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what did it say, it got deleted


it was a tweet that said something like "my husband... (i forgot) #bluelivesmatter". it was tweeted by a random account that made themselves look like lana's twitter by using her pfp, her bio, and her name with a fake verification check


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It's interesting how Lana went from being accused by white supremacists of "brainwashing youth into multiculturalism and promoting race mixing" for her National Anthem video to actually being accused of being a white supremacist herself.

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Lana isn’t a racist. Don’t believe she ever was. A racist wouldn’t have ever made a music video with a black husband as president and mixed children. I believe generally shes a bit ignorant when it comes to politics, we see even from feminism she hasn’t much interest in it. Alot of artist minds live in their own bubble, especially so as we battle mental illness. I’m bipolar and have had really dark times, at those times did you think I was coherent enough to follow along with what was going on in the world? I couldnt. My mind wasnt really “there”. I didn’t feel real most of the time. I cared for people yes. I was also tired and lost. Going through suffocating depression and pain. To be able to be healthy enough now mentally and to be alot more present in the world than before feels like a blessing. No one knows whats truly in a n y o n e s hearts. People can say the most perfect things, act in the most perfect way, all for show, concealing their true self. Who knows what celebrities truly care and have empathy? Dont believe in everything you see.... but besides that, i truly feel that Lana does care and she isn’t racist. She just most likely isnt super educated on the topic. And thats okay, she can learn. Whats important is she has empathy and a good heart and good morals.


Instead of tearing apart people for what they dont know, teach them. Dont attack them and single them out, come together snd teach one another. Its easier to teach someone ignorant with a good heart about these issues than someone ignorant with an evil heart and terrible beliefs.

I agree 100%. For someone to blatantly call Lana a racist is rather ignorant and is out of line. I agree she’s very tone deaf and doesn’t understand that she’s privileged, but she’s not racist. I feel that she is an open liberal white woman who confuses her privilege with everyone else. She wants to belong and allow people to know she’s on their side, but that may come across as being insensitive to the people that actually do struggle. A racist is someone, defined from Webster, as someone who believes one race is superior than the other and discriminates or is prejudice. For Lana to be racist towards black people she would have definitely not wanted to share her art with Asap, Playboy Carti, or even extend the offer of performing at Kanye’s wedding simply for the fact that she would have not wanted a part of their own black culture influenced in her material.


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Lana and Kanye have similar personalities. This became more & more obvious over the past 12 months..I'm kinda surprised they haven't collaborated yet.

if u are comparing her attitude with someone that say slave was a good thing for the country u really need to study. Be stupid on Internet isnt cool.

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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Lana and Kanye have similar personalities. This became more & more obvious over the past 12 months..I'm kinda surprised they haven't collaborated yet.


Can't seem to find any similarities between the two  :popcorn:  Would you enlighten us?

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I agree 100%. For someone to blatantly call Lana a racist is rather ignorant and is out of line. I agree she’s very tone deaf and doesn’t understand that she’s privileged, but she’s not racist. I feel that she is an open liberal white woman who confuses her privilege with everyone else. She wants to belong and allow people to know she’s on their side, but that may come across as being insensitive to the people that actually do struggle. A racist is someone, defined from Webster, as someone who believes one race is superior than the other and discriminates or is prejudice. For Lana to be racist towards black people she would have definitely not wanted to share her art with Asap, Playboy Carti, or even extend the offer of performing at Kanye’s wedding simply for the fact that she would have not wanted a part of their own black culture influenced in her material.



Shoutout for including the 'is superior' part of the definition. 


A lot of whites conveniently ignore that essential part when trying to convince someone that saying 'I hate white people' is racist.




Except, I don't think saying 'but she loves black culture' is a valid point to show that someone is not racist

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I agree 100%. For someone to blatantly call Lana a racist is rather ignorant and is out of line. I agree she’s very tone deaf and doesn’t understand that she’s privileged, but she’s not racist. I feel that she is an open liberal white woman who confuses her privilege with everyone else. She wants to belong and allow people to know she’s on their side, but that may come across as being insensitive to the people that actually do struggle. A racist is someone, defined from Webster, as someone who believes one race is superior than the other and discriminates or is prejudice. For Lana to be racist towards black people she would have definitely not wanted to share her art with Asap, Playboy Carti, or even extend the offer of performing at Kanye’s wedding simply for the fact that she would have not wanted a part of their own black culture influenced in her material.


Can we stop using a racist as if it's one category and a noun? People can be racist without being "a racist" I've had loved ones... people I've trusted... friends.... be racist. And I am a black woman. It doesn't mean I automatically see them as a confederate flag waving bigots, but they have been racist and said/done racist things, and it can't be ignored and has to be called out. People think you have to have racist intentions to be racist. No. Even good people with good intentions can perpetuate racism and they must learn from those moments. It's not just overt hate that exists within the realm of racism we experience. You can be racist without being "a racist." And thus Lana absolutely can say something racist. It's called ignorance and it's still no excuse. Let's please stop acting like it only applies to one evil category of people. And also, having black friends or partaking in black culture doesn't free you from the cycle of racism. I'm not even sure what the context of this response was, but the one of steps toward combating racism is recognizing in all forms (small and large and within a one's ownself) and not feeling so damn uncomfortable about it! 

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Shoutout for including the 'is superior' part of the definition.


A lot of whites conveniently ignore that essential part when trying to convince someone that saying 'I hate white people' is racist.




Except, I don't think saying 'but she loves black culture' is a valid point to show that someone is not racist

arguably, her career was caputled by black culture. she’s said many times, abel posting her song on tumblr put her in mainstream media. i wish she was more vocal though.

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