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  On 5/31/2020 at 5:04 PM, ChaoticLipster said:

What does Lana have to do? Go shoot a cop or something? What do ya’ll expect from her? Just never satisfied.

Good that she posted things that implies she supports what's going on, is aware etc. But spoiler, people are allowed to be pissed that she posted people looting in a way that clearly allows you to see the location, their clothes, their shoes, their faces etc to her 16+ million followers. She's putting them in danger doing that. There's been so much conversation around how fucking dangerous that is for protestors. And this isn't paranoia- so, so many Ferguson protestors have been found dead under extremely suspicious circumstances. This is what we mean when we say ignorance isn't just an individual flaw. It's actively dangerous.

  On 5/31/2020 at 5:08 PM, Nightmare said:

screaming at this. 


i mean, let her go. she could've done better by posting donation links, other pics, not that video, of course!! but at least she DID something and showed up in the streets, while most of us are on our computers talking shit about her/others celebrities without even doing anything about the blm movement after all. so yeah, let her go!! just focus all your anger and energy to actually HELP, instead of trashing ppl online.


Speak for yourself lol

locals only

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i dont know it seems so hypocritical to think like that 

-posting : she cares

-not posting : she doesnt care

Like obviously protesting and donating are main ways of helping without having to be public about it. You can't tell me her post rn would bring more awareness to the situation that it already has. 

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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Look everything is a choice. Lana has been consistently been making very ignorant choices. Even here instead of showing videos of peaceful protests or violence and brute force by the police - of which there are countless examples online - she has posted 1. a video of a burnout cop car (which people speculate to have been a prop used to incite rage on the right), 2. a photo op of her friends posing at a protest where she has tagged them which reeks of privilege because black protesters are going to great lengths to reduce their digital footprint and protect their identity because they fear for their wellbeing AND 3. a video of people looting.


I do not wish to "cancel" her but she is giving many many valid reasons for people to criticise her.

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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  On 5/31/2020 at 5:11 PM, WilshireBoulevard said:

Speak for yourself lol

girl, let it go

come to my house let's die together, friendships that would last forever

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literally what did that post do to help the Black Lives Matter movement? seriously show me. because i just can't seem to find it. i'm genuinely asking. why are some of you sighing in relief? the post was useless and does more harm than good


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  On 5/31/2020 at 5:14 PM, daisy fresh witch said:

literally what did that post do to help the Black Lives Matter movement? seriously show me. because i just can't seem to find it. i'm genuinely asking. why are some of you sighing in relief? the post was useless and does more harm than good

Thank fucking you

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the ignorance... the problem is not that she posted THE PROBLEM is the fact she's posting videos of people online looting. she'd rather post that video casting protestors in a bad light than demonstrate to her fans (some of whom are either ignorant of the situation or not American and can benefit from hearing this) how to help the cause and bring in more donations for these important causes.


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I thought we would have peace.

In another social media I had to hear people making fun of the rioters...
it's a little crazy to post what people are doing, but there are a lot of people doing the same. We already know that she doesn't know the best way to express herself.

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