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5 hours ago, Nectar Of The Puss said:

My tangerine vinyl isn’t orange at all it’s the exact same as the Chemtrails beige but I’m not mad about it because I wasn’t gonna get it because I have orange vinyl it just doesn’t look nice. I’m hoping we get lots of rep variants and alt covers I’ll be buying them ALL


The vault tracks made me love 1989 even more I didn’t really like it that much before because of songs like shake it off, bad blood and wildest dreams but the vault tracks cancel those out so it’s a 10/10

Not liking Wildest Dreams is like kicking puppies what the fuck?

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2 hours ago, Embach said:

I want Reputation to be the last album honestly. Debut as a last one would be a cute idea but Reputation holds more power to be the last one.

Yes but it makes more sense to end her rerecordings era with self titled. She gets her name back 

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1 minute ago, The Siren said:

Yes but it makes more sense to end her rerecordings era with self titled. She gets her name back 

Well yeah true but ending with Rep TV and her saying "The old Taylor can't come to the phone right know, why? Cause she's dead" would be a perfect middle finger to Scooter to show that the stolen versions Taylor is dead :teehee:


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On 11/1/2023 at 2:48 PM, paradiso said:

there's no way she didn't write slut and suburban legends the night before the album came out like those songs are new as hell


what is it with people and this narrative that the vault songs are new? she’s one of the most prolific songwriters of all time. even Lana has hundreds of songs per album we never know/knew about.


people always have a clue about what the vault songs are, and this time these songs were known to insiders like eclipse. these songs are definitely tweaked and changed because she can but to think she didn’t have these songs already written as demos or sketches is so weird and a constant “gotcha” that everyone tries to have every album for some reason 

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On 11/1/2023 at 10:48 AM, paradiso said:

there's no way she didn't write slut and suburban legends the night before the album came out like those songs are new as hell

Nah, if you're familiar with her songwriting, you can tell that it isn't. Especially Slut!, it's like Blank Space's writing! She hasn't really re-visited that type of writing since then, and if you really pay attention to the evolution of her writing, you can see a distinct difference between 1989 writing and current writing. And for suburban legends, she would come up with some better lyrics if she wrote that today.....now come on. BTW- this is coming from someone who believes that ATW10 was partially made up!


"I want to stay home, be left alone- Someone make up my mind so I don't have to decide"

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On 11/1/2023 at 4:46 PM, Nectar Of The Puss said:

I like it more live but it’s just never clicked with me it’s just a bit boring tbh

Try listening to the music video version, it's more powerful production wise


"I want to stay home, be left alone- Someone make up my mind so I don't have to decide"

https://www.last.fm/user/fakeeyelash13- my last fm <33

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10 hours ago, viktoria said:

every single time she releases a rerecorded album people always go "these songs are new! she just wrote them!!!!" like give it up :bye:

I mean the Vault tracks are…


Nevermind, Last night read this as a complaint toward people treating the TVs as new music.

I’m a dumbass…



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10 hours ago, honeymooncd said:

Try listening to the music video version, it's more powerful production wise

I hate the chorus or whatever the part is when she says “wildest dreammmmsss ahhh a ahhh” I don’t like it at all but then the rest is good it’s definitely amazing live and in the music video tho

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9 hours ago, nowhereInParticular said:

I mean the Vault tracks are…



GIRL if you’re going to make accusations then you’re going to have to back them up lmao


the Fearless Vault were ALL online for years except Mr Perfectly Fine. ATW10 and Nothing New hinted by Liz Rose and co. for YEARS. Evidence of Patrick Berger and Dianne Warren having writing sessions too.

why is it so hard to believe she writes more songs than the one she releases? are people simple?

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23 minutes ago, problematique said:


GIRL if you’re going to make accusations then you’re going to have to back them up lmao


the Fearless Vault were ALL online for years except Mr Perfectly Fine. ATW10 and Nothing New hinted by Liz Rose and co. for YEARS. Evidence of Patrick Berger and Dianne Warren having writing sessions too.

why is it so hard to believe she writes more songs than the one she releases? are people simple?

Ok, I originally read it as a complaint like people were treating the albums like new music/they didn’t care for that, I’m stupid…



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So, just now I finished listening to 1989 TV for the very first time and I'm dropping my first thoughts here:


• Out Of The Woods TV is her best re-recorded song. Masterclass, perfection, brilliant. Definitely million times better than the original, the details in production are more clear and the vocals are super strong too! Blank Space TV was amazing too, the second best one off the record.


• The Vault Tracks were so boring. Like they didn't bring nothing new to the table, like sonically and lyrically nothing new or exciting. I find the standard songs more exciting than The Vault Tracks. And I agree with others that The Vault Tracks were quite Midnights-y. I kind of hoped for them to be louder. But my favorite Vault Track is "Is It Over Now", it's super catchy and powerful with the word play and the melodies are super reminiscent to Out Of The Woods. It had the intense which I hoped and wanted the other Vault Tracks had. The bridge was also so fucking epic!!!!!


• Other songs were nicely re-recorded the quality in production seems to be a lot more crisp and clearer which I liked.


• Style and Shake It Off were the weakest re-recordings on the album. I agree with others that Style seemed to be quite rushed, like the production quality was not as clear as the others and seemed like made by karaoke Youtube channels. Vocals were still good. But with Shake It Off, the vocal performance was so weird, like the vocals were quite pitched? But it didn't the ruin the vibe of her other vocal performances on the album.


• Clean aka my favorite song from 1989 - the TV version needs to grow a bit more because it also seems it was kinda too loud instrumentally for me but I was also so used to the original version, so I understand why it needs time for me to grow.


• I adored New Romantics TV. The chorus was kinda too loud and messy instrumentally maybe but I wasn't that into the original version at first place because the song was already "screaming" to much. But TV one has better power effect for me. I also can relate to the song somehow.


• The other songs that were my other favorites or songs that weren't my favorites (but which I liked) in the original version soundes the same for me in TV and my opinon didn't change about them at all.


• I really loved the lyric videos and the reuse of 1989 Tour's visuals. The other visuals were cute too! I loved that in some parts they used her handwriting as a font for lyric videos.


• Her vocals were super strong in this overall, perhaps her best vocals performance in her career. She hit high vocals and she hit the low vocals. Superb amazing! The reason why the original 1989 wasn't my biggest favorite was that her vocals were too screechy for me to listen to, kinda like Halsey's vocals. But with TV the vocals improved 10000%





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I think she did a good job with this re-recording, but I miss something special like the ten minute version of All to Well on Red or a surprising collab... :um2:


The whole album feels more like a routine job than something truly extraordinary, unlike Red

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