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@@iseeyouupsidedown you're white so I didn't even read your opinion :~)

This is actually a textbook example of racism (or racial prejudice for those that insist upon the revisionist definition): That someone's ideas can be dismissed regardless of their merits on account of the color of their skin.

Omg you guys! Don't start! Nobody wants to watch the Whites discuss what they believe is racist and whatnot! Or whatever White, straight, 30-something year old evilentity is yapping about up there!



Let me add ageism and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation to the list.


I'm actually alarmed by the number of people who liked your last comment, implicitly endorsing the principle that it is OK to discriminate on the basis of race, age, or sexual orientation. I encourage all of those people to rethink this.


It should never be OK to discriminate on the basis of race, age, or sexual orientation. Period.


I'm very, very hesitant to use my own mod powers to police disputes I'm involved with, but if you made an issue of anybody else's race, age, or sexual orientation in a dispute in this manner, I'd think strongly about exercising them. That is not what a discussion forum should be about. I encourage you to rethink what you're doing.


I also encourage everyone to actually read and try to understand the points I've made. If you don't understand them, ask me to explain. If you disagree with them, explain why they are wrong rather than leveling cheap ad hominem attacks.


I hope this entire post is sarcastic  :stareney2:

Yeah, I hope he was being sarcastic too. Or trolling. Otherwise... :smh:


anyway. Let's not have a discussion about this particular thing anymore

Please feel free to move such discussions to my blog post so we don't have to pollute the Charli thread with it anymore.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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  1. What I Like
  2. Dreams Money Can Buy
  3. You're the One
  4. So Far Away
  5. Heatwave
  6. Champagne Coast
  7. Breaking Up
  8. Grins
  9. Stay Away
  10. Need Ur Luv

and only songs from sucker that i like are Breaking Up, Need ur Luv and for some reason Hanging Around? I used to listen to lots of punk and pop punk and Hanging Around is the only song i can genuinely hear a lot of punk influence tbh

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Well I think Interior and Heartbreak High are the only songs that make sense as outtakes. 

The songs that were on original demo samplers that can definitely be called outtakes are Interior and Angry All The Time. AATT wasn't on samplers, but it was highly speculated to be on the album.


But definitely Interior.

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Maybe because I believe all people should be treated equally?



Why should the fact that I'm a straight white male disqualify me from being a mod? Or from calling someone out for saying really odious things?


But I'll stop, you seen he said he'll use his mod powers against me. I actually like being here, so..

Actually, this is exactly the opposite of what I said. I said that if someone was saying the kind of stuff you're saying to someone other than me, I would consider disciplining them for it. But since it's me you're doing it to, I will avoid doing that if at all possible. I avoid using my mod powers in disputes I'm involved with unless the other person gets really out of hand. Otherwise it just wouldn't seem like a fair fight to me.


But don't stop. Keep it up. You're making some of my points for me.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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The songs that were on original demo samplers that can definitely be called outtakes are Interior and Angry All The Time. AATT wasn't on samplers, but it was highly speculated to be on the album.


But definitely Interior.

Remember, she was gonna release Interior last year?! What happened?

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I get angry all the time these kind of POC vs white people debates happens #LeakAngryAllTheTime :illuminataylor:


AATT was once on YouTube wasn't it? I read a blogpost like a year ago (the entry was older tho) and it linked to a YouTube video that was taken down

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http://www.last.fm/user/DoomsdayChords This guy apparently has Angry All The Time.  :willcut: AND the Gold Coins instrumental.  :willcut: Which one of y'all is this tho?


His name is Jake

He listens to Sophie

His fave artist is Charli XCX

Has an Allie X avi and has scrobbled unleaked songs by her

He's scrobbled unreleased Lana


Sounds an awful lot like @




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The one on my promo CD is the like ten-second-shorter version. If you want it, do you want it in mp3 320 or wav or?


LATE but I actually would like that in 320, thank you :)

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As good a time as any to post the Sucker instrumentals tbqh #thwarted :whatever2:


(enlarged so you hoes don't scroll past)


I can't take credit for finding them so don't ask me lol. From old man winter :slayty:


it won't let my unzip the file. :crying: could you try to reupload it for me?


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