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Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread

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I love Kahne because I love AKA but I still would rather her work with someone she never worked with before. She needs to move forward not backward.

Goddesses don't speak in whispers. They scream.

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I love Kahne because I love AKA but I still would rather her work with someone she never worked with before. She needs to move forward not backward.



Lana, if you're lurking, make an album with David Lynch!!! He's perfect for you. He combines jazz and dream pop effortlessly. Also, he and Lana both have that "seemingly innocent but sinister under the surface" thing going on in their work.


God, imagine Lana's Floating into the Night :defeated:

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I'm on page 47 and I can confirm to y'all that this thread went trash. anyways since I don't know any of the music of producers that are "working" on HoneymoonHoneymoon I'm just going to hope for the best.

besides that girl Alana Del ray onlt works with people that makes her feel"electric" or people that just make her feel anything (see what I did there Hah!)




I hate the mobile version of Lana boards I don't know how to fucking put ant fucking emojis and let's not talk about gifs

I'm on page 47 and I can confirm to y'all that this thread went trash. anyways since I don't know any of the music of producers that are "working" on HoneymoonHoneymoon I'm just going to hope for the best.

besides that girl Alana Del ray onlt works with people that makes her feel"electric" or people that just make her feel anything (see what I did there Hah!)

I hate the mobile version of Lana boards I don't know how to fucking put ant fucking emojis and let's not talk about gifs

blame the fucking mobile version


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Lana, if you're lurking, make an album with David Lynch!!! He's perfect for you. He combines jazz and dream pop effortlessly. Also, he and Lana both have that "seemingly innocent but sinister under the surface" thing going on in their work.


God, imagine Lana's Floating Into the Night :defeated:

One song by Kahne never hurt anyone though....  :creep:

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Well, that's not how it works though. There are still 10 months to go

Obviously I didn't actually mean it definitely wasn't coming out, I'm just not gonna get hyped for any release this year if Lana isn't giving us anything to get hyped about.

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I hate when artists start hyping too early, and then it feels like forever before we hear anything again. First single please Lana!!

I like that she is not talking about it (although it's not like she is talking to us anywhere about anything lately) too much. We know that it is coming. We know that it will be great. She doesn't need to talk about it while it is still so far away. It's okay if she starts hyping it 6 weeks ahead of release, if she will at all.

Although we will hype ourselves more than enough for sure :creep:

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I think Music To Watch Boys To will sound like West Coast meeting Florida Kilos meeting Kill Kill but more radio friendly . At least , this is the vibe that she gave to me when she described it . 


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The way she set up the hype for Honeymoon so far is incredibly weird. Bombarding Instagram with selfies? The most that she's done with UV / Tropico is promotional stuff! I bet the album is coming very very soon, sooner than all of us can imagine....

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Because of all that perpetual tragic-love, doomed-relationships-with-junkyard-brutes, heartbreak-hotel narrative, she shoud name her new sonic baby "Bitter Moon". Too bad the title is already used. Honeymoon sounds like an irony to me.


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The way she set up the hype for Honeymoon so far is incredibly weird. Bombarding Instagram with selfies? The most that she's done with UV / Tropico is promotional stuff! I bet the album is coming very very soon, sooner than all of us can imagine....

Please don't get my hopes up  :ohno:


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Are we just going to ignore the fact that Lana was with Matthew Bellamy yesterday of Muse? More rock for Honeymoon, please.


He's also a producer right? This meeting might not be so casual  :defeated:

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