Rebel 3,177 Posted September 25, 2013 Oops I post restricted you bye So I saw Lorde last night. Thanks for doing us a favor. +HOW WAS IT OMG I'M SEEING HER IN 5 DAYS 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Madrigal 2,622 Posted September 26, 2013 You know you're a Lorde fan when you haven't downloaded any new song since 'Tennis Court', and you ran to your local CD store to reserve a copy so you can bike there as fast as possible next Monday to pick up your copy of 'Pure Heroine', and when you already have your friends on a waiting list to borrow it once it's finally in your hands. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paraiso 158 Posted September 26, 2013 @SitarHero how was U.T.R.B performance as opening act? good, decent, bad?? dets plz! first time performing live. sadly there's no videos on YT 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted September 26, 2013 You know you're a Lorde fan when you haven't downloaded any new song since 'Tennis Court', and you ran to your local CD store to reserve a copy so you can bike there as fast as possible next Monday to pick up your copy of 'Pure Heroine', and when you already have your friends on a waiting list to BUY it once it's finally in your hands. FIFY. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valentino 887 Posted September 26, 2013 It's true there are a lot of people who think feminists are man-hating bra-burning lesbians, which is super ignorant of history. But loving someone madly isn't anti-feminist; at worst, it's kinda stupid. If a man sang the same lyric, nobody would say it was "destroying masculinism." Maybe they'd say he's a pussy (how dare men feel emotion and care for people! men is tough. man is protect. no feel weakness) or clingy, but he wouldn't be speaking for all men against society. It bothers me that when a woman says something that can vaguely be interpreted as anti-feminist, it's a setback for every woman in the world but men can say all sorts of stupid things and nobody says "omg, you guys are misrepresenting yourselves, how do you not care about how men are viewed in society?" It's a ridiculous double-standard that also applies to people of color (black guy says stupid thing: lol, black guys are stupid. white guy says stupid thing: wow, this one dude is stupid). Lorde seems to care a lot about feminism and how women are viewed, so it's kinda hurting me to see that she thinks a woman's personal decision to be a Stage 5 clinger hurts all of womandom. I did the same thing at a younger age and looking back at it now, it was incredibly stupid, awful, and misogynistic. The difference being that thankfully, I didn't have the internet around to record all the stupid garbage I was saying. She's 16 and standing under an international spotlight with a press that's not only scrutinizing her every move but actively pitting her against another, older woman who is much more established. Being that people tend to change radically from when they're 16 to when they're adults, I do believe it may be best for her not to say absolutely everything she feels at this point because when she makes a mistake (don't tell me you don't have that one stupid thing you thought during adolescence!), it's going to come back and she won't even be able to say "oh well, haters gonna hate," it's gonna be "wow I was so stupid how could I say that. and why are you judging me on something i don't believe anymore stop." You know how the press is. I kinda wish the press would stop focusing on pitting her against Lana (remember what Marina said? All women are the same! Marina and Kate Bush are interchangeable because they're both vaginas that play an instrument!) and using feminist rhetoric to hide behind it because it's making me think poorly of her when that's probably not the case and she probably doesn't even spend half her day thinking about Lana. They're trying to make her out to be this girl who's gonna stick the knife in Lana's back the second she turns around and I doubt Lana ranks even a 3 on her scale of important things (10 being the highest). Come on, press. Using Lana and feminism to make me think poorly of her is a cheap shot. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sitar 22,226 Posted September 26, 2013 Thanks for doing us a favor. +HOW WAS IT OMG I'M SEEING HER IN 5 DAYS So good! She even played "Good Fights" and "Hold My Liquor"! I'll write up a whole experience but in short, to anyone apprehensive about her live show, it's incredible! Not only are her vocals always on point, but her confidence and presence really adds something and the lights were used in a really clever way. I ended up on the balcony and from there this spotlight right behind her gave me serious Messiah teas. And she blinded us with every "yeah" in "Tennis Court", it was awesome. She didn't play "Still Sane", "The Love Club", or "Team", though. You know you're a Lorde fan when you haven't downloaded any new song since 'Tennis Court', and you ran to your local CD store to reserve a copy so you can bike there as fast as possible next Monday to pick up your copy of 'Pure Heroine', and when you already have your friends on a waiting list to borrow it once it's finally in your hands. (I've ordered two copies and I'm gonna give all my friends their own copies.) ((U aren't better than me for not listening to her new shit)) @SitarHero how was U.T.R.B performance as opening act? good, decent, bad?? dets plz! first time performing live. sadly there's no videos on YT So good! Definitely earned a fan. I read some reviews from the August shows and saw he only DJ'd so I was pleasantly surprised to find him singing because I recognized some of the songs I'd sampled. + I love an unexpected live trumpet. Everyone I'm loving the attention on this thread but for gods sake say your negative opinion and forget about her. Go awayyyy you edgy fux 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sitar 22,226 Posted September 26, 2013 How the interview absolutely went: "Are you a feminist?" "Absolutely. Wholeheartedly. Etc." ~No mention of Lana at the moment that she was this aggressive in her opinion~ 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cartoon eyes 2,621 Posted September 26, 2013 So, she has opinions? OH MY GOD EVERYONE HATE THE STUPID BITCH NO ONE CAN HAVE OPINIONS ON OTHERS!!!1!!!!!1 Get the fuck over it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TrailerParkDarling 5,705 Posted September 26, 2013 How the interview absolutely went: "Are you a feminist?" "Absolutely. Wholeheartedly. Etc." ~No mention of Lana at the moment that she was this aggressive in her opinion~ I feel like they most def prodded her about Lana before she sung the lyrics 'with disgust' and left that part out. So odd 0 Quote *** People call me crazy but I'm in demand *** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DUKE 2,531 Posted September 26, 2013 When I watch a Lorde interview I feel the need to trash another artist who looks a little bit like her, but then reason comes to me. That said, I am so annoyed to see people always comment on her age as if what she says didn't need to be taken seriously. To me, she seems a lot more aware and mature than a variety of twenty-somethings in the media and out of it. Judging from what she said in that New Zealand interview, I have tremendous respect for her. There are few young artists who actually care about every little aspect of their work beyond the creative part itself. It's too early to make a comment like that, but I can see her going very far because she doubtlessly has got the creative potential as well as an eye for how things work and how they don't. The latter is a quality I miss in other artists who sign a record deal being remotely aware of its conditions and are then completely unaware of the consequences of their career decisions. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mileena 2,696 Posted September 26, 2013 I've not really investigated her music that much, but one thing that is really bothering me is some people are basically saying that her opinions are irrelevant because she's young. I think she does have some interesting things to say, and of course interviewers do twist things around (the same happened with Lana a lot as we all know), so I don't think she is trying to bash Lana at every available opportunity. And people commenting on Lorde's looks is just ridiculous, what have they got to do with anything at all? Nothing. I think it's good that she's promoting feminism, but maybe interviewers are just making her seem like a bad guy (or bad girl?). 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StationToStation 249 Posted September 26, 2013 Omg, Lorde is going to be on the 'Catching Fire' soundtrack with the song 'Everybody Wants To Rule The World'. I can't wait, I hope it has the power like Florence's 'Breathe Of Life' song had (not that Florence and Lorde sound/look like each other, but 'Breathe Of Life' is one of the most flawless and powerful movie soundtrack songs I've ever heard) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RetroSound 396 Posted September 26, 2013 Please could you tell me what program you used to rip videos from VH1? Or did you just record the screen? I used Wondershare AllMyTube 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xratedcuntxrated 72 Posted September 26, 2013 Does anyone got a collection of her songs? Im getting into her and I would like to know her unreleased or rare songs, PM me if you want! thanks 0 Quote <Knowles // Aitchison // Grant> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sitar 22,226 Posted September 26, 2013 Omg, Lorde is going to be on the 'Catching Fire' soundtrack with the song 'Everybody Wants To Rule The World'. I can't wait, I hope it has the power like Florence's 'Breathe Of Life' song had (not that Florence and Lorde sound/look like each other, but 'Breathe Of Life' is one of the most flawless and powerful movie soundtrack songs I've ever heard) As in this song probably Where is Good Fights? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TrailerParkDarling 5,705 Posted September 26, 2013 As in this song probably Where is Good Fights? ugh I love that song and I can already hear her singing it. need it yesterday!!!!!!! 0 Quote *** People call me crazy but I'm in demand *** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,803 Posted September 26, 2013 GUYS IS ALREADY ON ITUNES NEW ZEALAND BUT IT'S NOT ON THE WEB SOMEONE BUY IT OMG 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
keanefar 1,007 Posted September 26, 2013 GUYS IS ALREADY ON ITUNES NEW ZEALAND BUT IT'S NOT ON THE WEB SOMEONE BUY IT OMG What?! Edit: Thought you meant her Catching Fire song tbh omg I suck 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
greymillenium 542 Posted September 27, 2013 From the stream, I like her singles so far (Royals and Tennis Courts) and Buzzcut Season and Ribs and Team She reminds me of the XX in a lot of ways. Pure Heroine is what Ellie Goulding's Halcyon LP should have been if she stayed with her roots. ... electro-folk with layered harmonies and actually I see more musical similarites between those two (maybe it's the accent?) aside from the lower register that Lorde uses which is reminiscent of Lana of course. I listened to her Maida Vale sessions on BBC and wasn't really moved. She has a promising career if she rides the hype wave correctly. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites