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Why are all the London shows sold out 😭



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32 minutes ago, jumpropesparklequeen said:


i mean it’s the capital of the uk and twiglet central ofc it would be 😭

Is it a small venue or something? 💀😭



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7.5/10 i’d say :) 

Striptease, sticky, and girl feels good are easily my favorites not counting singles.


Room of fools is good I just need to hear it more to form more of an opinion on it. Same with 24h Dog.


Childlike Things is really fun but I’m sure I wouldve enjoyed it more without north on it 😭


keep it, hold it and wanderlust are my least favorites and imo wanderlust is one of her worst songs idk what she was trying to do with that song but I hope she doesn’t try it again :crossed:


 my current top 5 songs are 

- Striptease

- Sticky

- Perfect Stranger

- Drums of Death

- Girl Feels Good 


Im excited for the deluxe and striptease music video :)

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10 hours ago, PARADIXO said:

I don't have my full opinion yet but I do feel the urgency to say it just doesn't make sense to me that Twigs and her team spent months in the studio working on a song like Childlike Things and fully believing it was a good idea. What the fuck was that. Worst Twigs song no competition.

of all things, this song is on Spotify's New Music Friday list :bebe:

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chidlike things is so fucking cringe i’m being forreal 


not only that spoiled ass kid being in it, but the horrible Japanese low-key racist/stereotype accent and the actual message that’s being told is just embarrassing, sorry not sorry 


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Childlike things and Room of fools oh the flops that you are



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Idk... Im not saying it's bad cause it's not but it does feels a bit derivative and undercooked. I had feeling like she was trying to emulate different artists, in one songs she's Björk, then she's Grimes, then she's Kate Bush. I have to sit a bit more with it but it's apparente there was a dip in quality after Magdalene. Eusexua is still one her best singles imo.


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Here's my ranking after a few listens

1. Eusexua - masterpiece!  dark club song , goes off 10/10

2. Perfect Stranger - great pop song 10/10

3. Girl Feels Good - iconic ray of light realness 10/10

4. Striptease - sultry and sensual 9/10

5. 24hr Dog - nice song 8/10

6. Sticky - alright 7/10

7. Wanderlust - alright 7/10

8. Drums of Death - ehh its alright, dont get the hype, needed a music video to carry it 6/10

9. Keep it, hold it - cant even remember this one 6/10

10. Childlike Things - annoying 5/10

11. Room of Fools - demo ass song 3/10



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playing eusexua and veinsineon’s radiant me mix back to back :bop:






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