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Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'

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Sorry, but are you trying to say that BTD is a sell-out that will be forgotten in a few years while people will remember Lana for UV?



im not sure about the title but i suppose im here for it. i hope she is happy with her final product and doesnt rely on collabs or covers. DLMBM is an unnecessary cover as it's already been covered tons of times but great choice anyway. i think she knows whatever she does isn't going to make everyone happy but she doesn't care. she does her.

Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger.

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Leaked well said. :gclap:



You can still make great music and chart high. You do not have to dumb down anything. I believe she's capable of that and she did so in the past.


"Artistic integrity" :omfg2: fuck outta here *said in Az voice*


How do you go from this: An acclaim WW top 10 hit



To this:





One day you'll grow out of the chart crap.


Seems like Ultraviolence only holds a sour taste in your mouth because it didn't do the gangbusters you hoped to validate your fandom. That's unfortunate.

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To be fair MIAM has stated MANY times that on top of their displeasure with UV's chart performance (which, like most of us, I find silly but at the end if the day they just want Lana to get the success she deserves...there would be no harm in stating that opinion if MIAM wasn't so obnoxious about it) they're not the biggest fan of of UV as an album. I find it just as annoying as you guys but in truth we probably should listen to them every now and then, because when they're not babbling about the dissapointing visual imagery and music videos of this era (Shades Of Cool...'nuff said) they bring up good points. Lana DOES have a record label to satisfy, and if she can't provide the label with what they want then they will drop her in an instant (they clearly had their doubts when she was making UV, but UV's sales as a whole were definitely satisfying, so don't let MIAM get into your head, just because she hasn't had a big radio hit this era doesn't signal a "flop") but seriously if you could just tone it down with all that noise about "UV FLOPPED BTD FOREVA" and instead present reasons for your opinions to create a meaningful disscusion as oppossed to forcing your opinion down everyone's throats as though if they don't agree with you they're wrong people would have no reason to criticise you.


Hopefully Honeymoon can be an era of peace and prosperity in the quaint little fandom of Lana Del Rey. UV is probably my favourite album of all time but people ruined that era with their fights and childishness, I know it's a lot to ask but could we all just be a little more aware and more respectful of each others' opinions? No one wants to be told they're wrong for liking or disliking music, and we should all be more aware of that...but still if all you want to do is complain it would be easier on everyone if you would just leave. Rant over :lel: :kiss:

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To be fair MIAM has stated MANY times that on top of their displeasure with UV's chart performance (which, like most of us, I find silly but at the end if the day they just want Lana to get the success she deserves...there would be no harm in stating that opinion if MIAM wasn't so obnoxious about it) they're not the biggest fan of of UV as an album. I find it just as annoying as you guys but in truth we probably should listen to them every now and then, because when they're not babbling about the dissapointing visual imagery and music videos of this era (Shades Of Cool...'nuff said) they bring up good points. Lana DOES have a record label to satisfy, and if she can't provide the label with what they want then they will drop her in an instant (they clearly had their doubts when she was making UV, but UV's sales as a whole were definitely satisfying, so don't let MIAM get into your head, just because she hasn't had a big radio hit this era doesn't signal a "flop") but seriously if you could just tone it down with all that noise about "UV FLOPPED BTD FOREVA" and instead present reasons for your opinions to create a meaningful disscusion as oppossed to forcing your opinion down everyone's throats as though if they don't agree with you they're wrong people would have no reason to criticise you.


Hopefully Honeymoon can be an era of peace and prosperity in the quaint little fandom of Lana Del Rey. UV is probably my favourite album of all time but people ruined that era with their fights and childishness, I know it's a lot to ask but could we all just be a little more aware and more respectful of each others' opinions? No one wants to be told they're wrong for liking or disliking music, and we should all be more aware of that...but still if all you want to do is complain it would be easier on everyone if you would just leave. Rant over :lel: :kiss:

(this will be a long post)


Ultraviolence may not have been full of hits but it was by no means an unlistenable album. She definitely surprised (and turned) a lot of detractors who dismissed her as a record-label android.


All of you guys whining about flop this, Ultraviolence shitty videos that, seem to have forgotten how rough Lana's start in this business was. She was accused of the worst things - being a fraud, being a liar, being untalented, and being a woman hater. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what was said about her. She somehow managed to come out of that and answer those people with a brilliant album (it may not be for everyone, I understand this) that showed her versatility as a musician and her moxie, not allowing the thirsty tendencies of record labels cloud her vision. Ultraviolence did not put a dent in her career. It earned her some clout and we ALL know it.


I get that Lana has younger fans - I'm the same age as Lana so who knows what you'd consider me. But you guys quickly seem to forget what Lana has stood for since the beginning. And it was never high budget, #1 singles, coture dresses, or god forbid, doing things just so people could buy it. This is the same girl who made videos on iMovie for christ sakes. She's not Gaga or Taylor Swift, she's a creator. The girl makes her money where she needs to. The rest of the time she's making art the only way she knows how to do it, and that's why I love her. When she's given a budget - she's a fucking legend. But you're gonna have to get used to her not always being that. She's more rock n roll than she is pop - regardless of what the purists say.


So that's why the Mariah Carey dude's comments rub me the wrong way. it's like - why do you even like this woman? Worshipping Mariah Carey makes all the sense in the world given the things you say - but LANA?

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(this will be a long post)


Ultraviolence may not have been full of hits but it was by no means an unlistenable album. She definitely surprised (and turned) a lot of detractors who dismissed her as a record-label android.


All of you guys whining about flop this, Ultraviolence shitty videos that, seem to have forgotten how rough Lana's start in this business was. She was accused of the worst things - being a fraud, being a liar, being untalented, and being a woman hater. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what was said about her. She somehow managed to come out of that and answer those people with a brilliant album (it may not be for everyone, I understand this) that showed her versatility as a musician and her moxie, not allowing the thirsty tendencies of record labels cloud her vision. Ultraviolence did not put a dent in her career. It earned her some clout and we ALL know it.


I get that Lana has younger fans - I'm the same age as Lana so who knows what you'd consider me. But you guys quickly seem to forget what Lana has stood for since the beginning. And it was never high budget, #1 singles, coture dresses, or god forbid, doing things just so people could buy it. This is the same girl who made videos on iMovie for christ sakes. She's not Gaga or Taylor Swift, she's a creator. The girl makes her money where she needs to. The rest of the time she's making art the only way she knows how to do it, and that's why I love her. When she's given a budget - she's a fucking legend. But you're gonna have to get used to her not always being that. She's more rock n roll than she is pop - regardless of what the purists say.


So that's why the Mariah Carey dude's comments rub me the wrong way. it's like - why do you even like this woman? Worshipping Mariah Carey makes all the sense in the world given the things you say - but LANA?

End thread\ :xcry:

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Ugh can we please stop bringing Mariah Carey into everything ?

I fell in love with Lana because of the BTD album, I had never heard such a fusion of hip hop and orchestra ! (Sorry maybe it's out there but I doubt with those lyrics)

And a lot did as well (except those who followed her before that) ... UV is great and it's who she is, but don't tell me BTD isn't all her. She likes the record, the way she still sings those songs proves it (of course she has to sing some of its songs because the public wants to hear them as well,

It's like MC, she's not fond of Hero yet she sings it because of the way people react to it)

Anyway, Lana could have released her PWYC video, couldn't she ? That's not high budget...


Leave people and their opinion alone xD


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Ugh can we please stop bringing Mariah Carey into everything ?

I fell in love with Lana because of the BTD album, I had never heard such a fusion of hip hop and orchestra ! (Sorry maybe it's out there but I doubt with those lyrics)

And a lot did as well (except those who followed her before that) ... UV is great and it's who she is, but don't tell me BTD isn't all her. She likes the record, the way she still sings those songs proves it (of course she has to sing some of its songs because the public wants to hear them as well,

It's like MC, she's not fond of Hero yet she sings it because of the way people react to it)

Anyway, Lana could have released her PWYC video, couldn't she ? That's not high budget...


Leave people and their opinion alone xD


Serious question (not asking this in an ironic way) - did she really make a video for PWYC? Was it ever a thing or was it just that mysterious instagram post? She had another weird instagram post of her singing something right before she released West Coast, there was no audio on it and the footage matched nothing from the WC video.


Who knows what hte PWYC post really was, idk.

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Serious question (not asking this in an ironic way) - did she really make a video for PWYC? Was it ever a thing or was it just that mysterious instagram post? She had another weird instagram post of her singing something right before she released West Coast, there was no audio on it and the footage matched nothing from the WC video.

Who knows what hte PWYC post really was, idk.

The other video does match West Coast. She's singing from "Your love, your love..."


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Sometimes I wonder why Lana hasn't moved to an indie label from all these mess and stress from Interscope...

I don't think she likes change.

she has had the same bodyguard, bandmembers, stylist etc. from the moment her management got them for her. I don't think she would go shopping for other contracts

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I don't think she likes change.

she has had the same bodyguard, bandmembers, stylist etc. from the moment her management got them for her. I don't think she would go shopping for other contracts

+ I also thinks she worries that another label/management might not treat her in the sane way that Interscope do. I know they're shitty @ promo and stuff, but I think she doesn't want to change in case another label is even worse.


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It would be interesting to know how many records Lana is signed to do for Interscope. :popcorn:

That's what I'm wondering about too

I think Interscope will want to renew the contract when the Time comes, Lana's tours are always doing great and those are the real money makers.

We know that something was changed in her contract, Lana mentioned that the songs are under her name now or something like that, which secures that another thing like SS remix can't happen because songs can't be sent to radio without her permission. (does someone remember what she said exactly?)

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(this will be a long post)


Ultraviolence may not have been full of hits but it was by no means an unlistenable album. She definitely surprised (and turned) a lot of detractors who dismissed her as a record-label android.


All of you guys whining about flop this, Ultraviolence shitty videos that, seem to have forgotten how rough Lana's start in this business was. She was accused of the worst things - being a fraud, being a liar, being untalented, and being a woman hater. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what was said about her. She somehow managed to come out of that and answer those people with a brilliant album (it may not be for everyone, I understand this) that showed her versatility as a musician and her moxie, not allowing the thirsty tendencies of record labels cloud her vision. Ultraviolence did not put a dent in her career. It earned her some clout and we ALL know it.


I get that Lana has younger fans - I'm the same age as Lana so who knows what you'd consider me. But you guys quickly seem to forget what Lana has stood for since the beginning. And it was never high budget, #1 singles, coture dresses, or god forbid, doing things just so people could buy it. This is the same girl who made videos on iMovie for christ sakes. She's not Gaga or Taylor Swift, she's a creator. The girl makes her money where she needs to. The rest of the time she's making art the only way she knows how to do it, and that's why I love her. When she's given a budget - she's a fucking legend. But you're gonna have to get used to her not always being that. She's more rock n roll than she is pop - regardless of what the purists say.


So that's why the Mariah Carey dude's comments rub me the wrong way. it's like - why do you even like this woman? Worshipping Mariah Carey makes all the sense in the world given the things you say - but LANA?

This post saved my life. :xcry:


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That's what I'm wondering about too

I think Interscope will want to renew the contract when the Time comes, Lana's tours are always doing great and those are the real money makers.

We know that something was changed in her contract, Lana mentioned that the songs are under her name now or something like that, which secures that another thing like SS remix can't happen because songs can't be sent to radio without her permission. (does someone remember what she said exactly?)

Lana's tour gross is her own after she has paid the tour organizer, the venue and the musicians. She does not have a 360 deal, that is all I know for sure. So her label only makes money off the music, not the ticket sales.

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Ok, I am no person who NEEDS big music videos and can't live with simple things. Also, I don't agree with many examples of "good glittery videos". Ride for example was cringeworthy in my opinion, National Anthem was a nice video, but I would have preferred a few more story-scenes instead of constant making-out/ family scenes. But i also think that the "around" does a lot of things. If it's glamorous Gangster-Lolita Lana, with pin up curls and gold chains, climbing out of a swimming pool, vintage-beauty queen Lana with Marilyn Monroe dresses and beehives or if it is the dark-psychodelic Lana with simple clothing staged with blurry photo-effects. I love her homemade style of Carmen as much as I love Woodkid's Blue Jeans music video. I love the "expensive cars and palm trees" Lana as much as the "super simple" Lana. But it's all a question on how you do it. The Ultraviolence video was really a big flop. Nothing "deep" and "atmospheric" about it, it's just over-simplyfied and executed very poorly. It builds up something and then destroys the "finally arrived" scene with random scenes of her walking around in the last seconds of the vid. Just random stuff which is supposed to be artsy. I don't think this is"why this era flopped" but I am always sad she never made something out of UV. All of those wonderful NK shots, she never really used in the media. All of these wonderful music video possibilitys. All of these wonderful "obscure" TV/Radio performances she could have done.

So in the end, I don't really mind if she charts high or low, as long as I have something to love (apart from the music, obviously). An album si wonderful, but it's very nice for a fan to have good music videos and performances to watch/listen to. Not because of promo, but because it is something which you can satisfy your stan-addiction with.

I hope she will do more of this stuff during the Honeymoon era again. She doesn't have to turn "YEAH PUBLICITY!" and stuff, but doing nor much at all is also very boring. And yes, I know she seemingly recorded a lot of stuff while "not doing anything" and it's ok for her to chose if she wants to appear on a show or not, but I just hope she'll be more on the spot for this era,

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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