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oh yeah, i just hope it has a clear cover haha

12 minutes ago, White Dress said:

Maybe there’s a clear layer of thin plastic or something in the mask?? Or something of the sort? Bc I’m sure the place she’s doing the signing at wouldn’t allow her to wear something that could get people sick 

i bet youre right, everyone's jumping to conclusions about it not being safe.

s a y y e s t o h e a v e n :twirls:

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3 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

the ableism in this thread.. y'all rlly hate the deaf :/

LMAOOO yeah it’s all completely unjustified *cough cough*









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i know TM is trolling but like her ability to try to get dragged is just... why doesn’t she just wear this mask in her music video at this point and make it her trademark... 


nobody cared about gaga wearing weird mesh masks and a fish tank at the vmas but that was like a film or music video recording anyway but our girl will literally just wear it for her instagram live video (we’re going to ignore the selfie moment) where she’s at some remote place where she didn’t have to wear the mask most likely anyway?? to announce a ?social distanced book signing? or just signed book drop off when that entire thing was already trial and errored to success by taylor who mastered this entire signed stuff drop at indie stores without the usual mess lana involves herself in whenever she tries to do anything these past few months.


2020 is literally lana’s artpop era.


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Came back to say

  1. Lana is stupid for wearing a glitter mesh mask to make it look like she cares when she doesn’t
  2. I still believe she wasn’t wearing a mask underneath in that fan photo from before, and it feels like this is further proof
  3. Chuck is stupid for saying that Lana tested negative; it doesn’t matter at all, she can get infected at any second at that event (and I would add that she’s helping spreading the virus if she wasn’t negative)
  4. Ben is just as clueless as we are when it comes to the album. “Soon” in August and “soon” yesterday. I was going to say earlier today that he probably tells us soon to keep up calm but I was too lazy to type it here. So I do it now instead. Whenever we hear “soon” in the future, I will take it as “I dunno??”. We’ve heard it far too many times and, honestly, it’s frustrating to hope for something “soon” when it’s months away.
  5. Ed was probably right when he said the album wasn’t done; Lana still hasn’t decided on the final track list.
  6. I’m massively disappointed in Lana... again. For, what, the 5th time this year? More? Sometimes I wonder why I support her... it would certainly be easier not to if her music wasn’t that good.
  7. I hope she adds Dealer now that she’s heard fans ask about it. I don’t want another Yosemite, please.
  8. I’m disappointed
  9. And lowkey mad 
  10. peace out

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I really wish she'd stop flaunting those pointless mesh masks. If she wants to come out as a COVID denier then she should just wear a MAGA cap and get it over with instead of trolling. Also release COCC already *****.

Edited by Oshawott

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