TL: Waaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa! I'll show YOU asshole!tumblr_mmcqagIUXC1rh93ero1_250.gif)


35. What are the small things in life that make you as happy as a clam? Are clams happy? Bearded or shaved?


36. What do you think your purpose is? Are you happy with where you are in life? Oh, God. Are you gonna try to give me a copy of Rick Warren's A Purpose Drive Life like my parents?  :facepalm:


(SH: MOTW #13: pinupgirls evilentity's religious parents?)


37. What is a characteristic / trait you see in others that you wish you had? The ability to not shade someone for asking redundant questions.


38. What would you say is your favorite physical trait + personality trait in potential partner? Intelligence, a sense of humor, and strengths where I have weaknesses. As for physical traits, I like curves. But a pretty face is hard to beat. Unless you're Chris Brown.


(SH: Cheap, defend ya woman, Mo :clapback:)

39. Do you like pies? What is your favorite kind of pie?
(Actually, I don't like fruit pies. Just chocolate pie and pumpkin pie.)


40. Do you enjoy flying kites? If so, what would your ideal kite look like? Describe it. Go fly a kite.

BONUS: Is there anything you'd like to tell the community of LanaBoards? I love LanaBoards. Overall it's a great place and there's a lot of great people on here, but it can easily become addicting and unhealthy. Don't let the forum or your friendships with people on here get in the way of your IRL relationships and responsibilities. The key is balance. There's more to life than Lana or the forum. That's something I need to tell myself sometimes too.
Also, the tumblr fuckery and all this anger and jealousy and entitlement and shaming and bullshit about who's leaking what or who's hoarding what is just fucking childish. Again, there's more to life than Lana or the forum.


(SH: Easy for a selfish hoarder to say :mj2: But really: :mariah:)



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Gosh, finally. I was member of the week for a quarter of a fucking year. Do you know how glad and relieved i am that this is over? All hail evilentity. That opening paragraph was in true evil fashion, Sitar, good work. Evil, give Daddy Issues another chance, it’s so good! Also, have i ever mentioned that Lanaboards sometimes reminds me of being in a Hieronymus Bosch painting? 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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What a great interview. I'd pay just to watch this happen tbh:

20. If given the opportunity to meet Lana for an hour, what would you do/say?

Wait, so I've got her for an hour? Guaranteed? She can't leave? :creep: I would interrogate her about all the Lana mysteries. If there was the possibility she could walk out, I would still try to find out some information, but I would be more selective and polite about it and not pry if I could tell she was getting uncomfortable.


Also, you listen to Hedningarna? How/When/Where did you ever find them? Geez, you might even be more swedish than I am  :assad:


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I was member of the week for a quarter of a fucking year. Do you know how glad and relieved i am that this is over?

MOTW #13: evilentity's religious parents Monicker :teehee:


Also, have i ever mentioned that Lanaboards sometimes reminds me of being in a Hieronymus Bosch painting?

I feel like if Lana had used the first two panels of Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights" instead of Brueghel's "Temptation in the Garden of Eden" for the back cover of Paradise (as Neal suggested), LanaBoards would be the third panel in the triptych.


PS: I had to google what procrastination means :awk:

Eh, look it up later.


Also, you listen to Hedningarna? How/When/Where did you ever find them?

My older brother listens to a lot of "world music" (ugh, what a useless term) and introduced me to them. Then I was lucky enough to see them in concert in 2001 when I spent a semester studying abroad in Denmark. Probably one of the best concerts I've been to.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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What a wonderful interview. Sitar and evil, I drink a toast to you!  :gclap: Says the one who doesn't drink.  :creep:

Tightass Androgynous, I still have to recover from that. :lmao: I've never gotten around to say that, but, evil, I value you a lot as a member on here. 

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Finally! One of the most deserving MoTW. You contributed so much to this forum and I'm so glad you, your sense of humor and intelligence make this forum a productive place and not just a place where people "LOVE HER so muuuuuch" and think "she's soooo pretty". Thank you for your dedication and you're stalking researching abilities.


PS: I usually have a really bad visual memory when it comes to people's face, I don't know how but yours in engraved in my brain, I could draw you with my eyes closed if I were talented enough... you and and that creepy avatar of yours.


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My goodness, I loved this so much. I was actually surprised of how I could see myself in so many things you've said, Evil. I want to be an English major as well. Oh, and I laughed out loud at the Chris Brown joke. :lmao:

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But a pretty face is hard to beat. Unless you're Chris Brown.  :clapback:

What is your favorite memory? I had this tail and there were others just like me and we were all swimming towards this large orb and...



Also, I don't know what's up with our... ~elderly~ members denying this, but evil, you are the EPITOME of sassy, flawless, and fabulous. Don't you forget it.  :hooker:

Also, the tumblr fuckery and all this anger and jealousy and entitlement and shaming and bullshit about who's leaking what or who's hoarding what is just fucking childish. Again, there's more to life than Lana or the forum.

PREACH IT, SIS  :gurl: 





Can someone put me on the Opting-Out List?


I hate this MOTW Thing. I have never read one of the interviews to be honest. 



I think that Lanaboards need new mododerators btw. They're getting unpopular and abusing their rights.



You're very much entitled to your opinions and concerns about the forum, and we encourage everyone to share their thoughts... however, there is a place for it, and it is not here. This thread is to celebrate evil and shine a light on an incredible and generous member of this forum, not to post criticism and express your disdain on the very medium that allows us to get to know him better and show our appreciation for him. If you don't like the threads, stay out of them. It's very simple. Please don't ruin what is supposed to be a celebratory, positive thread with your negativity and things you take issue with.


You are welcome to post any concerns or constructive criticism in Help & Support subsection. If you take issue with any moderators in particular and would like to address it in a private manner, contact LDR and he will be discrete about it. Lastly, opting-out is as simple as PMing Sitar or any of the other moderators. We've had several members prior opt-out and/or express a lack of interest, uneasiness, dislike of the voting/attitudes around MotW in general -- perhaps they didn't even provide an explanation, that's cool too -- but if they did, it was expressed in a polite manner in an appropriate place. 


Please do not quote/respond to this post; this is not the appropriate place for discussion and this should be a happy thread :3


you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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Also, I don't know what's up with our... ~elderly~ members denying this, but evil, you are the EPITOME of sassy, flawless, and fabulous. Don't you forget it.  :hooker:

PREACH IT, SIS  :gurl: 





You're very much entitled to your opinions and concerns about the forum, and we encourage everyone to share their thoughts... however, there is a place for it, and it is not here. This thread is to celebrate evil and shine a light on an incredible and generous member of this forum, not to post criticism and express your disdain on the very medium that allows us to get to know him better and show our appreciation for him. If you don't like the threads, stay out of them. It's very simple. Please don't ruin what is supposed to be a celebratory, positive thread with your negativity and things you take issue with.


You are welcome to post any concerns or constructive criticism in Help & Support subsection. If you take issue with any moderators in particular and would like to address it in a private manner, contact LDR and he will be discrete about it. Lastly, opting-out is as simple as PMing Sitar or any of the other moderators. We've had several members prior opt-out and/or express a lack of interest, uneasiness, dislike of the voting/attitudes around MotW in general -- perhaps they didn't even provide an explanation, that's cool too -- but if they did, it was expressed in a polite manner in an appropriate place. 


Please do not quote/respond to this post; this is not the appropriate place for discussion and this should be a happy thread :3





Only because it's your 111 Post (and the 111 is a holy number for me)



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How are members of the week chosen? I mean, Monicker stayed there for centuries


We vote them in. There have been a few polls. We've had two coming up for a while but they decided to answer at their leisure (:hooker:), so Monicker had a really long stay...Tbh I'm considering changing it to "Member of the Moment" so people get less hung up on this weekly thing. Is that less confusing?


Oh and let me address these accusations just real quick: evil was chosen a while ago because he had the most votes. The thread for the poll was closed and there was a clear post announcing the winner. Any votes received after that are invalidated. This is not abuse of power. Thank yoooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

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