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Music to Watch Boys To: Official Music Video

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I'm not saying the smile is necessarily sinister. I'm saying that with combined with the music, it implies something similar. The smile in and of itself is sweet.

i think it seems kinda sinister too.. i think the music video is about her messing with boys.. also her loving boys, getting heartbroken then pretending it didn't ever matter to her anyways.. she falls in love .. she sees them leave, she records it because it means so much to her.. she says she lives to love them.. but then calls them a boy which sort of seems demeaning. then she says "its all a game anyways.. i don't love u i just like u a lot. I'm just gonna play my music bye" 

tumblr_mxk6xrLiob1r4y0tco1_500.gif Instagram: pxpi_gringo

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Is her tooth chipped or is that a bad veneer?


It's definitely the most we've seen of her "personality" coming through in these videos though.  She's a lot more animated and fun.  I kinda like it.


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It's her damn nose and body, its shouldnt relevant to us as fans. 

you're acting like I posted her plastic surgery receipt. In case you missed it Lana is a very visual artist, and I'm not saying anything bad. I'm not going to continue to respond to you.


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FACIAL ATTRIBUTES ASIDE [coughs]... does anyone else think that Lana is sort of playing into the "Lonely Queen" archetype again? Like, here she is in paradise, watching the boys and the girls on a wide screen, listening to music and apparently observing flamingos, but everything is black and white because the paradise she's trapped in is lonely and cold. She's spent so long playing the boys with the tricks of the girls that she truly has no one. She doesn't know how to love a boy anymore. But the girls are the only glimmer of light because they have lies akin to her own and they understand. That's why I think parts of the video are black and white. 


And playing into the "sinister" descriptor... maybe the sinister vibe I see comes from the fact that playing with boys' hearts is all she has left. All she can do now is observe and manipulate, so she makes it fun and smiles a bit. 

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Yeah she's definitely on the throne.  But then there is part where she's underwater too.  I doubt it means anything though -- they could use that as some bs point about even a queen has her moments of uncivility, etc. too.  I don't think there's much to the story at all.


I'm disappointed none of the guys are playing guitars or anything.  Basketball is so overused and they show a skateboard once.  The male silhouettes could have been done better in some places. 


I also agree with the color, even if it were some more high contrast pink scenes (to mix with the blue water ones) it would have made it a lot more artistically interesting.  I would have added another scene or something in the bridge too to cut it up.



I'm nitpicking though, it's a fun video that reminds me of early LDR/Lizzy-era mixed with the LDR we all know and love.  Thumbs up.


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I didn't get the girl scenes ..  I know Lana likes mermaid imagery so idk. I would've rather of just had the shots of Lana in the water. She looked odd in the ones they used .. maybe she couldn't breathe :P

Is Woodkid shading the video? lol




Eh probably just using the hype for more views/ attention

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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Her tooth is chipped since like 2011-2012 but it's particularly visible here. No idea I would discuss this :toofunny:

Hmm, I never noticed this before. Anybody know more precisely when she chipped it? :creep:


you're acting like I posted her plastic surgery receipt.

I'd love to see that tbh.




Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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