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Lana Confessions

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I hated Lana at first cause in 2012 everyone was talking about her and I steered away from artists who I believed had unnecessary hype. I saw a picture of her taken by Nicole Nodland and she looked really fake and I hated it all (I was an emo teen and didn't like fake pop singers.)


Fast forward 3 years and Blue Velvet captured my interest and here I am!

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To be honest... I'm not sure if I like the cover art for Lust For Life. There's too much white surrounding the photo, but I love a smiling Lana. :)

Maybe I'll change my mind when I have the album in my hands.

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I hate her lyrical obsession with domestic violence/violent men. It's not a good look/messsae. I'm glad she's over (?) that stage (according to recent interviews) but yeah.

Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger.

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This is probably the most brutal confession about Lana. Fat shamers should take notes.



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  On 6/7/2017 at 3:11 PM, Lanareydelgrant said:

I hated her face during 2016 festival tour..now she looks better but I wish she could remove the fat she put into her face


I wish I could remove the ugly from this comment, but we can't always get what we want 


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  On 5/29/2017 at 12:37 PM, MahaMaha said:

Honeymoon would've become a fan favourite if it wasn't for the poor single choices and the horrible visuals. Salvatore should've been the first single with a gangsta type MV shot in a raunchy Casino.

For this era the visuals have really saved the songs and the concept of the album because it does help to shape the artistic world which the songs are happening in.


Being critical AF, if Honeymoon went Salvatore, HBTB and Freak in order of singles (with Honeymoon still as the promotional single) it would have been 3 times more epic. A high quality video for Salvatore and original footage for Freak would have done it. MTWBT music video could have never existed, sorry darling, it's just so Katy Perry. 

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  On 6/13/2017 at 5:53 AM, Cult Leader said:

Being critical AF, if Honeymoon went Salvatore, HBTB and Freak in order of singles (with Honeymoon still as the promotional single) it would have been 3 times more epic. A high quality video for Salvatore and original footage for Freak would have done it. MTWBT music video could have never existed, sorry darling, it's just so Katy Perry. 


do you really not like the use of recycled footage for Freak? Original would have been nice, but I think she used the recycled footage well. 

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  On 6/13/2017 at 6:00 AM, white gold said:

do you really not like the use of recycled footage for Freak? Original would have been nice, but I think she used the recycled footage well. 

I generally liked it, it was just all too slow for me to keep interested. After like 1 minute i was like 'R U serious...' but no im glad FJM got to be in my fave lana song, so that was a plus.

I just wish it went as planned for the UV video instead

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Even though the forum divides itself between those who want LIB and those who don't, I really do love what we've heard from the track, and trying to dislike the movie it was supposed to be part of the score with didn't really work all that well. 

It's a beautiful film, and even if they've stored the track who knows where and for whatever reason, LIB, it's simply magical. I do hold out hope towards listening to it in full one day. 


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I think I've begun to look for clothes that's similar to what Lana wore during the UV era. I think all the UV photos by Neil Krug and from photoshoots for magazines are printed in my mind. I love everything she wore. *-*

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I love Lana because she looks glamorous and plastic and perfect and those are things I've always wanted to be. 


So when UV era came around at first I was slightly upset (not at her, of course) because she was dressing more grungy, like me, but then I realized how fucking hot she was 


But ever since Honeymoon 65%+ of her attire has been homely and I'm just like why girl you have so much money and time you could be majestic every day while I'm stuck here wearing patent leather and stained lab coats with not enough money to fixed my fucked up face

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I'm so sick of the fans who are coming for us fans who don't like the new songs. One fan even wrote "you better die, bitch" in the comments of one of my posts on IG. Fans like that are so off-putting and they honestly make me dislike this era even more because they lash out at us every chance they get while they shat all over Honeymoon.

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