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her question for the culture kinda painted a different picture


Yeah that's what I said. She always wanted to be treated seriously.

Old ass videos... she has on her new boots and her hair is blonde chile... and she’s wearing that cursed button up


this expression never fails to make me laugh out loud :lmao:

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the way this is most likely the title of a diss track and she's trolling/shading him by posting these old ass videos he probably took 


even though i wish this were true i really don't think it is, she looks happy as anything in that vid and tends to save her disses for songs, not posting stuff about exes on IG. tbh i always wondered if she unfollowed him etc just to get the stans and media off her back about their relationship.


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Old ass videos... she has on her new boots and her hair is blonde chile... and she’s wearing that cursed button up


Those aren't the same boots, and had the videos not been altered with those stupid vintage filters we could've seen her hair better and maybe put some perspective to those picture.


I reckon these are some old videos he took a while back and this whole thing is just her being typical troll Lanz. I honestly doubt she's back with him, although time will tell.

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when did sean get the car what if lana bought it what if its hers on paper and she’s being shady now while teasing the tulsa jesus freak diss track idk the details but we need something to go with


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When I woke up this morning and silently thought to myself "Aw I hope Lana posts smth today <3" the videos were not really what I wanted  :angie:

(she looks hot as fuck tho....that i WILL say i wanted)

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