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So basically a lot of us got played and twitter was set on fire. she's releasing 2 books and a record. current aesthetic's great. most recent poem's pheeenomenal 


Now that everyone's calmed down does this remind you of anything? 



I- should it? D:

locals only

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He is a stalker. To go to her church to see her and stand in front of one of her houses. He's nuts. I reported him to Ben and Lana already as others have. In case you want to do the same, this is his account https://www.instagram.com/dat1guitarguy/ The more people who warn Lana and Ben about him the better. Sean knows whats the deal which is why he threatened him and told him to leave Lana alone. Dat1guitarguy went on a daily rant about Sean. Every. Single. Day. If you said Lana looked cute with Sean or Barrie or Chase, Dat1guitarguy would block you for saying that. He truly believes he will marry Lana some day.  :toofloppy:



At one point I got desperate and contacted Sean about another obsessive creep who I felt was potentially dangerous, because I knew that Sean read messages (unlike Ben and Ed). He was actually really good about it. I really hope he passed the message on to her team like he said he would, because creepy is still being creepy and it was right around Valentine's Day when I think they broke up.

Just so you know if you didn't already I have a YouTube channel with 40 something videos of me talking to Lana. (a cardboard cutout and low quality by YT standards) It's over 5 years old and the last one I did was from the Jones Beach show so I am a little behind. I have always been concerned about someone stumbling on to the channel and thinking this guys nuts, tell Lana! I have had some comments like that over the years but no harm. When her car and house were broken in to a few years back I made it clear up front that I am a fan and completely stable. (more or less) That I have no delusions about my relationship with her. Please if you see one don't report me as a threat. Thank you.

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So basically a lot of us got played and twitter was set on fire. she's releasing 2 books and a record. current aesthetic's great. most recent poem's pheeenomenal 


Now that everyone's calmed down does this remind you of anything? 



this made me suicidal, not a joke


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The thing about LDR's family's wealth or lack thereof is this: it seems they were/are upper middle class, which means someone the family, or several in the family, is/are working to generate the income. They're not independently wealthy. A typical American upper middle class family is that of a 'successful' doctor, a lawyer or an engineer. The family own a very nice home, and maybe a second summer home; all the children are able to go to good colleges if they like and are accepted; the family belongs to a country club perhaps, one or two 'exotic' vacations a year are the norm for them, and, after 16 or 17, everyone has her or his own upscale vehicle. 


As someone else pointed out, that doesn't mean her family supported her financially partially, wholly, or at all. Often such parents want their children to learn and earn their own way in the world, as 'it builds character.' 


This, to me, seems to be the kind of family LDR comes from. If I'm correct, to her, it may not seem 'wealthy,' but then 'wealthy' is a relative term. If I'm right, then, they're not 'wealthy' in the sense that the family still has to generate that wealth, as I said, and there may still be fallow years or periods, and a fair amount of debt. Not everyone who looks like they have money actually does. 'Keeping Up Appearances' of middle class respectability has been a major part of American life. 


As we know, in America, at least since the late 19th century, there's always been a certain class resentment towards income inequality.


Many artists and creative people consider those who have relative or outright wealth to be automatically corrupt or at least 'tainted.' Three examples: Carl Sandburg's first book of poems, 'Chicago Poems,' is all about how everyone who is wealthy must be some sort of a malicious, uncaring bastard; in their marriage in the 1970s, James Taylor, whose own father was a successful doctor, held it against wife Carly Simon for 'coming from money,' as her father was Richard Simon, creator and owner of Simon & Schuster Publishing; and Bob Dylan has been probably the premier 20th century musician who, early in his own career, promoted the idea that no one who came from money could be a genuine artist or 'creatively pure,' a view that came right out of Dylan's predecessors in the folk music world, Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger.  


So the accusations and suspicions that LDR 'comes from wealth' and is therefore incapable of being a genuine artist are only to be expected, they're part of a long tradition of class warfare in the country and especially in the arts. 

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Nope but I remember the Stevie collab disses  :delicious:


receipts PLS


someone brought their pikachu to a show and she thought it was a gift for her and took it and also called it spongebob 




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someone brought their pikachu to a show and she thought it was a gift for her and took it and also called it spongebob 




That's the greatest story. Something I am more likely to do.

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He is a stalker. To go to her church to see her and stand in front of one of her houses. He's nuts. I reported him to Ben and Lana already as others have. In case you want to do the same, this is his account https://www.instagram.com/dat1guitarguy/ The more people who warn Lana and Ben about him the better. Sean knows whats the deal which is why he threatened him and told him to leave Lana alone. Dat1guitarguy went on a daily rant about Sean. Every. Single. Day. If you said Lana looked cute with Sean or Barrie or Chase, Dat1guitarguy would block you for saying that. He truly believes he will marry Lana some day. :toofloppy:

He also refers to her newer group of friends as “white friends from Whole Foods” which I think is incredibly rude.

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Shes so cute LOL


but why bring ur pikachu if it wasnt for her

This is really, really cute. Look at her right hand. I guess she's holding the mike but the way her hand is bent forward she looks like a little kid, "I got my SpongeBob". :)

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someone brought their pikachu to a show and she thought it was a gift for her and took it and also called it spongebob 




reminds me of the time when someone held a 20 euro bank note in one hand and a CD to sign in the other but the only thing Lana grabbed was the money


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