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i don't like the way she considers herself not "not" a feminist. i'm feeling the pick me energy from France and it stinks

she’s always been scared to say it? how hard is it to say “i’m a feminist” lol

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Yall is lana really deleting comments? Apparently she deleted Doja’s comment and someone on twitter said she deleted their comment :/

either she is or someone from her management has the pw to her account either way not a good look


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The Doja comment's still there, just buried.


edit: here


Yall is lana really deleting comments? Apparently she deleted Doja’s comment and someone on twitter said she deleted their comment :/

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Yall is lana really deleting comments? Apparently she deleted Doja’s comment and someone on twitter said she deleted their comment :/

As she should this girl can't even type

Nvm it's still there apparently

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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She's saying she's a feminist, but not your conventional "STICK IT TO THE MAN" type 


its because she feels there's no room for her there

it's a double negative, it's just a more complicated way of say "i'm a feminist" without actually saying it. she is not a non feminist.

That phrase was confusing to me because English is not my official language. I was wondering if I was misinterpreting it...


Thank you for clarifying!


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It sounds like she's been stewing over all this stuff for awhile.


Maybe she saw that Lorde was trending yesterday and thought, "fuck this"


"I'm fed up with female writers and alt singers saying that I glamorize abuse ..."




There's a lot to unpack in that post

Kim Gordon says hi. She is the only Alt singer I can remember that came after Lana, giving an interview saying that Lana was setting woman back with her lyrics. Kim dragged Lana on the feminism topic. I can't remember what mag the Kim Gordon interview was in, but it was YEARS ago. Lana could have been stewing over this for awhile

Sorry if Kim Gordon was already addressed. There are a ton of new pages to catch up on

OqqaAZJt.png     B4iWPK3.gif     OqqaAZJt.png

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Kim Gordon says hi. She is the only Alt singer I can remember that came after Lana, giving an interview saying that Lana was setting woman back with her lyrics. Kim dragged Lana on the feminism topic. I can't remember what mag the Kim Gordon interview was in, but it was YEARS ago. Lana could have been stewing over this for awhile


Don't forget the iconic Lorde interview


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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come on bitch post ur explanation before they start bringing up the ride headdress 

im honestly surprised no one has tried to cancel her for that in the past couple of years

Also I feel like Lana got screamed at by Ben and Ed

doja spilled

what did she say



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