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yk i dont see why you guys want her to speak up so bad


She dated a cop until very recently. She just got major backlash, was accused of being a racist

Now how would it look if she'd post a statement now?


Twitter would only tear her apart yet again, saying she's using the current situation to redeem herself, doing damage control etc - and in the end, shell be branded as an opportunist and noone will take whatever she wrote seriously. A statement would not help anyone.

She should just stay quiet for now and not post on Social Media for the next few weeks.

yeaah strategizing social media posts to appear not racist is not the point.  posting opportunistically, which is what happens if you dont actually care and are jus following a trend, in this case being a dire need for white people to say where they actually stand and what they will do about it during intersecting major global crises heavily involving the impact of violent white supremacy, is not the same as actually advocating for ending white supremacy.  Lana has ample means to actually DO something, even just posting a fundraiser that people will actually donate to just bc she posted.  the fact she doesnt sucks.

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First of all her management is a joke. They never cared about or opinions, they never utilized criticism, they always made us look like fools. I'm sick of their acts. Second of all this isn't about her you get that? Lastly some of yall really should stop kissing their shoes.

I genuinely wanna know what it's about. It's tricky having to check every single comment with repeat comments etc. Do you think you can tell me and others that might need to hear it? 


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Since they're all her "favorite fucking people", she should know that, no? She's literally only following Camilla and Ari tho so i wouldn't expect her to 


Omg I didn't realise out of all the singers she name dropped the only 2 she follows are the 2 non black ones she mentioned.. whether that means anything or not that does not make her look good here :rip:

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yeaah strategizing social media posts to appear not racist is not the point.  posting opportunistically, which is what happens if you dont actually care and are jus following a trend, in this case being a dire need for white people to say where they actually stand and what they will do about it during intersecting major global crises heavily involving the impact of violent white supremacy, is not the same as actually advocating for ending white supremacy.  Lana has ample means to actually DO something, even just posting a fundraiser that people will actually donate to just bc she posted.  the fact she doesnt sucks.

She doesn't have the means to do anything, no celebrities do. All their posts, statements, petitions and donations won't do anything in the long term, they never have before and are hollow empty gestures.


Main reason she should have done something is because she feels the need to which is waht other people are doing. It won't change a thing and in a few weeks or months it will be forgotten about for another couple of years.

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She doesn't have the means to do anything, no celebrities do. All their posts, statements, petitions and donations won't do anything in the long term, they never have before and are hollow empty gestures.


Main reason she should have done something is because she feels the need to which is waht other people are doing. It won't change a thing and in a few weeks or months it will be forgotten about for another couple of years.

it seems like time just manages to thin all that off yeah. Barry, but don't u think it'd still be at least some kind of good for her to? Like granted, it's not up to us, and of course we'd like more music bc she's talented at it. but. Do u think it'd count for anything, at least a little? 


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people that are saying things such as "you're not a true fan if you criticize her / don't stand by her / agree with her"

are clearly dumb. yes i can still lover her to death and stan her, yet i don't have to kiss her a*s. just to look loyal :)


there's an account on twitter, of a fan, whose first language isn't english. and lana follows her. she keeps on criticizing lana in her first language. and she even said that she wants her to say something. then she says in english that all of those who don't stick by lana in these times are fake stans? you know why ? because she aimes for lana to see the post and think of her as the loyal fan!!! PEOPLE LIKE THIS EXIST. they should have a life. because seeing the recent events, and how she unfollowed so many insta account fans that were with her from the very begining. it shows that she really doesn't much care about people she doesn't really know personally ( and it's the right thing to do ). that's what we should all do. like her/ other artists, but not, let what they think be our principles because we don't know them personally

"my rose garden dreams, set on fire by fiends"

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it is lol it was just for laughs but i have to admit i never rlly understood that part of the monologue when i was 14 :creep: America sucked then and it still does now

I think she references the idea of “America” in the 60s, when everyone thought the American dream was possible, and when they were the most influential country in the world, growing and becoming richer. We know it was far from perfect and that there were a lot of issues even back then and that it came at a price (by exploiting other countries), but the general feeling was it was a great time, a great period if you were privileged enough to profit from that expansion.

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not for nothing but lana has profited off of black art forms (namely trap) and the literal least she could do is at least post a link to donate to bail funds in MN. i am not surprised that she hasn't but it's so sad (and generally emblematic of white fragility) that her response to all the recent drama has been to be incredibly defensive and angry rather than acknowledging that there are valuable things to be learned from her incredibly ill-stated comments. 


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I genuinely wanna know what it's about. It's tricky having to check every single comment with repeat comments etc. Do you think you can tell me and others that might need to hear it? 

People are saying that she shouldn't post cause she'd receive backlash cause of last week's events. What me and others are saying is posting is the right thing to do and she should do it no matter what. This isn't about her, her backlash, it's about contributing to the good, spreading good intentions.

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People are saying that she shouldn't post cause she'd receive backlash cause of last week's events. What me and others are saying is posting is the right thing to do and she should do it no matter what. This isn't about her, her backlash, it's about contributing to the good, spreading good intentions.

I'm trying to organize a post so people can just read the main points, and try to update it when I can (others feel free to add). do u think I could add this to that?


edit: thread updates *feel free to add.


So. as a recap. can we just get the facts straight? 
- she name dropped bc she liked those artists. she comments trying to better elaborate what she meant. 
- secondary post. She's got control of her story. if the women she mentioned don't wanna b associated its fine by her. 
- it seems like Ariana may have reached out. Ariana still follows her on insta. did she ever follow her back? 
- Lana and FKA never followed each other. 
- twitter running.
- someone deactivated their insta account bc they got put off w Lana. 
- there was a group chat, with still no cohesive/full screenshots of the conversation. 
- she's allowed to express herself. there are women that feel like they don't have a place in feminism because they might be overpowered by stronger women. 
- not racist, she actually loves the artists, and was probably looking for support. 
- she just wants to express herself and not feel like she's being turned into someone who's hysterical for wanting to do so. 
- there's a difference between knowing who Lana is on a personal basis, and being a fan. of flippin course, but just to reiterate. 
So. for those reading the thread regarding the previous happenings/ updates. is there anything else to add? if anyone wants to quote me, can we keep it more factually based rather than surmising? i think it'd be good to just try and get everyone who wants to get up to speed, up to speed w/o having to glean thru the 50ish pages if they didn't want to. 
@mods, is there a pinned post feature? Ur free to get whatever u think's objectively useful from this post and compile it into another so we don't end up having to echo each other on facts if that's cool 
I'm just gonna start compiling info from other users rn. thanks to the people contributing
@ Pico Boulevard she unfollowed Win Edwards and Honeymoun on Insta. Weadorelana deactivated their account. I don't know anything about Hilary Duff so I'll just wait for confirmation, ty. 
Never followed Hilary Duff, but a fan account. @ Nobody quoting u on this
Zara Laarson:


Can we get like an updated consensus from the thread or something on what people's views are, compile a statement about it so we can discuss things better? 
@MODS would it be in your power to collect data/ answers for a survey etc. or something? 
maybe we can get the main points of both sides thru a vote, and then talk about those topics?
To get things straight. 
She's not perceived as racist, at least from this forum, but her post should've been worded better. 
She saw those women in a positive light. 
FKA pole, art. SZA. everyone's capable of being vulnerable. it's about the freedom of expressing what she mentioned in varying degrees.
we're currently talking about whether or not she should post.
if she does nothing, it'll make her look bad.
if she does, it'll still probably be perceived by others as looking bad but the act should shine through. 
one of her managers posted on instagram about injustice, MLK Jr. quote. (is that why people are discussing etc. about it here more now?)
is it anyone here's decision but hers to do so or not?
edit: currently looking for my other post on here, listing the happenings so we don't have to echo back n forth as much. if we can get dry facts, feel free to share them please, ty. edit: found. adding. 
currently: pg 573, 574.
from @ Kerem.
People are saying that she shouldn't post cause she'd receive backlash cause of last week's events. What me and others are saying is posting is the right thing to do and she should do it no matter what. This isn't about her, her backlash, it's about contributing to the good, spreading good intentions.


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it seems like time just manages to thin all that off yeah. Barry, but don't u think it'd still be at least some kind of good for her to? Like granted, it's not up to us, and of course we'd like more music bc she's talented at it. but. Do u think it'd count for anything, at least a little? 


I'd say no as I think the problem in America is they have too many guns, in every country poor communities fight amongst themselves usually the worst it's just fighting with little weapons like sticks, bats, knives and people are very rarely killed and as people get older they move on from it. In America the problems are like that x20 as they have guns and they kill each other all the time so the situation is far worse than most other countries, especially other "rich" countries, and the problems go on for a lot longer because so many people have been killed so it's much harder to progress from it.


Then it's a racism thing stemming back from slavery, poor people always commit crime in every country - people in prison are probably like 95%+ from the poor communities. In America almost all the black people started off in the poor communities as they didn't even have rights at one point and they were all thrown in together with no money or jobs. So when a whole race is treated like that they were set up to fail and be stuck in this cycle from the beginning. Every generation barely anyone makes it out of poverty in any country, black people have been and will be trapped at the bottom for decades and maybe even centuries to come.


The two problems that America need fixed are Poverty and Gun Control as thats what leads to the fear that causes the police to kill and arrest so many people, something like 2-3 people per day there are killed by Police that probably doesn't happen per month in the whole of Europe, they also have more prisoners than anyone.  It's a government problem and the government won't do anything about it because they set it up to be like that and for as long as it goes on Black people who make up a high % of the people on the very bottom will be stuck there and recieve the worst of the treatment.

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As people have already said, this isn't even about Lana for me. It's about acknowledging your platform and using your influence to encourage your followers to look into the situation and not just accept it or choose to opt-out. Racism isn't only an issue for PoC, but everyone, and simply having the choice to stay silent is a luxury. How would it feel to live in a supposedly free country where your brother, son, partner etc might go to the grocery store only to never return? How would it feel to know that because of something they were born with, they are not allowed to simply exist without having suspicion and accusation directed their way? And the ironic thing is, people are accepting of the culture they just aren't accepting of the people behind it which is the most painful part of all for me. It's like exoticism, enjoying the positives from afar but never being driven enough to go further in acknowledging the deep pain and struggles rooted in the fabric of this country that is the foundation of every part of the culture.

I respect Lana has her own issues to handle, but there comes a point when you have to demonstrate the kindness of your heart through your responses and not only your personal assertions.

I have to disagree that celebrities (and everyone for that matter) being vocal doesn't change anything or will be forgotten. This is exactly the kind of response that feeds suppression even though I know you're not intending to be dismissive.


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Did everyone calm down and understood that she's not obligated to post anything about what's happening?

She posted what she wanted about music and arts and received A LOT of backlash from stupid people who didn't understood her pov. I rather her to remain silent about this rn than say something and again have some idiots saying a lot of nonsense about/to her. God bless.


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