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Lady Gaga

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I really don't understand the terrible reviews Joanne is getting. It's really refreshing compared to what's going on in the charts atm. She's actually back on track and ahead of the crowd/curb once again.

What gets me is its the same critics that wanted a stipped down more real version of her. They got that and now they want the avant garde version back because they feel that Joanne version is non-authentic- whatever the fuck that means anyway.  :bye2:  :uh:

If it was any other artist that released Joanne it wouldn't of received half of the scrutiny it has had over that last few days....


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So this is her Ultraviolence era among the fans but her Born to Die era among the critics? Alternative pop queens only


They'll be here for LG6 when they realize this new sound isn't a fluke :hooker: Going through all this with one fave previously is tremendously illuminating lmfao

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Angel Down is my new God Knows I Tried.  :oprah: It brings such a magic and innocent feeling for me and Peter Pan flying to Neverland with the kids always comes into my mind:



Angel Down(Work Tape) reminds me of the DreamWorks logo, that I associated with Shrek since I saw the logo in Shrek's movies throughout my whole childhood:



Oh God, the nostalgia is screaming! :oprah:


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So this is her Ultraviolence era among the fans but her Born to Die era among the critics? Alternative pop queens only


They'll be here for LG6 when they realize this new sound isn't a fluke :hooker: Going through all this with one fave previously is tremendously illuminating lmfao


too bad rick nowels and his intern have been booked forever by our legendary fav - Lana Del Rey :creep:

her Ultraviolence (Mark Ronson assisted) follow-up won't come soon  :teehee:


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no i am being serious! need to hear those beats in Hq with no vocals and no vocals that will ruin the beat on the song that is in hq hq being 320 and not 240 or 120 lets see if it might happen according to if or not the hq instrumental from a song that has a nice beat in HQ might leak soon if not i dont know what to do if not hearing a beat from a hq song any song joanne on any song from instrumentals that are HQ or otherwise LQ dont get it to be LQ if LQ dont exist because i need to hear the beat in hq on any song in hq from joanne as long as it contains no vocals and becomes hq theough studio sessions and its hq with no vocals and needs to be just beat in hq and maybe from joane but any song will do as long as its in hq with no vocals and only beat but joanne has no beat so i mean just sitars and only sitars i dont need beat i need no vocalls with sitar in hq if possible may or maybe not but if yes i would enjoy a good sitar beat with no beat that has no vocals that is from a song on joanne or not anyway it is okay as long as there is no beat with no vocals and only a good no vocal song with no beat and sitar oh u caught me there i said no beat and no sitar but i mean really i need sotar but no beat but if it may otherwise be another way i will be okay as long as the song is crom Joanne if not i may be okay but i still will have a no vocalled song with a instrumental containing piercig shrieking or otherwise not a vocal song but has no beat with instrumental lets see if it happens because if so i will be cery cool woth anything else except that also it needs to be in hq no less than 240 or more than 1080 all depending on quality not wquanitity with beats ajd instrumentals containing no vocals and who is lady gaga think she is doing this to her fans that have been with her since more thn 1 year i cant stand her she needs to do a seperate album of no vocaled songs just beat because it makes me ANGER if not otherwise with no beays and only vocals that would e horrendous i dont need that ib my life right now i am going through a lot and it hurt me to think we would have vocaled songs with beats but not any no vocaled song with beats and other beats but any other way would not be okay because i am fine with this arrangment of horrendous proportions that hurt me in every way ok


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