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3 hours ago, Ceremonials said:

i still can't get over her saying age has now made her not into super autistic guys anymore, and then the next day she just goes on a dune rant 


I'm sorRY WHAT???

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7 hours ago, Ceremonials said:

i still can't get over her saying age has now made her not into super autistic guys anymore, and then the next day she just goes on a dune rant 


3 hours ago, AtomicMess said:


I'm sorRY WHAT???

she tweeted: ‘I feel like something abt the way we approach aging is wrong. I feel a lot happier, prettier, more creative in my 30s, more attracted to ppl less autistic. I know technically cells supposed to be starting to die and fertility near end? But doesn't feel that way.’


imo she worded it badly (her second favourite hobby) and missed a comma, I think she meant SHE felt less autistic, which… girl you are in a completely isolated bubble, talk about/work on nothing but your current special interest and don’t have to interact with ‘normal’ people because you can get other people to go shopping for you, you are living the autistic dream rn:toofloppy:


also I HATE this whole ‘women start to lose their fertility at 30’ shit, not only is is incredibly outdated (the sharp decline in eggs in in a woman’s 40s) the implication is so misogynistic, men’s peak fertility is the same age as women, their sperm starts going downhill too. yet they’re never pressured to go stop their career and pop out a couple of babies ‘before it’s too late’ :pls:

Grimes I am begging please read a basic biology book and perhaps something on feminism too…:oprah3:

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8 hours ago, AllForYou said:

Grimes I am begging please read a basic biology book and perhaps something on feminism too…:oprah3:


Based on past precedents, she'll most likely miss the point and her AI brain will switch to TERF mode.

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7 minutes ago, Jon Batiste Interlude said:

so the record is called Music 4 Machines?  



there's no record, from now on there's only further descending into madness 


no but seriously what is this elf tech thing i don't have an iphone :trisha:

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22 minutes ago, Voignamir said:

there's no record, from now on there's only further descending into madness 


no but seriously what is this elf tech thing i don't have an iphone :trisha:

you can sign in on desktop, you just need an email, it's just a website with nothing interesting atm, I thought there was a new song but it's just spoken word

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On 4/29/2023 at 3:01 AM, Ceremonials said:

i still can't get over her saying age has now made her not into super autistic guys anymore, and then the next day she just goes on a dune rant 

I somehow thought I was on the Ocean post release thread and that you were talking about Lana and for a second I was lightheaded


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since this ai grimes bullshit ain't leaving anytime soon someone should use it to make the closest thing to david studio since the real david studio is allegedly lost

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ISTG if this isnt official album artwork + title



@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

                                      Pokemon Eevee GIF - Pokemon Eevee Flower - Discover & Share GIFs                                   evee-dancing.gif

Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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The pills, the saturated color tone, the "gore", the dystopian feeling of the cover... oh my God she is in her "Genocyber" era :lange:


in case if you dont know what "Genocyber" is









The whole uncensored 5 episode OVAs are available on Youtube. It's too violent to post here :hair:


@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

                                      Pokemon Eevee GIF - Pokemon Eevee Flower - Discover & Share GIFs                                   evee-dancing.gif

Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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44 minutes ago, SalvaWHORE said:

ISTG if this isnt official album artwork + title



I don't think it is, I think she's trying to go with book 2, which is dumb af cause we all know if she does release book 2 first she'll never release book 1 and just make a joke how book 1 is a 'lost piece of media in the AI lore'

3 weeks... do we believe her?


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