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How do you feel about Lana's leaked songs?

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yea theres a big amount of unreleased songs that are simply terrific not to be heard and its a really good way to get some new great music, especially im interested in early ideas of an album so I really like this story behind, like demos or outtakes, picking the most album-sound-like, so its always very exciting to me get into this part when im into some new artists, even tho its not that legal how they appears.. but im really against of spreading upcoming material


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People who preach about abstinence from leaked unreleased material are kind of like the people who preach about abstinence from sex before marriage.


They think it will grant them the graces from the person/thing they idolize. The truth is, what’s out is out. People not listening to things that have leaked won't change the fact that they have leaked. Neither will it result in Lana writing you a personal letter, declaring you her best fans.


Actually, her putting leaked material on Blue Banisters could actually be a direct result of her songs leaking. Her interest in releasing unreleased material and outtakes sparked out of the popularity of her unreleased catalogue. Songs she once considered not good enough for a release, were possibly reevaluated by her.

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once the song is out, i think it’s pointless to avoid it, & i don’t think it makes you morally inferior to engage with leaked content, it may come off as harsh, but, every musical artist will have leaks, obviously some artists have more leaks than others, but i’m sure nearly every musician/singer has had at least a couple songs/demos that were leaked onto the internet, even niche, small artists, if somebody’s a big fan of an artist, of course they’ll want to hear all that’s available from a certain artist, sometimes an artist’s unreleased work, especially if it’s from their early career, can say so much about them & their talent, i know lana’s unreleased music is a huge aspect of why i’m such a massive fan, of course, there may be certain situations where a song leaks & we know the artist is very upset & not okay with it (we all know what i’m talking about) & in that case i think it would be wrong to listen to the song


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Just now, Summertime Saddest said:

It's normal, and no one is gonna stop you from listening to it and if you shame people for it please touch some grass

well, i just asked a question, i'm not shaming anyone 😅
and please, don't be rude 😊

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4 minutes ago, The Love Witch said:

People who preach about abstinence from leaked unreleased material are kind of like the people who preach about abstinence before marriage.


They think it will grant them the graces from the person/thing they idolize. The truth is, what’s out is out. People not listening to things that have leaked won't change the fact that they have leaked. Neither will it result in Lana writing you a personal letter, declaring you their best fans.


Actually, her putting leaked material on Blue Banisters could actually be a direct result of her songs leaking. Her interest in releasing unreleased material and outtakes sparked out of the popularity of her unreleased catalogue. Songs she once considered not good enough for a release, were possibly reevaluated by her.

maybe, releasing already leaked songs is a special pr stunt from her side, imho?
but, from the other side, it can have a negative impact on album sales

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Just now, Surf Noir said:

once the song is out, i think it’s pointless to avoid it, & i don’t think it makes you morally inferior to engage with leaked content, as harsh as it may sound, every musical artist should expect leaks, obviously some artists have more leaks than others, but i’m sure nearly every musician/singer has had at least a couple songs/demos that were leaked onto the internet, even niche, small artists, if somebody’s a big fan of an artist, of course they’ll want to hear all that’s available from a certain artist, sometimes an artist’s unreleased work, especially if it’s from their early career, can say so much about them & their talent, i know lana’s unreleased music is a huge aspect of why i’m such a massive fan, of course, there may be certain situations where a song leaks & we know the artist is very upset & not okay with it (we all know what i’m talking about) & in that case i think it would be wrong to listen to the song

well, in one hand, leaks can open some new sides of artist you love, and in most cases it makes love his or her work even more
but yeah, if certain artist don't like that people leak their songs i think fans better shouldn't listen to it (at least because of the elementary respect for the content creator)

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i dont think i wouldve connected with lana as much as i did (and do) if it werent for her unreleased. as long as im not the one digging into her personal files to obtain  these songs, i dont feel bad lol

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Loves it. I only joined this forum to keep up with Lana leaks.

So much beautiful material that would otherwise have disappeared into the void.

Unfortunately it's been a bit dry lately but I will celebrate every new drop we get. 



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i agree with everyone, once it’s out it’s out and what’s stopping me from listening? most of my top songs are unreleased…. my top albums ever are plastic hearts - sessions, mm3, cry baby - sessions, gagas unreleased, and charlis unreleased 😭😭

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I’m not exactly fond of the way unreleased material is usually obtained but there would be some absolute gems that we would have no idea even existed had they not leaked. Like imagine a life in which no one but Lana and her producers knew songs like Fine China, ITTJ, Cult Leader, Serene Queen, Hawaiian Tropic, Are You Ready, UFB, Trash Magic, Backfire, etc. exist? Omg? The only circumstance in which I’ll avoid an unreleased song is if Lana specifically doesn’t want it circulating/leaking (like I felt bad about listening to Living Legend when it leaked after she scolded everyone for it on her live; I still haven’t listened to That Song; I wasn’t around for the leak of the Untouchable 5 but I probably would have felt bad for listening to them at the time - though those were at the time fairly recent and intended for a project which is probably why she was so upset).


As far as released material goes, I admit I usually listen to leaks ahead of release date if I’m intending to purchase said material when it’s available. If I don’t care enough/don’t plan to buy it I’ll wait until it’s available to stream and just listen on YouTube or something.


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