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I hate Break the Rules because it sounds awful and has stupid lyrics, not necessarily because Charli is trying to sound Top 40. Today's Top 40 is all around bad, but I was never one of those people who shunned everything mainstream in order to win cool points with underground crowds. Even though I don't understand how Charli can love Justin Bieber so much, I like how she is unapologetic about her love for Top 40, bubblegum pop. In a couple of interviews, she said she doesn't believe in guilty pleasures. If you think something is good, then you think something is good. You shouldn't worry about what other people think about your taste in music or anything else. 


Grimes is catching a lot of flak for the trap sound in "Go," but I like it. I don't care if people think she's trying to sound mainstream. The song sounds good to me, so I'm going to listen to it. I have no shame in telling someone I like the song. In my opinion, "Go" is better than "Break the Rules" and "Boom Clap" and really isn't all that mainstream. It's different from the trap songs that are getting mainstream attention. Mainstream, trap songs are usually by horrible, southern rappers. 

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Didn't you defend Break the Rules and say it was great and like a post about how I'm always negative >_>


..... what.... BTR is great to me because I stan Charli, I love everything she releases plus it's a catchy song to me. All I said was that I dont think it will get mainstream radio play because its kind of childish..


Anyways, there's no doubt in my mind that Breaking Up will be great. I love the song no matter what the instrumentals sound like, when I said it was my only hope I meant towards the "punk" side of the album.... I know Charli said she scrapped it but I feel like Breaking Up was written for the punk album and it should have a more punk (guitar instead of synth) sound. But what do I know, this made no sense



Also sorry for the messy post but ???????????? SHE LOOKS SO DAMN GOOD, ON THE CLASH COVER AND HERE



im gonna need one of those adorable lollipops too

Edited by heartbreakhigh


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..... what.... BTR is great to me because I stan Charli, I love everything she releases plus it's a catchy song to me. All I said was that I dont think it will get mainstream radio play because its kind of childish..


Anyways, there's no doubt in my mind that Breaking Up will be great. I love the song no matter what the instrumentals sound like, when I said it was my only hope I meant towards the "punk" side of the album.... I know Charli said she scrapped it but I feel like Breaking Up was written for the punk album and it should have a more punk (guitar instead of synth) sound. But what do I know, this made no sense



Also sorry for the messy post but ???????????? SHE LOOKS SO DAMN GOOD, ON THE CLASH COVER AND HERE



im gonna need one of those adorable lollipops too




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Yeah after all these great pics she's been posting of her holding that damn red sucker, if the album cover is actually just the sucker on a pink background I'm gonna cry...


What if the reason she hasn't officially revealed it yet is because it's scandalous!? (I'm definitely setting myself up for disappointment tho)


But does no one else find it odd she never actually posted the album cover? Like... she never revealed it in any way. TBH I don't know where it came from when people posted it before it appeared on the pre-order.. What is it's origin on the internet?


Although, this could be a Lorde scenario.. Remember when we all thought that was just a placeholder too? (although it works for Lorde... not really for Charli)

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What is the cover that seems to be the official Sucker artwork that everyone's complaining about?

I really like that picture of her upside-down in the pool w/the sucker.. was that not it? :( :ohno: :(




ffs if they weren't going to use the font on the image of her holding it, they should've at least used the same one for her name and the title


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I legit cannot at her encouraging kids to skip class by paying for whatever they want to be doing instead.

Yeah... I mean I get that break the rules isn't literal it's just a party song, but now she's sending 14 year olds gifts to skip class.... I'm so emabrassed and I hope no one I've told I'm obsessed with charli xcx finds out about this... (Althought it's cute that she's sending stuff to fans)

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And since I invoked I Willsus I'm now imagining a mixture of the two :angie:


In all honesty if it sounds like TATU it'll prob be more like Love in Stereo. Which is okay.

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