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i've been so fucking mad the whole morning. i literally cried during my math class. everyone is CELEBRATING trump's triumph here.

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I've been crying all morning.


my fiance is sooooooo happy Trump won. His family is all over facebook soooooo stoked Trump won.


I want to slit my wrists.


I already want a divorce.


my therapy session this morning consisted of me and my therapist being extremely upset about this election.


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im so confused as to what you are talking about :rip: we had multiple issues on our ballot and many passed and some didn't. Voting no on solar energy because energy companies would then regulate solar panels and actually create a monopoly which im glad it didn't pass (Amendment 1) then Amendments 3 & 4 talked about tax exemptions for the elderly and firefighters, i voted no bc either everyone pays taxes or no one does, but those somehow passed....  and (A. 2)marijuana was the second one (which was bound to pass anyways) 


So i am not understanding your frustration of the (non existent) corelation between Trumps win and medical weed being legalized at state level

I don't see how you don't get it? More people in Florida voted in favor of weed than they did to prevent a bigoted rapist klansman from winning? 


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people literally took the time out of their day to go to the polls and write in Harambe for president. imagine having this privelege to joke around while other people are fearing deportation, gay marriage getting annulled, police force getting stronger while innocent african americans are getting killed, etc. truly tragic

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people literally took the time out of their day to go to the polls and write in Harambe for president. imagine have this privelege. the chance to joke around while other people are fearing deportation, gay marriage annulled, police force getting stronger while innocent african americans are getting killed, etc. truly tragic

people REALLY have their priorities straight

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I'd never thought this would happen guys. I'm so scared. Even though I live in California a naturally Democratic state,well the fact is that I'm terrified. Terrified that even though our state turned out blue people actually voted for him. Terrified for every minority in America. For everybody outside of the U.S. Hell, I don't even want to leave my house. I've seen signs in my neighborhood supporting trump. I don't want to walk home. I'm so close to having a breakdown and crying. I dearly hope they don't take away any laws that support miniorites. But the fact is that with the new administration turning full on Republican it's a serious issue. I'm terrified of what Pence will do espically with his plans for conversion therapy. I'm terrified for my community's right to marry. All I know is that I hope nothing truly bad will happen during these 4 years. Lastly, I want all of you guys to be safe as much as possible. We will all need each other during these long 4 years. Espically since trump has become president, the hatred in all of his voters has been amplified and is amplifying and with that, we need to be strong. The strongest we've ever been in our lives. Mainly beacause, since a man with so much hatred in power. Who actively instills this hatred we gave no idea what these people will be able to do to us. We need to be very careful. God Bless Y'all Be Safe! Have a wonderful day.


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I cried a little bit earlier. It's a horrible feeling when you want the best for your country and something undesirable happens, but hopefully Trump does a good job. It just sucks that I feel like my vote was useless, especially because I live in South Carolina :crai:

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I really can't help but roll my eyes at some of these comments. If you're an immigrant and you came to the US legally, why is there reason to worry? I think very little is going to change either way, but I am happy with the results, that's just me.

Also Go awf @azealia


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