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LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships

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It's probably been brought up, but whoever 'K' was, he was a musician?



For K Part 2: "I like your music and you like the way I walk"

Westbound: "You like to write about all of your problems, put them in songs because you think it would solve them"


now on to my lanalysis  :creep:


"Why did you go? I guess I know, maybe my question is, why must it come to this?"

She is just questioning why this had to happen, although she knows what led to it.. RE: "a drive-by sunday night" "Is this what you wished to commit a crime, to be serving time?" 


I feel like the whole of Westbound is about her usual "Honouring love lost", she knows he is gone and isn't coming back but she can't give him up. (Gangsta boy: "I don't care if you're going to prison, I wouldn't said I love love you if I didn't."


This also links to Dark Paradise, in Westbound she says "you and your melody" and proceeds to hum it, the same melody that is haunting her in Dark Paradise. The melody is a part of him that still possesses her.


"They're tryna teach me about new ways of living, they're tryna teach me 'bout way of forgiving"

Lizzi attending one of her famous self help groups  :flutter:


"you're such a bad bad boy, I love you anyway" - The dedication to him is still strong as ever, this lizzy chick is way too clingy  :oprah2:


"You would not approve, but you are on the move"

Lana has previously said that she has been in " a whole lot of trouble" and that more than religious, she is very spiritual. I think that being "on the move" is his transition to the afterlife, AKA "the other side" something she talks about in Bel Air, Born To Die and Dark Paradise.


I think this is probably the most interesting, I did some researching about the significance of being westbound and this definitely explains the songs, supposed, title. :O


"Some Native Americans of the Southeast say that the souls of the dead dwell either in the heavens or in the west.

The west has often been associated with the afterlife of the spirits. Polynesian islanders locate their ancestral island in the west and believe that spirits of the dead can return there. The Celtic people pictured an otherworld that was sometimes underground or under the sea and sometimes an island in the west."



Totally agree with you. Eve if westbound is a made up name doesn't really matters since the connections you did with Dark Paradise and Gangsta Boy pretty much links the songs into Lana's lost love theme. Lost love has several meanings anyway. Can be also the love a person had for you.  When someone that loves you die you crave that lost love, the touch, the words, the person and the love you had for them and they had for you. Even if you believe in after life and have faith is impossible not to crave touch because nothing compares to the "real thing". I think she talks to him as a therapy. Some therapies suggest talking to people you lost, write letters and such as a way to cope with the pain.


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Finally got through all of this! Aaaaah. Need to nurse my brain ache for a moment.


Now, first I would like to start off by saying, Lizzy said (I think in the Mike interview?) fantasy is her reality. She has often spoken about drawing influence from films, landscape, architecture, etc.



This raises the following questions in me. She described herself as a shy girl. What kind of shy girl would strip and prostitutue? It's not necessarily unheard of. But it makes me wonder, how much of the pistol-whipping, go-go stripping, body selling, come to my motel-Ing is just that, a fantasy? Is just how she feels while taking a ride in that white Pontiac heaven?


And in that, where is the line between a tattoo covered, (perfectly sculpted) man flicking his cigarette in the wind, and a bad bad man doing bad bad things? Did the events involving K really happen? Is K even a person? Is K many people? An era?


Another thing I'd like to throw out there is, should K be very real indeed, is he dead, is his death even pending, or is he just dead to her? I know this point has been made. But I would like to show my support of the idea that maybe Lana killed K off in her mind, because of whatever events may have occurred.


By the way, I'm glad that the For K part 2 issue was brought up. Who's to say he wasn't another musician?


I just have a hard time thinking that a lot of the K stuff is not metaphoric, because if everything she has written about are actual events, I don't see how somebody could come out of that without serious, visible damage. How has she not fallen completely apart?



Enter broken Lana. Should all these things be true, I really do feel as though she could have either tried to commit suicide, or behaved recklessly enough that it might as well have counted as a death wish. I think a lot more of the songs are about this pain than we think. I also think more are about addiction than we think.


My take on Cola




I think Cola is about indulgence, opulence, and bad behavior. Lana has blatantly admitted to drug use in her interview with GQ.

Ah he's in the sky with diamonds (lyrics sheets debunk the very audible Harvey!) Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Obvious reference. Maybe not to acid though? Maybe she's high, and horny, and its making her crazy? And, of course, DRUGS (or even drag) SUCK IT UP!!! Helloooo.

Then there's the obvious allusions to having an affair.

Or, little idea to bounce around, what if the subject is "married to the job" (be it music, or whatever else) and she's just trying to entice him into letting loose? Your wife won't mind, your work can wait? Come on baby, lets ride...


Also, I think the infamous line about the flavor of her... Assets... While apparently being a dirty whisper of her lover, is a little more cheeky than dead pan. I think what she is trying to say is, I am a true blue American girl, complete with daddy issues, and a lust for glamour. (Gives more wind to the lyric I fall asleep in an American flag)

I wear my diamonds on skid row could be a metaphor for striving to maintain that beautiful life when things get gritty, or just an ode to her love of glamour. She be fancay.


As for the whole bridge, I think it is just Lana spreading her legs, and saying, indulge me



I would also like to add, who is to say that Mike wasn't a coin in Lana's revelry? Just because he is older, doesn't mean he couldn't have used drugs, abused alcohol, etc. that sort of changes the foundations of Video Games? If Yayo is a prequel to Video Games, is there a chance that they are about the same person?


Oh, and going through this thread, what was with Mike and the film credits? Was there a post with information that has been deleted? I think I missed all that.


And I wanna know, who the hell is Put Me In A Movie really about?!? It's way to accusatory.


That's all I can think to say for now, sorry its all over the place. My brain is frizzle-fried! Not to mention I think I've lost a few points of eyesight on each eye. Great thread though! You guys are brilliant super sleuths, and I feel honored to be in the presence of such sneaky genius.

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Oh, and going through this thread, what was with Mike and the film credits? Was there a post with information that has been deleted? I think I missed all that.

That topic has its own thread. See here.



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Sigh let's bring the thread BACK, we should just do a thing where we pick one song and analyze the shit out of it togetha B)


I'm looking for analyses of Million Dollar Man, All You Need, Pretty Baby, Moije Joue, Delicious/Big Bad Wolf if there even is anything to come up with, and especially Come When You Call Me America :hooker:

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Million Dollar Man


You said I was the most exotic flower,
Hold me tight in our final hour.



I don't know how you convince them and get them, but;
I don't know what you do, it's unbelievable,
I don't know how you get over, get over,
Someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you.


people that work for K?

One for the money, two for the show,
I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready, to go,


Her justifying going go go dancing? She's talked about going somewhere in songs about K...going on a vacation before he turns himself in? Him breaking out of prison and them running away?



I think Pretty Baby is about Jimmy. I feel like she's mostly sung about ~violent love~ in songs about Jimmy.


Moije Joue is just about seducing some guy imo.


She's fucking delicious.


Big Bad Wolf


I told you not to go into the woods,

I told you that he wasn’t any good.
I told you not to go into the woods,
I told you that he wasn’t any good.


The guy's bad bad news.

‘Cause you rock, rock, rock, rock, rock
You know that I want what YOU got.
You rock, rock, rock, rock, rock


Jimmy (since he's a rock musician)?

Big, bad, naughty rock star


I hear not-rockstar here and she's said that she met someone who she thought was a celebrity in rehab but he actually wasn't that famous so...Jimmy?


Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Million Dollar Man


You said I was the most exotic flower,

Hold me tight in our final hour.




I don't know how you convince them and get them, but;

I don't know what you do, it's unbelievable,

I don't know how you get over, get over,

Someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you.


people that work for K?


One for the money, two for the show,

I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready, to go,


Her justifying going go go dancing? She's talked about going somewhere in songs about K...going on a vacation before he turns himself in? Him breaking out of prison and them running away?



I think Pretty Baby is about Jimmy. I feel like she's mostly sung about ~violent love~ in songs about Jimmy.


Moije Joue is just about seducing some guy imo.


She's fucking delicious.


Big Bad Wolf


I told you not to go into the woods,

I told you that he wasn’t any good.

I told you not to go into the woods,

I told you that he wasn’t any good.


The guy's bad bad news.


‘Cause you rock, rock, rock, rock, rock

You know that I want what YOU got.

You rock, rock, rock, rock, rock


Jimmy (since he's a rock musician)?


Big, bad, naughty rock star


I hear not-rockstar here and she's said that she met someone who she thought was a celebrity in rehab but he actually wasn't that famous so...Jimmy?



Okay cool I'm willing to accept these. Don't know how I could missed that BBW stuff in all my listens of that song :hillary:


As for Million Dollar Man, I think it does apply to K now that I really consider it, but for different reason than you pointed out. Doing things for the money = K all day. And the bit about convincing, I think that's just him being magnetic and electric again, like the NA monologue.

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I've been doing Lanalysis all night and I'm a little out of my mind.


I need some second opinions on "Junky Pride" and "Find My Own Way"--I think they're definite companion songs, about a guy who was a jerk to her so she's decided to move on and gain some independence. I usually put these under "random Sirens dude" in my mind (potentially Nick), but I spent so much of tonight expanding on Jimmy's story that it seems these kind of fit with him?


"Pawn Shop Blues" is about her leaving her local celebrity because "he wasn't enlightened about how to be a good person" (too much drugs), evidenced in this interview: http://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/entertainment/articles/2011-09/19/gq-music-lana-del-rey-video-games-interview


Maybe it's been obvious to everyone but me, but it seems like that's EXACTLY what's happening in FMOW and JP. Perhaps she tried to help him and he started getting angry and hurtful, so she bounced. MAIN PROBLEM WITH THIS: that means she would have already dated, been engaged to, and left Jimmy by the time Sirens was released.



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Million Dollar Man


You said I was the most exotic flower,

Hold me tight in our final hour.




I don't know how you convince them and get them, but;

I don't know what you do, it's unbelievable,

I don't know how you get over, get over,

Someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you.


people that work for K?


One for the money, two for the show,

I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready, to go,


Her justifying going go go dancing? She's talked about going somewhere in songs about K...going on a vacation before he turns himself in? Him breaking out of prison and them running away?



I always figure "I don't know how you convince them and get them" refers to his other lovers. She's willingly in a non-exclusive relationship, and she keeps assuring him that she's okay with it. In some live performances of "MDM," she emphasizes, "I'm fine, and I'm ready to go!" So why is her heart broke?


I could be way off base. But it reminds me very strongly of "Last Girl on Earth":

Baby's got a broken heart

She can't belong to only one

Until another girl is found...

...My feet don't even touch the ground


She chooses to live freely because it's less heartbreaking for her than short-lived monogamy. She's throwing off the cultural role of female as Keeper of the Purity/of the Relationship, in an if-you-can't-beat-them-join-them sort of way. (Perhaps as modeled by the man in "Butterflies Part 2," who's "so happy that his feet don't even touch the ground"?) But she's pretending. ("Pretend I’m happy, living all the world without love.")


She wants to find love, but she keeps reminding herself to "trust no one." This is why I'm not sure it even matters who is the guy from Sirens and/or "Pawn Shop Blues," and/or the rest of her catalog. "No man can keep me together, been broken since I was born."


(I'll show myself out now.)


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I've been doing Lanalysis all night and I'm a little out of my mind.


I need some second opinions on "Junky Pride" and "Find My Own Way"--I think they're definite companion songs, about a guy who was a jerk to her so she's decided to move on and gain some independence. I usually put these under "random Sirens dude" in my mind (potentially Nick), but I spent so much of tonight expanding on Jimmy's story that it seems these kind of fit with him?


"Pawn Shop Blues" is about her leaving her local celebrity because "he wasn't enlightened about how to be a good person" (too much drugs), evidenced in this interview: http://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/entertainment/articles/2011-09/19/gq-music-lana-del-rey-video-games-interview


Maybe it's been obvious to everyone but me, but it seems like that's EXACTLY what's happening in FMOW and JP. Perhaps she tried to help him and he started getting angry and hurtful, so she bounced. MAIN PROBLEM WITH THIS: that means she would have already dated, been engaged to, and left Jimmy by the time Sirens was released.




I have always thought the same way. I didn't really associate them with "Pawn Shop Blues" but definitely (at least to me) "Find My Own Way" and "Junky Pride" are companion songs, also considering they're consecutive tracks which sort of reiterates that. I don't think I can add much to what you said because I guess you summarised the songs well. :)

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What if K is Kurt Cobain  :O 

Ok, I know, but hear me out. He's dead, she likes him a lot... I pointed out the "fantasy is my reality" in my previous post...

Meh, ok.  :usrs: 

I also wanted to add that, as sick and sad as it is, I definitely think Lana has been in a (or a couple) abusive relationship(s). Too many of her lyrics suggest this. 


Million Dollar Man, I definitely think is about K.


I have 2 interpretations of Moi Je Joue. It could possibly be about K, and what makes me think this is the "glimmering by the swimming pool" line, as I feel that Off to The Races is about K. And don't be bad babe. Or, what if it was about Mike/Van/other record exec type? Doesn't mean you can't jump in and get cool... Could that be either alluding to an other woman situation, or sort of taunting somebody important? Just because you're tied down, doesn't mean you can't dip your feet?

MJJ is so interesting to me, I just love Brigitte Bardot's original. I wish we could have the Lana one remastered, or better quality.  :flutter: 

Here's another wacky thought that people are going to hate. What if Sirens really wasn't from 2006? What if it was a side project along the time of AKA, just before it, or even as she was writing BtD? I mean, how do we really know?







Diamond Dave, and Ray Late...

Are there any clues in the Ride video? Is Old Daddy K? He's Mike isn't he  :troll:

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I used to think Million Dollar Man was about Jimmy (it coincides with some of her descriptions of him, fitting quite well with "Born to Die", which definitely sounds like it's about him), but then, since its timeline kind of coincides with her break up with Mike, I started to think it was about Mike, but then - remembering that Lana writes from the past even more than the present - I went back to thinking it's about Jimmy :)

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I also wanted to add that, as sick and sad as it is, I definitely think Lana has been in a (or a couple) abusive relationship(s). Too many of her lyrics suggest this.

I agree, sadly.


What if K is Kurt Cobain  :O 

...and all her swimming pool mentions are references to this:





Actually, I could get behind this theory based only off the lyrics of "For K Part 2", but not "For K".


Here's another wacky thought that people are going to hate. What if Sirens really wasn't from 2006? What if it was a side project along the time of AKA, just before it, or even as she was writing BtD? I mean, how do we really know?

Well, aside from her different vocal style and more simplistic guitar arrangements, we know because "Junky Pride" was on her web site at least as early as September 2005, "A Star For Nick" and the name "Sirens" were on her MySpace page at least as early as May 2006, and the Team Hellions guy who I suspect was jamie311's source said it was from 2005 or 2006.



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I agree, sadly....and all her swimming pool mentions are references to this:NirvanaNevermindalbumcover.jpg :troll:Actually, I could get behind this theory based only off the lyrics of "For K Part 2", but not "For K".Well, aside from her different vocal style and more simplistic guitar arrangements, we know because "Junky Pride" was on her web site http://www.screenshots.com/lizzigrant.com/2005-09-28]at least as early as September 2005[/url], "A Star For Nick" and the name "Sirens" were on her MySpace page http://www.screenshots.com/lizzygrant.com/2006-05-28]at least as early as May 2006[/url], and the Team Hellions guy who I suspect was http://www.spillitnow.com/viewtopic.php?p=3030968&highlight=#3030968]jamie311's source[/url] http://teamhellions.com/2012/06/02/because-there-is-controversy-the-may-jailer-story/]said it was from 2005 or 2006[/url].

Hahaaaa swimming pool, glimmering, darling.


Everybody complains about how For K Part 2 does not tie in at all with the first. Maybe I was actually onto something! :teehee: and maybe it was sort of about Jimmy too, comparing him to Kurt. (Hence Rehab)


Thanks for clearing that up. Is For K from Sirens a fan made title?

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Thanks for clearing that up. Is For K from Sirens a fan made title?

Yes. "Junky Pride" and "A Star For Nick" are the only Sirens song titles with definitive receipts. There is also speculation that "Next to Me" might actually be called "River Road" and Trash Magic said a mod on the old forum claimed "Out With a Bang" and "Bad Disease" had been streamed under those titles a long time ago, but there's no receipts.



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Everybody complains about how For K Part 2 does not tie in at all with the first. Maybe I was actually onto something! :teehee: and maybe it was sort of about Jimmy too, comparing him to Kurt. (Hence Rehab)


I always thought For K Part 2 was about Jimmy, because she's obviously referring to a musician (it could be Reeve, but it's less likely imo): "I like your music" and the "Use that voice, sing that song". You could say that in Sirens' Westbound she sings "You like to write about all of your problems/Put them in songs because you think it would solve them", implying that K (if it's about him) was also a musician, but the following line from Part 2 makes me discard that it's about him: the "Alright you got me, I don't play a good guitar" I think relates to her feelings of inadequacy at first ("like a groupie incognito posing as a real singer"), which would match her New York open mic nights and first shows, making this a Jimmy era composition. She was indeed electrified by him, especially in her starstruck beginnings ;)

I know: so much speculation! but that's what we're left to do, become little Sherlocks and take bits and pieces of what we know and deduce away!  :toofunny:

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My pet theory is that K is someone (or more than one someone) who looks like Kurt Cobain.


I think that too sometimes. But Sometimes I wonder if she used to hang out with him at K mart. Small town girl thing...


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I always figure "I don't know how you convince them and get them" refers to his other lovers. She's willingly in a non-exclusive relationship, and she keeps assuring him that she's okay with it. In some live performances of "MDM," she emphasizes, "I'm fine, and I'm ready to go!" So why is her heart broke?


I could be way off base. But it reminds me very strongly of "Last Girl on Earth":

Baby's got a broken heart

She can't belong to only one

Until another girl is found...

...My feet don't even touch the ground


She chooses to live freely because it's less heartbreaking for her than short-lived monogamy. She's throwing off the cultural role of female as Keeper of the Purity/of the Relationship, in an if-you-can't-beat-them-join-them sort of way. (Perhaps as modeled by the man in "Butterflies Part 2," who's "so happy that his feet don't even touch the ground"?) But she's pretending. ("Pretend I’m happy, living all the world without love.")


She wants to find love, but she keeps reminding herself to "trust no one." This is why I'm not sure it even matters who is the guy from Sirens and/or "Pawn Shop Blues," and/or the rest of her catalog. "No man can keep me together, been broken since I was born."


(I'll show myself out now.)


;) good one. Strong possibility me thinks. Do you feel sometimes that the violent love is many times a reference to her love for alcohol? I get that impression. Alcohol and the effects it produces in her and consequently in her relationship?


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