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That episode was honestly dire. So boring.

I do think it was a bit of a slow episode, but I don't mind. I like to think it'll build up well as a season because of that, and not end up like a rushed mess a la Coven.


Gods & Monsters makes the most sense to me as which Lana song she's most likely to sing. Also @@PrettyBaby definitely get into the show!! You can start with any season, they're all different stories. Since this season just started, watch it with us! The general consensus favors Asylum the most I think, with Murder House after & Coven being the least favorite. Though I know quite a few people who favor Murder House more because they're idiots it's "less scary" than Asylum.


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I do think it was a bit of a slow episode, but I don't mind. I like to think it'll build up well as a season because of that, and not end up like a rushed mess a la Coven.


Gods & Monsters makes the most sense to me as which Lana song she's most likely to sing. Also @@PrettyBaby definitely get into the show!! You can start with any season, they're all different stories. Since this season just started, watch it with us! The general consensus favors Asylum the most I think, with Murder House after & Coven being the least favorite. Though I know quite a few people who favor Murder House more because they're idiots it's "less scary" than Asylum.


It does seem like they're taking their sweet time because Coven was messy but they're making a lot of the same mistakes, too, like way too many two-dimensional characters (Jessica Lange is an aging starlet with an accent! The twins are evil and good! Groundbreaking!) with little room to develop them, and sacrificing horror for camp. Like there was not a single scary moment in this episode! That clown was tacky as fuck!


Also Murder House was definitely the scariest. Asylum was good and I'd be happy if the show followed the trajectory of that season (rather than Coven), but even it was a step down from season 1.

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It does seem like they're taking their sweet time because Coven was messy but they're making a lot of the same mistakes, too, like way too many two-dimensional characters (Jessica Lange is an aging starlet with an accent! The twins are evil and good! Groundbreaking!) with little room to develop them, and sacrificing horror for camp. Like there was not a single scary moment in this episode! That clown was tacky as fuck!


Also Murder House was definitely the scariest. Asylum was good and I'd be happy if the show followed the trajectory of that season (rather than Coven), but even it was a step down from season 1.


hmmm I beg to differ at least about the twins. It doesn't seem like one is good and one is evil. They have different personalities. One is sweet, a bit naive, sexual, and wants to be a star. The other is the logical calculated one. Even though the "dumb" one stabbed the mother, the logical one still helped cover it up and they are definitely in it together. 

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It does seem like they're taking their sweet time because Coven was messy but they're making a lot of the same mistakes, too, like way too many two-dimensional characters (Jessica Lange is an aging starlet with an accent! The twins are evil and good! Groundbreaking!) with little room to develop them, and sacrificing horror for camp. Like there was not a single scary moment in this episode! That clown was tacky as fuck!


Also Murder House was definitely the scariest. Asylum was good and I'd be happy if the show followed the trajectory of that season (rather than Coven), but even it was a step down from season 1.

I agree about Jessica playing basically the same character every season (though she does it so well :rip:) BUT I disagree about the twins thing. I mean yeah they're like opposites but they both have some similarities as shown already with their shared affinity for Evan's character. I don't think they're as simple as good/bad. They both seem to have multiple facets of their personalities.


And I don't think it was scary, but definitely a bit eerie.


Still not convinced MH is scarier or better than Asylum. :flop: Asylum was written better, had a more solid concept, better characters & was a full story as opposed to MH which was kind of open-ended.


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hmmm I beg to differ at least about the twins. It doesn't seem like one is good and one is evil. They have different personalities. One is sweet, a bit naive, sexual, and wants to be a star. The other is the logical calculated one. Even though the "dumb" one stabbed the mother, the logical one still helped cover it up and they are definitely in it together. 


Okay so not good and evil but the opposite thing is still so trite in twins. Quote me when one of them kills the other though


I agree about Jessica playing basically the same character every season (though she does it so well :rip:) BUT I disagree about the twins thing. I mean yeah they're like opposites but they both have some similarities as shown already with their shared affinity for Evan's character. I don't think they're as simple as good/bad. They both seem to have multiple facets of their personalities.


And I don't think it was scary, but definitely a bit eerie.


Still not convinced MH is scarier or better than Asylum. :flop: Asylum was written better, had a more solid concept, better characters & was a full story as opposed to MH which was kind of open-ended.


Okay they both wanna fuck the sex symbol of the show THE GROUND KEEPS BREAKING.


Where is your taste. Murder House had the best plot and horror of them all because it was focused, even Asylum got out of hand with its concepts and wasn't half as edge-of-your-seat scary.


Now finally WHAT was eerie about this episode? Jessica Lange's vocals? It had no plot whatsoever and the clown could have gone so much harder on the horror factor.

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The problem with the first episode was that it was too long. Too much filler scenes and stuff that made at least me v bored. The preview for the next episode looks good tho

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Ughghghghg they're going too slow and before you know it, the season's gonna be half over and they're gonna just rush everything like season 3.


my worst fear for the season :(( ugh i had so much hope for this to recover from fan service mess that was coven.


Worse still i'm not sure i actually like any of the characters. I mean there's no one i'm rooting for, no one i'm shipping. i don't hate all of the characters but i'm v apathetic thus far.


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That one was just as bad?!?! Making me nostalgic for Coven yikes--at least that was scary until everyone started getting resurrected

I think it builds up over time, the episodes must be longer for a reason, right?


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They hyped up the clown like Gaga did with ARTPOP-- it's not scary at all! Hopefully I'm wrong soon. Didn't Ryan say that people fainted on set during a scene?

well he said some of the crew that said they weren't normally scared of clowns told him they had nightmares about him

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