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Do you think Marina watched Lana's video about mentioning certain alt girls and thought it was about her or do you think Marina dmed her about the entire situation to give her two cents and Lana wasn't having it? Either way I suppose it doesn't matter but it's still a shame how Lana is losing people who used to be close with her

This is how life works tbh. You can’t make everyone happy even your closest friends (if they even were them). 


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she said herself it would never happen hun :rip: + their voice and style are rlly different we'd end up with a dcma 2.0

one can dream lol

makes me sad cause they will always been the Queens of Tumblr to me, I mean they created that 2012-2014 Tumblr aesthetic

Edited by godsmonster



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marina's probably jealous because her ridiculous environmentalist tweets which shamed poor people never went viral and got her publicity unlike lana's rant

wait what tweets

the one about fast fashion?



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marina unfollowed lana on insta, once again proving my thoughts back before NFR that marina is fake af.

she spews that she is so woke about every topic

and it rubs me the wrong way tbh.

like the whole lil phone and the love + fear era of acting like she’s superior to those of us who can’t afford to live a certain lifestyle of being “good” to the planet with a tesla & taking the “time” for mental health ... like any of us can afford to do that.

I doubt marina and lana were ever actually friends. They probably just got together to feed the fans since everyone was begging them to.  Marina and Lana have completely different personalities, marinas super invested in being a good role model and being "woke" like u said. Lana as we know, doesn't care and takes no criticism. marina probably hated lana from the start.


Also can you explain the thing about love + fear and her acting superior? tbh i never had the motivation to listen to the whole thing


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one can dream lol

makes me sad cause they will always been the Queens of Tumblr to me, I mean they created that 2012-2014 Tumblr aesthetic


i miss this aesthetic. super nostalgic for me. am i the only one who lowkey wants it to come back just to enjoy it for a bit? lol

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why would Marina even feel targeted by what Lana said? i don't remember her speaking badly of Lana's music or choice of lyrics tbh. she's always done her own thang without caring

why would Marina even feel targeted by what Lana said? i don't remember her speaking badly of Lana's music or choice of lyrics tbh. she's always done her own thang without caring

Lol why u posting bout this so much

i like your ultra-violent swing :grinds:

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I feel like Lana and Marina had a falling out before this but still. She's very corny for unfollowing considering she's said a ton of stupid shit. Ugh I'm keeping tabs of who's acting foolish.

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Why do y'all care about if Azealia says something. I mean, it's Azealia

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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why would Marina even feel targeted by what Lana said? i don't remember her speaking badly of Lana's music or choice of lyrics tbh. she's always done her own thang without caring

Marina takes criticism personally

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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