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VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"

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It's a straightforward video for a straightforward pop song. The video serves its function, which is to put LDR front and center, and have some interesting parts/ideas, as does the song. LDR can check off another box in a (hopefully) endless column of possible things she can do without repeating herself. So overall I'm pleased, though not totally blown away. I'm still looking forward to a stop-action 2-d paper cartoon video with her old beau Steven Mertens. She hasn't done something like that yet.


I like the fact that song and video can be about different things (i.e., song: a past lover; video: an idealized form of paparazzi--her paparazzi can't afford renting a helicopter, lol). Although people seem to like the idea that the video "explains" the song, I don't. I like detachable meanings, because sometimes I won't like a particular interpretation. I'm reminded of Goldfrapp's MV for Stranger (which also happens at a beach). I can take the song to be about meeting exotic people similar in theme to LDR's Strange Love. However, the a video is about a cold-blooded serial killer and basically warns people away from polygamous thrill seeking. Goldfrapp's video is unfavorably comparable to HBTB in terms of either uninteresting or disturbing events, and more importantly because of a lack of focus on Goldfrapp (she appears at the end and briefly). Conversely, other videos are really good at focusing on the performer, but just don't tell a story other than the lyrics, such as Marina, whom I like a lot, dancing on a rocky windy mountainous location or in an amusement park. Or what about Selena Gomez, Good For You video (there's a poster girl for feminism, lol). If I'm not mistaken all she does lounge around a couch and steal Sky Ferreira poses and settings. Maybe HBTB compares less well to Kimbra or St. Vincent, who have some thoughtful videos, but don't get near the viewcounts LDR gets. I guess my point is, if you think something is bad or good, you really need to compare it with something that has a similar "artist's intent" to see how bad or how good it really is, at least relatively speaking. So comparing this with Bad Blood, Dark Horse, or even Born to Die is just going to disappoint you as I don't know if the artists' intent match much here and there (but I do hope the same people who pine for something like a Born to Die video also liked Tropico). This video is probably intended to get LDR back in the GP's sight in a socially favorable way (e.g. pro-feminist or at least not contra-feminist), and I think it succeeds.

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That's interesting what James Franco said about the vid. I imagined that the plot was her drug kingpin bf skipped town and left her to deal with the feds. She handles that grenade launcher like a pro  :flutter:  or whatever that thing was.


Also this purple layout keeps making me feel like I'm on the vile cesspit known as ONTD and I get confused/enraged for a sec.

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I feel like a lot of the criticism of this video has been pretty limited to the hardcore rabid fans, to be honest. It's gotten a pretty good reception from everywhere else.


There's something to be said for good camera work, a unique concept, and creativity over budget. That's why Lana is so consistent on the video front. Each video has been pretty different from the last. You guys are going to have to deal with the fact that she's not going to make a Ride 2.0 or a Born To Die right out the gate every single time. Been there, done that.


It's a great video, but if you were hoping for some daddy-issues/sad bottoms anthem type of visual then you're probably going to be very disappointed with her videography from here on out.

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I feel like a lot of the criticism of this video has been pretty limited to the hardcore rabid fans, to be honest. It's gotten a pretty good reception from everywhere else.


There's something to be said for good camera work, a unique concept, and creativity over budget. That's why Lana is so consistent on the video front. Each video has been pretty different from the last. You guys are going to have to deal with the fact that she's not going to make a Ride 2.0 or a Born To Die right out the gate every single time. Been there, done that.


It's a great video, but if you were hoping for some daddy-issues/sad bottoms anthem type of visual then you're probably going to be very disappointed with her videography from here on out.

True no one really complain about the video, not the gp not the critics, only lana fans that think they know everything and she has to recreate the polished BTD videos that were accompanying the polished music from the album

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True no one really complain about the video, not the gp not the critics, only lana fans that think they know everything and she has to recreate the polished BTD videos that were accompanying the polished music from the album

that's how it usually is -- I mean HM and HBTB both received critical acclaim from critics and were well reviewed by the GP, yet were considered "boring" in the fanbase.

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that's how it usually is -- I mean HM and HBTB both received critical acclaim from critics and were well reviewed by the GP, yet were considered "boring" in the fanbase.

While I get what you're saying, I'm not sure I'd agree that most of the general public liked HM. Just go through the Youtube comments on the video and almost every second or third comment is someone from the GP complaining that the song is "boring", "uninspired" etc. But apart from that, I think you're right. It seems to be only the hardcore fans who want Lana to go back to her past eras. 

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Hey @@TrailerParkDarling, I'd like to discuss something with you, but it won't let me PM you. I'd appreciate it if you could get in touch somehow. I'm @@evilentity_ on Twitter or you can ask one of the other mods for my e-mail address. Thanks.

I don't have twitter.. Idk how to enable PMS .. I think a mod disabled them after I left last time lol. I'd give u an email but I don't need some of these crazies contacting me lol

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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The more I watch it the more I'm enjoying it tbh. It's subtle in the most in-tha-face way. I love the camera work, how it's shaky like paps following her in the streets, how in the scene with the helicopter at the window you can see a dude photographing her, how she's playing with said photographer taking luscious poses and stuff, how at the beginning we're in the helicopter looking at her... And she's so beautiful, never over it. I'm noticing a bit more tiny stuff every time I watch and I don't want to appear like I obsessively like everything she does but I can definitely see why she seems to have enjoyed making it that much. GOD I love that song. I'm so glad it's not just about a dude. 


Also I'm starting to wonder if the hype about her buying the house wasn't actual promo lel


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To youwho think that most of us are only looking for polished BTD-like videos: Like I've said before, I don't care if she has a huge budget or if the video is way polished or not, and SoC is an example. It's from the UV era and still makes me wanna watch it for its beautiful imagery. Right now I just care about the music, I'm starting to accept she won't really do any amazing videos again ( or choruses too).


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It's nice to see people who clearly don't know shit talk about camera work for example. Camera movements were terrible and all over the place. There were a few nice moments, like the beginning and the ending but overall I wouldn't call the camera work good. Another thing that bugs me is those random cuts and repetitions that make absolutely no sense becuase they don't have a purpose and were poorly executed. I study film production so I'm coming from knowledge. And it's not like I'm a die hard BTD fan and I want those videos back, I truly enjoyed UV's visuals and I think SOC is one of her best videos as well. As someone said above me it's a mediocre video, a good concept but a poor execution.


Expecting tons of GURL BYE and stupid reaction gifs after saying all this :popcorn:


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It's nice to see people who clearly don't know shit talk about camera work for example. Camera movements were terrible and all over the place. There were a few nice moments, like the beginning and the ending but overall I wouldn't call the camera work good. Another thing that bugs me is those random cuts and repetitions that make absolutely no sense becuase they don't have a purpose and were poorly executed. I study film production so I'm coming from knowledge. And it's not like I'm a die hard BTD fan and I want those videos back, I truly enjoyed UV's visuals and I think SOC is one of her best videos as well. As someone said above me it's a mediocre video, a good concept but a poor execution.


Expecting tons of GURL BYE and stupid reaction gifs after saying all this :popcorn:


Well, I also took film courses and have worked on several movie productions, and I liked the use of editing in the video to convey that sense of isolation, satire, and chaos. There definitely was a purpose and some people believe it was executed well. On top of that, it had quite a few very beautifully-shot sequences.


Opinions are funny things. 

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It's nice to see people who clearly don't know shit talk about camera work for example. Camera movements were terrible and all over the place. There were a few nice moments, like the beginning and the ending but overall I wouldn't call the camera work good. Another thing that bugs me is those random cuts and repetitions that make absolutely no sense becuase they don't have a purpose and were poorly executed. I study film production so I'm coming from knowledge. And it's not like I'm a die hard BTD fan and I want those videos back, I truly enjoyed UV's visuals and I think SOC is one of her best videos as well. As someone said above me it's a mediocre video, a good concept but a poor execution.


Expecting tons of GURL BYE and stupid reaction gifs after saying all this :popcorn:










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It's nice to see people who clearly don't know shit talk about camera work for example. Camera movements were terrible and all over the place. There were a few nice moments, like the beginning and the ending but overall I wouldn't call the camera work good. Another thing that bugs me is those random cuts and repetitions that make absolutely no sense becuase they don't have a purpose and were poorly executed. I study film production so I'm coming from knowledge. And it's not like I'm a die hard BTD fan and I want those videos back, I truly enjoyed UV's visuals and I think SOC is one of her best videos as well. As someone said above me it's a mediocre video, a good concept but a poor execution.


Expecting tons of GURL BYE and stupid reaction gifs after saying all this :popcorn:


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did anyone else notice that after her cape gets #snatched u can't see her face.. lol i wonder if maybe irl she was chuckling/smiling and they just kinda darkened over her face so u couldn't tell LOL


also i think that this video was really just her getting together with a few people and being like "lets just do something simple and fun and entertaining but also i don't wanna leave my house :) " and i think thats exactly what she delivered! just a fun lil cute video thats what she aimed for and thats what she achieved..  the repeated shots and stuff i think were probably to add time to the video or to cover up where they sort of had to cut and do retakes or something, or just to add something to not make it boring tbh


i think its sort of unfair to go after the camera work when all it really is, is a guy with a camera following her around..  the only outstanding camera work was really when she runs to the upper balcony and the camera seems to go off one balcony and up onto another.. i thought that was pretty cool :)

tumblr_mxk6xrLiob1r4y0tco1_500.gif Instagram: pxpi_gringo

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