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i think it's kinda strange how people talk about her being "insecure" as if it's a personal flaw that's making her a worse person, like, even if she is, that doesn't mean she's a bad person or she's more immature or less capable? i don't get that, maybe i'm being too easy on her, idk

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11 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

The end is amazing

"And I was deeply concerned about the storming of the capital (sic) so ... fuck you"



paradise is a hell-colored flame sky

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So did we just get confirmation she's working on the next record in this video? She said some artists don't know what they're doing next but she knows and she's not going anywhere


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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I swear it sounded like she said '...man, did I struggle to become the *ginuwine* singer-songwriter that I am...'


She almost always sounds like she cried 10 mins before hitting the record button when she's defending herself


Love the hair though


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lana i feel is like me ... i can tell she def has a ton of thoughts running around in her head and its difficult when you have a lot to say to make it come out as the right thing and not word vomit. so i understood that , especially since she wants to be conscious of the past (qtfc) and being truthful about what is wrong with america psychologically i guess.  so, yeah, if i was her i would be hellllla frustrated with "magazines" like the consequence of sound purposefully taking a few words out of a 40 minute interview for a clickbaity headline they know is capitalizing off of past controversy--yet thats how media is nowadays, journalistic integrity is sidelined on the pop culture stage because they want clicks first before honest reporting. (im referring to music, art, culture mags not nyt, wapo) Also... the way i see random people just making up stuff about her or just spreading barely accurate info so gullible people can like it and spread it for clout is so gross and its annoying how people forget that she is a human person with human emotions too.


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She clearly is on the right side of things but is just too stubborn to take ANY form of criticism and reflect on it.  She takes every single thing as an attack and tells the person to go fuck themself, whether or not they had bad intentions 


I feel like she did more good than bad with this clarification for the first time in forever, but wish she would just be more open to a conversation rather than a fight 

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5 minutes ago, HydroponicWeeds said:

So did we just get confirmation she's working on the next record in this video? She said some artists don't know what they're doing next but she knows and she's not going anywhere

i think she was just generally speaking. before that (?) she brought up, how hellish the work environment can be and not everyone can last that long. so i guess she's simply saying, that she'll keep making music and poetry, no matter what

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I normally try to "focus on the music" (to quote Lana herself) when it comes to LDR and not get embroiled in the weird, personal drama that's cropped up with her in the past couple years, especially, but... I think she's spouting bullshit here to some degree, and it made me angry.


Putting this under a spoiler bc there's a lot lmao 




There's so much here that just feels tone-deaf (oops, did I just quote Complex!)... I haven't listened to the Annie Mac interview, but what she said here, alone, was troubling -- avoiding calling out Trump for what he is and instead attributing the unrest in the country to a nebulous "lack of empathy" seems like such a fucking cop-out that I don't understand why she feels the need to bring it up, anyway. There's been this odd skirting around politics that she's done largely in the past year -- so at odds with the woman who tried to rally a hex on the president -- so it's frustrating that instead of staying out of it entirely (like she claims she wants to do!) she tries to paint this weird, broad, philosophical picture that doesn't put responsibility on the parties responsible. She can say she's calling Trump out, but trying to still make him out to be unaware of how badly he's fucking people over is insensitive and isn't the active stance she thinks it is. I know she so avidly hates when her privilege is called out, but not everyone has the luxury of being able to say that the REAL problem is "sociopathy and narcissism in America". For some people, the problem is so much more concrete, and a powerful agent of that problem is sitting in the White House. Obviously, in her position, the problems the country is facing are far less life-and-death than for some, and it shows in the way she reduces them down to self-help book phrases.


And on the topic of privilege, her circling back to the story of her poor upbringing is cheap and also really, really insensitive. I'm not going to claim to know everything about her life (although I know more than I probably should), but even a cursory look into her background reveals that she definitely didn't come from reduced means. She took a poverty vacation to a trailer park for a little while, but I have a very hard time believing that she ever struggled the way so many people in America really do struggle. And growing up in extreme poverty myself, those comments stung -- she may have a story of struggle and hardship to tell, but I really don't think that one is hers. I don't think someone who glamorized "white trash" culture and built an aesthetic off the way poor people in America live is someone who really lived it. That's not to say I haven't garnered so much enjoyment out of that phase in her career, but it's one thing to use it artistically and another to use it as a point of self-pity. 


It really seems like this is about HER more than it's about the issues that she's claiming to stand up for, and it was the same way with QFTC and the fallout after that. She feels victimized by those who call out her privilege and occasional insensitivity, and instead of taking those comments and trying to do something productive about them, she keeps running to the typewriter and Twitter feed to talk about how pitiful and attacked she is. It's not about her and who she is, and I'm tired of her taking every piece of criticism as an attack. There are people who attack her, sure, but genuinely-leveled criticism doesn't always need to be spun into a story about how persecuted she is a rich, able white woman who is suffering so much less than so many others in America. 



I'm sorry if this sounds extreme or if I'm being too harsh on Lana, but this video really rubbed me the wrong way. I don't like discussing this kind of thing, especially here, but God, it's all just a little much. 


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was I the only one who was pissed off about this one :toofunny: sorry if I sound insane then but I stg I never rant on here like this, something abt this vid really just rubbed me the wrong way


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Just now, sparklrtrailrheaven said:

was I the only one who was pissed off about this one :toofunny: sorry if I sound insane then but I stg I never rant on here like this, something abt this vid really just rubbed me the wrong way

I stopped reading your post when you said you didn’t listen to the Annie Mac interview 

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1 minute ago, sparklrtrailrheaven said:

was I the only one who was pissed off about this one :toofunny: sorry if I sound insane then but I stg I never rant on here like this, something abt this vid really just rubbed me the wrong way

nah, i dislike the way she always makes everything about herself.

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1 minute ago, sparklrtrailrheaven said:

was I the only one who was pissed off about this one :toofunny: sorry if I sound insane then but I stg I never rant on here like this, something abt this vid really just rubbed me the wrong way

No your previous post makes total sense to me. Sums up most of what I think, and dw the interview doesn't go any further than what you already know

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Just seeing that she’s been crying, that she’s so upset about this, I just wish I could hug her and tell her it’ll be better soon and ask what I can do to help her feel better. :( :( :( She seems strong though, or maybe she’s telling herself to appear strong, but I hope the rest of her day will be better. :(

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Just now, Be Free said:

nah, i dislike the way she always makes everything about herself.

Wasnt it about her tho? She was criticized literally about what SHE said and stuff ABOUT her,




she addressed it, and if it’s not more clear now then idk try to hit her up in the comments


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