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it finally leaked a little bit ago.  full thoughts below

Devil I Know has grown on me a decent bit, i see how it works in this tracklist now a bit better
Sarah Come Home slaps WAY harder than i thought it was gonna, in love with the lyrics its so sweet
Rings a Bell is still THAT bitch yall slept on her but shes still my fav prerelease song
the opening to June Gloom caught me off guard in a good way, idk what she did differently on this album but GOD is she bringing the goods.  this (album) feels like the culmination of her work up until now, and im so glad its here
transition into Love Me Wrong honestly didn't sound like it was gonna work but as soon as i heard it it clicked
the switch into Super Duper feels a bit weird but honestly i don't even know how you'd fix it so i can't blame her.  i'm so glad the studio version slaps as hard as it sounded live
transition into Susie Save Your Love works super well, not sure how i feel about the first verse's production but the prechorus is gorgeous.  Mitski's voice on this sounds fantastic, i was expecting her to deliver but she sounds better than i ever imagined on this.  fade out is a bit of a weird end but i won't argue
Life of the Party... this bass is HUGE oh my god.  this was the one i really wasn't sure about from the preview and i still don't quite know about it here- i like the production in the verses way more than in the chorus.  love the verse 2 joke, her writing here is so interesting to dissect.  can't wait to see how people take this one apart
Madame X, been in love with this production since the snippet, it feels like the cover looks in the best way.  i love how the song swirls around the subject, her best ballad in my opinion.  this bridge is so cool, can't wait to see how she does this live.
Learning in Public, my absolute favorite from the snippets- this is the one i've played on repeat, and for good reason.  i love how it starts so percussive and then just EXPLODES, she really delivered both on this song and this album and this is the proof.  i can't get enough of this chorus and post-chorus, it feels like what i've always wanted from her.  2nd post chorus is everything.  the ending is so poignant for going out so suddenly.  loops pretty well back into the start too


overall?  strong 8 or higher at the moment, this is the album i've been waiting for allie to deliver.  even i can admit in hindsight Collxtion II was underwhelming, and Super Sunset never really fully stuck with me but she really went all out here and it shows.  the songwriting, the production, the visuals.  i pray this doesn't get paid dust because it's a fantastic record



Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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I just want to stay this album is IT! She really delivered. Oh my gawd. I am so impressed.


It's the life It's the life It's the life It's the life It's the life It's the life It's the life It's the life of the party :bop:

It's the life It's the life It's the life It's the life It's the life It's the life It's the life It's the life of the party :bop:

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“My inspirations for the album started with an HBO documentary called Cape Cod Heroin strangely enough. A lot of the characters and settings of the documentary resonated with me and inspired me to do an experiment, writing a song from one of the character's point of view, which then led me down a rabbit hole into this whole world in my head and of course back to all of my own personal feelings from when I was a teenager/young adult. HA I'll explain more as we go on...”


from her Reddit AMA. i didn't know this but knowing this context changes a lot of meaning of the songs and i just... this is such a great concept album 


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