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I’m done speaking on this because like I said from the start people are misinterpreting her and instead projecting their own deep rooted issues on to her when she wasnt speaking on anything related to the shit they’re bitching about. I 100% agree and support her. She is not racist and she was not at all trying to bring those women down. She was naming women she admires and sees as highly successful. This proves that most people rly need some therapy.

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I’m done speaking on this because like I said from the start people are misinterpreting her and instead projecting their own deep rooted issues on to her when she wasnt speaking on anything related to the shit they’re bitching about. I 100% agree and support her. She is not racist and she was not at all trying to bring those women down. She was naming women she admires and sees as highly successful. This proves that most people rly need some therapy.


Same. The only place I have discussed this is on here. Knowing myself, I would've posted like 10 stories on IG but I won't do that. I agree 100% with her in this and that's it.

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But Lana, these girls STILL met with criticism in their careers for the music they made, what's not clicking?? You ain't the only one.


Oh my goodness this woman

OBVIOUSLY she knows theyve had their hardships, but LATER they get their recognition and awards, Lana feels like shes gone through all the hardships but hasnt gotten the recognition she deserves to atleast balance it out. She feels like its mostly been solely unfair criticism

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i mean she made some points


Miss, this is a Wendys.


She is coming across quite ignorant even though she probably doesn't mean to. This makes her sound like they are all loved and accepted and she isn't when these people probably get similar abuse and hate every day as well.


Some other people on here posted things that she could have said to get her feelings across while not causing drama and looking bad, this makes her look a bit stupid and self centred.

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the thing is that she didn't intend to make it about race which i get but i guess she really can't stop giving them more stuff to drag her for because no comment or explanation will explain this or redeem her post to the people who 1) hate her anyway 2) have valuable criticism on it which is why she should have stopped after the first post. 


she honestly does not need any more drama so someone better dm homegirl and tell her that she needs to be stopped imbeingsarcasticbitch2.gif


the post was very messy and she needs to acknowledge that it just wasn't well thought out which is why the point she was trying to make didn't come across or smth and no matter how many random comments she will add to this is going to change that 


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Also I can't wait for the anger, sarcasm and humour of White Hot Forever


Lana's mentality change and self-love process doesn't end in Norman Fucking Rockwell, which was like the softest and brighest side of it.



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the thing is that she didn't intend to make it about race which i get but i guess she really can't stop giving them more stuff to drag her for because no comment or explanation will explain this or redeem her post to the people who 1) hate her anyway 2) have valuable criticism on it which is why she should have stopped after the first post. 


she honestly does not need any more drama so someone better dm homegirl and tell her that she needs to be stopped imbeingsarcasticbitch2.gif


the post was very messy and she needs to acknowledge that it just wasn't well thought out which is why the point she was trying to make didn't come across or smth and no matter how many random comments she will add to this is going to change that 




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OBVIOUSLY she knows theyve had their hardships, but LATER they get their recognition and awards, Lana feels like shes gone through all the hardships but hasnt gotten the recognition she deserves to atleast balance it out. She feels like its mostly been solely unfair criticism


Yes. It's clear the acclaim of Norman Fucking Rockwell left her a bad taste in her mouth. 


It's acclaimed because it's her best album, yes, but it's also acclaimed because she changed her narrative. She was like, oh now that's I'm a stronger woman I'm getting praise? From men? :rip:

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the way she took all the attention away from gaga and rain on me the day before it's released....

If it wasn't BC of all the drama she accidentally or thoughtlessly made I would've been deeply impressed tbh


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